Module polarityindex

=============================================================================== SFPPy: Approximate Correlation Between Polarity Index (P') and logP =============================================================================== Objective: Build a qualitative correlation between an approximate "polarity index" (P') and logP (octanol-water partition coefficient) values. This script demonstrates how to:

1) Fit a *quadratic* model using a small, "tuned" dataset that covers a
   range of polarities from n-Hexane to Water.
2) Validate it (roughly) with an extended dataset of ~35 solvents.
3) Provide a function to invert the model and estimate P' from logP values,
   for classification or for ranking in subsequent Henry-like or partition
   coefficient models in SFPPy.

Disclaimer: - This correlation is qualitative and based on an intentionally small dataset, hand-tuned for a few representative solvents (non-polar to very polar). - Do not expect high accuracy. The goal is to produce a rough scale (P') that loosely tracks how "polar" or "non-polar" a compound might be. - The script demonstrates the approach rather than guaranteeing a universal model.

References & Data: - Data for Polarity Index (P') adapted from various solvent polarity tables: LSU Macromolecular Resources, HPLC Solvent Guides, and additional web resources. - logP values drawn from typical reference tables (PubChem, various compiled datasheets).

Motivation: We wish to provide a "fast" way to guess an ordering of polarity from logP, which is widely available for many chemicals (e.g., in PubChem). P' is then used within SFPPy to set or guess Henry-like coefficients or Flory–Huggins parameters in patankar.layer and modules.

Created on Fri Feb 28 12:01:56 2025 @author: olivi (community)

Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SFPPy: Approximate Correlation Between Polarity Index (P') and logP
    Build a *qualitative* correlation between an approximate "polarity index"
    (P') and logP (octanol-water partition coefficient) values. This script
    demonstrates how to:

    1) Fit a *quadratic* model using a small, "tuned" dataset that covers a
       range of polarities from n-Hexane to Water.
    2) Validate it (roughly) with an extended dataset of ~35 solvents.
    3) Provide a function to invert the model and estimate P' from logP values,
       for classification or for ranking in subsequent Henry-like or partition
       coefficient models in SFPPy.

    - This correlation is *qualitative* and based on an intentionally *small*
      dataset, hand-tuned for a few representative solvents (non-polar to very
    - Do **not** expect high accuracy. The goal is to produce a rough scale (P')
      that loosely tracks how "polar" or "non-polar" a compound might be.
    - The script demonstrates the approach rather than guaranteeing a universal

**References & Data**:
    - Data for Polarity Index (P') adapted from various solvent polarity tables:
      LSU Macromolecular Resources, HPLC Solvent Guides, and additional web
    - logP values drawn from typical reference tables (PubChem, various
      compiled datasheets).

    We wish to provide a "fast" way to guess an ordering of polarity from logP,
    which is widely available for many chemicals (e.g., in PubChem). P' is then
    used within SFPPy to set or guess Henry-like coefficients or Flory–Huggins
    parameters in patankar.layer and modules.

Created on Fri Feb 28 12:01:56 2025
@author: olivi (community)

# %% Import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# %% Tuned Reference Dataset
This small set of 8 solvents is carefully chosen to span from n-Hexane (non-polar)
to Water (very polar). Polarity Index (P') values are lightly 'tweaked' to get a
smooth progression. The logP values come from known literature data.

solvents = [
    "Water", "Methanol", "Ethanol", "Acetone", "Acetonitrile",
    "Dichloromethane", "Toluene", "n-Hexane"

# Polarity Index (P') with minor manual adjustments (denoted +)
polarity_index = [10.2,          # Water
                  5.1+3,         # Methanol (5.1 + 3 = 8.1)
                  4.3+0.7,       # Ethanol (4.3 + 0.7 = 5.0)
                  5.1+0.5,       # Acetone (5.1 + 0.5 = 5.6)
                  5.8+1,         # Acetonitrile (5.8 + 1 = 6.8)
                  3.1,           # Dichloromethane
                  2.4,           # Toluene
                  0.0            # n-Hexane

