# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python interface for the PubChem PUG REST service.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
import functools
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
#import binascii # not used fixed by Olivier Vitrac
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import quote, urlopen, HTTPError
from itertools import zip_longest
except ImportError:
from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
__all__ = ['Assay', 'Atom', 'BadRequestError', 'Bond', 'BondType', 'Compound', 'CompoundIdType', 'CoordinateType', 'MethodNotAllowedError', 'NotFoundError', 'ProjectCategory', 'PubChemHTTPError', 'PubChemPyDeprecationWarning', 'PubChemPyError', 'ResponseParseError', 'ServerError', 'Substance', 'TimeoutError', 'UnimplementedError', 'compounds_to_frame', 'deprecated', 'download', 'get', 'get_aids', 'get_all_sources', 'get_assays', 'get_cids', 'get_compounds', 'get_json', 'get_properties', 'get_sdf', 'get_sids', 'get_substances', 'get_synonyms', 'memoized_property', 'request', 'substances_to_frame']
__author__ = 'Matt Swain (small fixes: Olivier Vitrac)'
__email__ = 'm.swain@me.com, olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr'
__version__ = '1.0.4'
__license__ = 'MIT'
API_BASE = 'https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug'
log = logging.getLogger('pubchempy')
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
text_types = str, bytes
text_types = basestring # Python 2 only (normal you seen an error in Python 3) - Olivier Vitrac
class CompoundIdType(object):
#: Original Deposited Compound
#: Standardized Form of the Deposited Compound
#: Component of the Standardized Form
#: Neutralized Form of the Standardized Form
#: Deposited Mixture Component
#: Alternate Tautomer Form of the Standardized Form
#: Ionized pKa Form of the Standardized Form
#: Unspecified or Unknown Compound Type
class BondType(object):
class CoordinateType(object):
TWO_D = 1
class ProjectCategory(object):
OTHER = 255
1: 'H',
2: 'He',
3: 'Li',
4: 'Be',
5: 'B',
6: 'C',
7: 'N',
8: 'O',
9: 'F',
10: 'Ne',
11: 'Na',
12: 'Mg',
13: 'Al',
14: 'Si',
15: 'P',
16: 'S',
17: 'Cl',
18: 'Ar',
19: 'K',
20: 'Ca',
21: 'Sc',
22: 'Ti',
23: 'V',
24: 'Cr',
25: 'Mn',
26: 'Fe',
27: 'Co',
28: 'Ni',
29: 'Cu',
30: 'Zn',
31: 'Ga',
32: 'Ge',
33: 'As',
34: 'Se',
35: 'Br',
36: 'Kr',
37: 'Rb',
38: 'Sr',
39: 'Y',
40: 'Zr',
41: 'Nb',
42: 'Mo',
43: 'Tc',
44: 'Ru',
45: 'Rh',
46: 'Pd',
47: 'Ag',
48: 'Cd',
49: 'In',
50: 'Sn',
51: 'Sb',
52: 'Te',
53: 'I',
54: 'Xe',
55: 'Cs',
56: 'Ba',
57: 'La',
58: 'Ce',
59: 'Pr',
60: 'Nd',
61: 'Pm',
62: 'Sm',
63: 'Eu',
64: 'Gd',
65: 'Tb',
66: 'Dy',
67: 'Ho',
68: 'Er',
69: 'Tm',
70: 'Yb',
71: 'Lu',
72: 'Hf',
73: 'Ta',
74: 'W',
75: 'Re',
76: 'Os',
77: 'Ir',
78: 'Pt',
79: 'Au',
80: 'Hg',
81: 'Tl',
82: 'Pb',
83: 'Bi',
84: 'Po',
85: 'At',
86: 'Rn',
87: 'Fr',
88: 'Ra',
89: 'Ac',
90: 'Th',
91: 'Pa',
92: 'U',
93: 'Np',
94: 'Pu',
95: 'Am',
96: 'Cm',
97: 'Bk',
98: 'Cf',
99: 'Es',
100: 'Fm',
101: 'Md',
102: 'No',
103: 'Lr',
104: 'Rf',
105: 'Db',
106: 'Sg',
107: 'Bh',
108: 'Hs',
109: 'Mt',
110: 'Ds',
111: 'Rg',
112: 'Cp',
113: 'ut',
114: 'uq',
115: 'up',
116: 'uh',
117: 'us',
118: 'uo',
def request(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', operation=None, output='JSON', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
Construct API request from parameters and return the response.