# logP reference data
logP_values = [-1.38,  # Water
               -0.77,  # Methanol
               -0.24,  # Ethanol
               -0.21,  # Acetone
               -0.22,  # Acetonitrile
                1.25,  # Dichloromethane
                2.73,  # Toluene
                3.90   # n-Hexane

# %% Extended Dataset for Validation
This larger set (~35 solvents) is used to see if the small dataset's fit
extends (qualitatively) to other solvents. We exclude the ones already in
the small set to avoid double-counting.

ext_solvents = [
    "Pentane", "1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane", "Cyclopentane", "Heptane", "Hexane",
    "Iso-Octane", "Petroleum Ether", "Cyclohexane", "n-Butyl Chloride", "Toluene",
    "Methyl t-Butyl Ether", "o-Xylene", "Chlorobenzene", "o-Dichlorobenzene", "Ethyl Ether",
    "Dichloromethane", "Ethylene Dichloride", "n-Butyl Alcohol", "Isopropyl Alcohol",
    "n-Butyl Acetate", "Isobutyl Alcohol", "Methyl Isoamyl Ketone", "n-Propyl Alcohol",
    "Tetrahydrofuran", "Chloroform", "Methyl Isobutyl Ketone", "Ethyl Acetate",
    "Methyl n-Propyl Ketone", "Methyl Ethyl Ketone", "1,4-Dioxane", "Acetone", "Methanol",
    "Pyridine", "2-Methoxyethanol", "Acetonitrile", "Propylene Carbonate", "N,N-Dimethylformamide",
    "Dimethyl Acetamide", "N-Methylpyrrolidone", "Dimethyl Sulfoxide", "Water"

ext_polarity_index = [
    0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 1.0, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.7, 2.7, 2.8,
    3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 3.9, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8,
    5.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.8, 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 7.2, 10.2

ext_logP_values = [
    3.39, 4.30, 3.20, 4.66, 3.90, 4.50, 3.50, 3.44, 2.70, 2.73, 1.20, 3.12, 2.84, 3.38, 0.83,
    1.25, 1.48, 0.88, 0.05, 1.82, 0.79, 1.98, 0.25, 0.46, 1.97, 1.31, 0.73, 1.50, 0.29, -0.27,
    -0.24, -0.77, 0.65, -0.77, -0.22, -0.41, -1.01, -0.77, -0.38, -1.35, -1.38

# Filter out solvents that appear in the tuned dataset
validation_solvents = []
validation_polarity_index = []
validation_logP_values = []

for i, solvent in enumerate(ext_solvents):
    if solvent not in solvents:

# Create DataFrames for easy inspection
df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Solvent": solvents,
    "Polarity Index (P')": polarity_index,
    "logP": logP_values
}).sort_values(by="Polarity Index (P')", ascending=True)

df_validation = pd.DataFrame({
    "Solvent": validation_solvents,
    "Polarity Index (P')": validation_polarity_index,
    "logP": validation_logP_values
}).sort_values(by="Polarity Index (P')", ascending=True)

# %% Quick Visualization of the Tuned Data
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.scatter(polarity_index, logP_values, color='blue', label="Reference Data (Tuned)")
for i, solvent in enumerate(solvents):
    plt.annotate(solvent, (polarity_index[i], logP_values[i]),
                 fontsize=9, xytext=(5,5), textcoords='offset points')

plt.xlabel("Polarity Index (P')")
plt.title("Polarity Index (P') vs. logP (Tuned Dataset)")
plt.axhline(0, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.8)  # Zero line for logP
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)

# %% Fit a Quadratic Model
We assume a model:

    logP = a * (P')^2 + b * P' + c

We'll use np.polyfit() with degree=2. Then we compare it with
the extended validation set.
coefficients = np.polyfit(polarity_index, logP_values, 2)
quadratic_model = np.poly1d(coefficients)

# For plotting a smooth curve:
x_range = np.linspace(min(polarity_index), max(polarity_index), 100)
y_fitted = quadratic_model(x_range)
quad_eq_str = (f"logP ≈ {coefficients[0]:.4f} * (P')² "
               f"+ {coefficients[1]:.4f} * (P') "
               f"+ {coefficients[2]:.4f}")

print("Fitted coefficients (a, b, c):", coefficients)
print("Quadratic equation =>", quad_eq_str)

# %% Compare with Extended Validation Dataset
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))

# Plot the tuned set
plt.scatter(polarity_index, logP_values, color='Crimson', label="Tuned (8 solvents)")
for i, solvent in enumerate(solvents):
    plt.annotate(solvent, (polarity_index[i], logP_values[i]),
                 fontsize=8, xytext=(5,5), textcoords='offset points')

# Plot the validation set
plt.scatter(validation_polarity_index, validation_logP_values,
            color='DeepSkyBlue', label="Validation (~35 solvents)")
for i, solvent in enumerate(validation_solvents):
    plt.annotate(solvent, (validation_polarity_index[i], validation_logP_values[i]),
                 fontsize=6, xytext=(5,5), textcoords='offset points')

# Plot the fitted curve
plt.plot(x_range, y_fitted, color='Crimson', linestyle='--', label="Quadratic Fit")

plt.xlabel("Polarity Index (P')")
plt.title("Polarity Index (P') vs. logP\nQuadratic Model Fit & Validation")
plt.axhline(0, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.8)
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)

# %% Final implementation
import numpy as np

def polarity_index_from_logP(logP,
    Computes the polarity index (P') from a given logP value
    as the positive root of the quadratic fitted equation:

        logP = A * (P')² + B * P' + C
        P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - logP))) / (2A)

    logP : float, list, or np.ndarray
        The logP value(s) for which to compute the polarity index P'.

    float or np.ndarray
        The calculated polarity index P' corresponding to the input logP.
        If logP is out of the valid range, returns:
        - 10.2 for very polar solvents (beyond water)
        - 0 for extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane)

    Example Usage:
    >>> polarity_index_from_logP(-0.5)
    8.34  # Example output

    >>> polarity_index_from_logP([-1.0, 0.5, 2.0])
    array([9.2, 4.5, 1.8])  # Example outputs

    # Define valid logP range based on quadratic model limits
    logPmin = C - B**2 / (4*A)  # ≈ -1.334 (theoretical minimum logP)
    logPmax = C                  # 4.086 (theoretical maximum logP)
    Pmax = 10.2 # value for water

    def compute_P(logP_value):
        """Computes P' for a single logP value after input validation."""
        if logP_value < logPmin:
            return Pmax  # Most polar (beyond water)
        if logP_value > logPmax:
            return 0.0  # Most hydrophobic (beyond n-Hexane)

        discriminant = B**2 - 4*A*(C - logP_value)
        sqrt_discriminant = np.sqrt(discriminant)
        P2root = (-B - sqrt_discriminant) / (2*A)  # Always select P2
        return P2root if P2root<=Pmax else Pmax

    # Handle both single and multiple values efficiently
    if isinstance(logP, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        return np.vectorize(compute_P)(logP)  # Vectorized for multiple inputs
        return compute_P(logP)

# %% Demonstration
print("\n=== Demonstration of polarity_index_from_logP ===")
demo_values = [-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 5.0]
results = polarity_index_from_logP(demo_values)
for lv, r in zip(demo_values, results):
    print(f"logP={lv:>5.2f} => P'={r:>5.2f}")