Full specification at http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pug_rest/PUG_REST.html
if not identifier:
raise ValueError('identifier/cid cannot be None')
# If identifier is a list, join with commas into string
if isinstance(identifier, int):
identifier = str(identifier)
if not isinstance(identifier, text_types):
identifier = ','.join(str(x) for x in identifier)
# Filter None values from kwargs
kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None)
# Build API URL
urlid, postdata = None, None
if namespace == 'sourceid':
identifier = identifier.replace('/', '.')
if namespace in ['listkey', 'formula', 'sourceid'] \
or searchtype == 'xref' \
or (searchtype and namespace == 'cid') or domain == 'sources':
urlid = quote(identifier.encode('utf8'))
postdata = urlencode([(namespace, identifier)]).encode('utf8')
comps = filter(None, [API_BASE, domain, searchtype, namespace, urlid, operation, output])
apiurl = '/'.join(comps)
if kwargs:
apiurl += '?%s' % urlencode(kwargs)
# Make request
log.debug('Request URL: %s', apiurl)
log.debug('Request data: %s', postdata)
response = urlopen(apiurl, postdata)
return response
except HTTPError as e:
raise PubChemHTTPError(e)
def get(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', operation=None, output='JSON', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
"""Request wrapper that automatically handles async requests."""
if (searchtype and searchtype != 'xref') or namespace in ['formula']:
response = request(identifier, namespace, domain, None, 'JSON', searchtype, **kwargs).read()
status = json.loads(response.decode())
if 'Waiting' in status and 'ListKey' in status['Waiting']:
identifier = status['Waiting']['ListKey']
namespace = 'listkey'
while 'Waiting' in status and 'ListKey' in status['Waiting']:
response = request(identifier, namespace, domain, operation, 'JSON', **kwargs).read()
status = json.loads(response.decode())
if not output == 'JSON':
response = request(identifier, namespace, domain, operation, output, searchtype, **kwargs).read()
response = request(identifier, namespace, domain, operation, output, searchtype, **kwargs).read()
return response
def get_json(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', operation=None, searchtype=None, **kwargs):
"""Request wrapper that automatically parses JSON response and supresses NotFoundError."""
return json.loads(get(identifier, namespace, domain, operation, 'JSON', searchtype, **kwargs).decode())
except NotFoundError as e:
return None
def get_sdf(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound',operation=None, searchtype=None, **kwargs):
"""Request wrapper that automatically parses SDF response and supresses NotFoundError."""
return get(identifier, namespace, domain, operation, 'SDF', searchtype, **kwargs).decode()
except NotFoundError as e:
return None
def get_compounds(identifier, namespace='cid', searchtype=None, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified compound records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The compound identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of cid, name, smiles, sdf, inchi, inchikey or formula.
:param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` properties into a pandas
:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` and return that.
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
compounds = [Compound(r) for r in results['PC_Compounds']] if results else []
if as_dataframe:
return compounds_to_frame(compounds)
return compounds
def get_substances(identifier, namespace='sid', as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified substance records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The substance identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of sid, name or sourceid/<source name>.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` properties into a pandas
:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` and return that.
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, 'substance', **kwargs)
substances = [Substance(r) for r in results['PC_Substances']] if results else []
if as_dataframe:
return substances_to_frame(substances)
return substances
def get_assays(identifier, namespace='aid', **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified assay records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The assay identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type.
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, 'assay', 'description', **kwargs)
return [Assay(r) for r in results['PC_AssayContainer']] if results else []
# Allows properties to optionally be specified as underscore_separated, consistent with Compound attributes
'molecular_formula': 'MolecularFormula',
'molecular_weight': 'MolecularWeight',
'canonical_smiles': 'CanonicalSMILES',
'isomeric_smiles': 'IsomericSMILES',
'inchi': 'InChI',
'inchikey': 'InChIKey',
'iupac_name': 'IUPACName',
'xlogp': 'XLogP',
'exact_mass': 'ExactMass',
'monoisotopic_mass': 'MonoisotopicMass',
'tpsa': 'TPSA',
'complexity': 'Complexity',
'charge': 'Charge',
'h_bond_donor_count': 'HBondDonorCount',
'h_bond_acceptor_count': 'HBondAcceptorCount',
'rotatable_bond_count': 'RotatableBondCount',
'heavy_atom_count': 'HeavyAtomCount',
'isotope_atom_count': 'IsotopeAtomCount',
'atom_stereo_count': 'AtomStereoCount',
'defined_atom_stereo_count': 'DefinedAtomStereoCount',
'undefined_atom_stereo_count': 'UndefinedAtomStereoCount',
'bond_stereo_count': 'BondStereoCount',
'defined_bond_stereo_count': 'DefinedBondStereoCount',
'undefined_bond_stereo_count': 'UndefinedBondStereoCount',
'covalent_unit_count': 'CovalentUnitCount',
'volume_3d': 'Volume3D',
'conformer_rmsd_3d': 'ConformerModelRMSD3D',
'conformer_model_rmsd_3d': 'ConformerModelRMSD3D',
'x_steric_quadrupole_3d': 'XStericQuadrupole3D',
'y_steric_quadrupole_3d': 'YStericQuadrupole3D',
'z_steric_quadrupole_3d': 'ZStericQuadrupole3D',
'feature_count_3d': 'FeatureCount3D',
'feature_acceptor_count_3d': 'FeatureAcceptorCount3D',
'feature_donor_count_3d': 'FeatureDonorCount3D',
'feature_anion_count_3d': 'FeatureAnionCount3D',
'feature_cation_count_3d': 'FeatureCationCount3D',
'feature_ring_count_3d': 'FeatureRingCount3D',
'feature_hydrophobe_count_3d': 'FeatureHydrophobeCount3D',
'effective_rotor_count_3d': 'EffectiveRotorCount3D',
'conformer_count_3d': 'ConformerCount3D',
def get_properties(properties, identifier, namespace='cid', searchtype=None, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified properties from PubChem.
:param identifier: The compound, substance or assay identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type.
:param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the properties into a pandas :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`.
if isinstance(properties, text_types):
properties = properties.split(',')
properties = ','.join([PROPERTY_MAP.get(p, p) for p in properties])
properties = 'property/%s' % properties
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, 'compound', properties, searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
results = results['PropertyTable']['Properties'] if results else []
if as_dataframe:
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(results, index='CID')
return results
def get_synonyms(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, domain, 'synonyms', searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
return results['InformationList']['Information'] if results else []
def get_cids(identifier, namespace='name', domain='compound', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, domain, 'cids', searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
if not results:
return []
elif 'IdentifierList' in results:
return results['IdentifierList']['CID']
elif 'InformationList' in results:
return results['InformationList']['Information']
def get_sids(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, domain, 'sids', searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
if not results:
return []
elif 'IdentifierList' in results:
return results['IdentifierList']['SID']
elif 'InformationList' in results:
return results['InformationList']['Information']
def get_aids(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, domain, 'aids', searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
if not results:
return []
elif 'IdentifierList' in results:
return results['IdentifierList']['AID']
elif 'InformationList' in results:
return results['InformationList']['Information']
def get_all_sources(domain='substance'):
"""Return a list of all current depositors of substances or assays."""
results = json.loads(get(domain, None, 'sources').decode())
return results['InformationList']['SourceName']
def download(outformat, path, identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', operation=None, searchtype=None,
overwrite=False, **kwargs):
"""Format can be XML, ASNT/B, JSON, SDF, CSV, PNG, TXT."""
response = get(identifier, namespace, domain, operation, outformat, searchtype, **kwargs)
if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(path):
raise IOError("%s already exists. Use 'overwrite=True' to overwrite it." % path)
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
def memoized_property(fget):
"""Decorator to create memoized properties.
Used to cache :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` and :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` properties that require an additional
attr_name = '_{0}'.format(fget.__name__)
def fget_memoized(self):
if not hasattr(self, attr_name):
setattr(self, attr_name, fget(self))
return getattr(self, attr_name)
return property(fget_memoized)
def deprecated(message=None):
"""Decorator to mark functions as deprecated. A warning will be emitted when the function is used."""
def deco(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
message or 'Call to deprecated function {}'.format(func.__name__),
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return deco
class Atom(object):
"""Class to represent an atom in a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound`."""
def __init__(self, aid, number, x=None, y=None, z=None, charge=0):
"""Initialize with an atom ID, atomic number, coordinates and optional change.
:param int aid: Atom ID
:param int number: Atomic number
:param float x: X coordinate.
:param float y: Y coordinate.
:param float z: (optional) Z coordinate.