# %% Final Plot - Extended
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.scatter(ext_polarity_index, ext_logP_values, color='Teal', label="Extended Solvents")
for i, solvent in enumerate(ext_solvents):
    plt.annotate(solvent, (ext_polarity_index[i], ext_logP_values[i]),
                 fontsize=7, xytext=(5,5), textcoords='offset points')

logP_range = np.linspace(-4, 6, 1000)
p_estimated = polarity_index_from_logP(logP_range)
plt.plot(p_estimated, logP_range, color='Crimson', linestyle='-.',
         label="Inverse Quadratic Model (P'(logP))")

plt.xlabel("Polarity Index (P')")
plt.title("Approximate Mapping: P' <-> logP (Extended View)")
plt.axhline(0, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.8)
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)

Summary & Notes:
1) We fitted a simple quadratic (logP ~ a(P')² + bP' + c) to a small set
   of 8 solvents. The shape is roughly correct for a wide range of polarities.

2) The extended dataset (~35 solvents) is used for a rough *visual* validation.
   There's no guarantee of accuracy, especially for more exotic or borderline

3) The final function `polarity_index_from_logP()` is the main deliverable.
   - It clamps P' between 0.0 (extremely non-polar) and 10.2 (extremely polar).
   - Perfect for a quick rank-based approach or a first-guess at how "polar"
     an unknown solvent might be relative to water, methanol, or hexane.

4) Additional disclaimers:
   - The model is purely *empirical*.
   - Use at your own risk for approximate classification or quick bounding.


Global variables

var logP_values

This larger set (~35 solvents) is used to see if the small dataset's fit extends (qualitatively) to other solvents. We exclude the ones already in the small set to avoid double-counting.


def polarity_index_from_logP(logP, A=0.04426556625879231, B=-0.9796466111259537, C=4.086222276379432)

Computes the polarity index (P') from a given logP value as the positive root of the quadratic fitted equation:

logP = A * (P')² + B * P' + C
P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - logP))) / (2A)


logP : float, list, or np.ndarray The logP value(s) for which to compute the polarity index P'.


float or np.ndarray The calculated polarity index P' corresponding to the input logP. If logP is out of the valid range, returns: - 10.2 for very polar solvents (beyond water) - 0 for extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane)

Example Usage:

>>> polarity_index_from_logP(-0.5)
8.34  # Example output
>>> polarity_index_from_logP([-1.0, 0.5, 2.0])
array([9.2, 4.5, 1.8])  # Example outputs
Expand source code
def polarity_index_from_logP(logP,
    Computes the polarity index (P') from a given logP value
    as the positive root of the quadratic fitted equation:

        logP = A * (P')² + B * P' + C
        P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - logP))) / (2A)

    logP : float, list, or np.ndarray
        The logP value(s) for which to compute the polarity index P'.

    float or np.ndarray
        The calculated polarity index P' corresponding to the input logP.
        If logP is out of the valid range, returns:
        - 10.2 for very polar solvents (beyond water)
        - 0 for extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane)

    Example Usage:
    >>> polarity_index_from_logP(-0.5)
    8.34  # Example output

    >>> polarity_index_from_logP([-1.0, 0.5, 2.0])
    array([9.2, 4.5, 1.8])  # Example outputs

    # Define valid logP range based on quadratic model limits
    logPmin = C - B**2 / (4*A)  # ≈ -1.334 (theoretical minimum logP)
    logPmax = C                  # 4.086 (theoretical maximum logP)
    Pmax = 10.2 # value for water

    def compute_P(logP_value):
        """Computes P' for a single logP value after input validation."""
        if logP_value < logPmin:
            return Pmax  # Most polar (beyond water)
        if logP_value > logPmax:
            return 0.0  # Most hydrophobic (beyond n-Hexane)

        discriminant = B**2 - 4*A*(C - logP_value)
        sqrt_discriminant = np.sqrt(discriminant)
        P2root = (-B - sqrt_discriminant) / (2*A)  # Always select P2
        return P2root if P2root<=Pmax else Pmax

    # Handle both single and multiple values efficiently
    if isinstance(logP, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        return np.vectorize(compute_P)(logP)  # Vectorized for multiple inputs
        return compute_P(logP)