:param int charge: (optional) Formal charge on atom.
self.aid = aid
"""The atom ID within the owning Compound."""
self.number = number
"""The atomic number for this atom."""
self.x = x
"""The x coordinate for this atom."""
self.y = y
"""The y coordinate for this atom."""
self.z = z
"""The z coordinate for this atom. Will be ``None`` in 2D Compound records."""
self.charge = charge
"""The formal charge on this atom."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Atom(%s, %s)' % (self.aid, self.element)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.aid == other.aid and self.element == other.element and
self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z and self.charge == other.charge)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __getitem__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style access to attributes to ease transition from when atoms were dicts."""
if prop in {'element', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'charge'}:
return getattr(self, prop)
raise KeyError(prop)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __setitem__(self, prop, val):
"""Allow dict-style setting of attributes to ease transition from when atoms were dicts."""
setattr(self, prop, val)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __contains__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style checking of attributes to ease transition from when atoms were dicts."""
if prop in {'element', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'charge'}:
return getattr(self, prop) is not None
return False
def element(self):
"""The element symbol for this atom."""
return ELEMENTS.get(self.number, None)
def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing Atom data."""
data = {'aid': self.aid, 'number': self.number, 'element': self.element}
for coord in {'x', 'y', 'z'}:
if getattr(self, coord) is not None:
data[coord] = getattr(self, coord)
if self.charge != 0: # self.charge is not 0: (fixed Olivier Vitrac)
data['charge'] = self.charge
return data
def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z=None):
"""Set all coordinate dimensions at once."""
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def coordinate_type(self):
"""Whether this atom has 2D or 3D coordinates."""
return '2d' if self.z is None else '3d'
class Bond(object):
"""Class to represent a bond between two atoms in a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound`."""
def __init__(self, aid1, aid2, order=BondType.SINGLE, style=None):
"""Initialize with begin and end atom IDs, bond order and bond style.
:param int aid1: Begin atom ID.
:param int aid2: End atom ID.
:param int order: Bond order.
self.aid1 = aid1
"""ID of the begin atom of this bond."""
self.aid2 = aid2
"""ID of the end atom of this bond."""
self.order = order
"""Bond order."""
self.style = style
"""Bond style annotation."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Bond(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.aid1, self.aid2, self.order)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.aid1 == other.aid1 and self.aid2 == other.aid2 and
self.order == other.order and self.style == other.style)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Bond attributes is deprecated')
def __getitem__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style access to attributes to ease transition from when bonds were dicts."""
if prop in {'order', 'style'}:
return getattr(self, prop)
raise KeyError(prop)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Bond attributes is deprecated')
def __setitem__(self, prop, val):
"""Allow dict-style setting of attributes to ease transition from when bonds were dicts."""
setattr(self, prop, val)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __contains__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style checking of attributes to ease transition from when bonds were dicts."""
if prop in {'order', 'style'}:
return getattr(self, prop) is not None
return False
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __delitem__(self, prop):
"""Delete the property prop from the wrapped object."""
if not hasattr(self.__wrapped, prop):
raise KeyError(prop)
delattr(self.__wrapped, prop)
def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing Bond data."""
data = {'aid1': self.aid1, 'aid2': self.aid2, 'order': self.order}
if self.style is not None:
data['style'] = self.style
return data
class Compound(object):
"""Corresponds to a single record from the PubChem Compound database.
The PubChem Compound database is constructed from the Substance database using a standardization and deduplication
process. Each Compound is uniquely identified by a CID.
def __init__(self, record):
"""Initialize with a record dict from the PubChem PUG REST service.
For most users, the ``from_cid()`` class method is probably a better way of creating Compounds.
:param dict record: A compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service.
self._record = None
self._atoms = {}
self._bonds = {}
self.record = record
def record(self):
"""The raw compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service."""
return self._record
def record(self, record):
self._record = record
log.debug('Created %s' % self)
def _setup_atoms(self):
"""Derive Atom objects from the record."""
# Delete existing atoms
self._atoms = {}
# Create atoms
aids = self.record['atoms']['aid']
elements = self.record['atoms']['element']
if not len(aids) == len(elements):
raise ResponseParseError('Error parsing atom elements')
for aid, element in zip(aids, elements):
self._atoms[aid] = Atom(aid=aid, number=element)
# Add coordinates
if 'coords' in self.record:
coord_ids = self.record['coords'][0]['aid']
xs = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['x']
ys = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['y']
zs = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0].get('z', [])
if not len(coord_ids) == len(xs) == len(ys) == len(self._atoms) or (zs and not len(zs) == len(coord_ids)):
raise ResponseParseError('Error parsing atom coordinates')
for aid, x, y, z in zip_longest(coord_ids, xs, ys, zs):
self._atoms[aid].set_coordinates(x, y, z)
# Add charges
if 'charge' in self.record['atoms']:
for charge in self.record['atoms']['charge']:
self._atoms[charge['aid']].charge = charge['value']
def _setup_bonds(self):
"""Derive Bond objects from the record."""
self._bonds = {}
if 'bonds' not in self.record:
# Create bonds
aid1s = self.record['bonds']['aid1']
aid2s = self.record['bonds']['aid2']
orders = self.record['bonds']['order']
if not len(aid1s) == len(aid2s) == len(orders):
raise ResponseParseError('Error parsing bonds')
for aid1, aid2, order in zip(aid1s, aid2s, orders):
self._bonds[frozenset((aid1, aid2))] = Bond(aid1=aid1, aid2=aid2, order=order)
# Add styles
if 'coords' in self.record and 'style' in self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]:
aid1s = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['style']['aid1']
aid2s = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['style']['aid2']
styles = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['style']['annotation']
for aid1, aid2, style in zip(aid1s, aid2s, styles):
self._bonds[frozenset((aid1, aid2))].style = style
def from_cid(cls, cid, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the Compound record for the specified CID.
c = Compound.from_cid(6819)
:param int cid: The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
record = json.loads(request(cid, **kwargs).read().decode())['PC_Compounds'][0]
return cls(record)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Compound(%s)' % self.cid if self.cid else 'Compound()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.record == other.record
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired properties.
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
if not properties:
skip = {'aids', 'sids', 'synonyms'}
properties = [p for p in dir(Compound) if isinstance(getattr(Compound, p), property) and p not in skip]
return {p: [i.to_dict() for i in getattr(self, p)] if p in {'atoms', 'bonds'} else getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def to_series(self, properties=None):
"""Return a pandas :class:`~pandas.Series` containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
import pandas as pd
return pd.Series(self.to_dict(properties))
def cid(self):
"""The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
.. note::
When searching using a SMILES or InChI query that is not present in the PubChem Compound database, an
automatically generated record may be returned that contains properties that have been calculated on the
fly. These records will not have a CID property.
if 'id' in self.record and 'id' in self.record['id'] and 'cid' in self.record['id']['id']:
return self.record['id']['id']['cid']
def elements(self):
"""List of element symbols for atoms in this Compound."""
return [a.element for a in self.atoms]
def atoms(self):
"""List of :class:`Atoms <pubchempy.Atom>` in this Compound."""
return sorted(self._atoms.values(), key=lambda x: x.aid)
def bonds(self):
"""List of :class:`Bonds <pubchempy.Bond>` between :class:`Atoms <pubchempy.Atom>` in this Compound."""
return sorted(self._bonds.values(), key=lambda x: (x.aid1, x.aid2))
def synonyms(self):
"""A ranked list of all the names associated with this Compound.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='synonyms')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['Synonym'] if results else []
def sids(self):
"""Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='sids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['SID'] if results else []
def aids(self):
"""Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='aids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['AID'] if results else []
def coordinate_type(self):
if CoordinateType.TWO_D in self.record['coords'][0]['type']:
return '2d'
elif CoordinateType.THREE_D in self.record['coords'][0]['type']:
return '3d'
def charge(self):
"""Formal charge on this Compound."""
return self.record['charge'] if 'charge' in self.record else 0
def molecular_formula(self):
"""Molecular formula."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Molecular Formula'}, self.record['props'])
def molecular_weight(self):
"""Molecular Weight."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Molecular Weight'}, self.record['props'])
def canonical_smiles(self):
"""Canonical SMILES, with no stereochemistry information."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'SMILES', 'name': 'Canonical'}, self.record['props'])
def isomeric_smiles(self):
"""Isomeric SMILES."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'SMILES', 'name': 'Isomeric'}, self.record['props'])
def inchi(self):
"""InChI string."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'InChI', 'name': 'Standard'}, self.record['props'])
def inchikey(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'InChIKey', 'name': 'Standard'}, self.record['props'])
def iupac_name(self):
"""Preferred IUPAC name."""
# Note: Allowed, CAS-like Style, Preferred, Systematic, Traditional are available in full record
return _parse_prop({'label': 'IUPAC Name', 'name': 'Preferred'}, self.record['props'])
def xlogp(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Log P'}, self.record['props'])
def exact_mass(self):
"""Exact mass."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Mass', 'name': 'Exact'}, self.record['props'])
def monoisotopic_mass(self):
"""Monoisotopic mass."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Weight', 'name': 'MonoIsotopic'}, self.record['props'])
def tpsa(self):
"""Topological Polar Surface Area."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_TPSA'}, self.record['props'])
def complexity(self):
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_COMPLEXITY'}, self.record['props'])
def h_bond_donor_count(self):
"""Hydrogen bond donor count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NHDONORS'}, self.record['props'])
def h_bond_acceptor_count(self):
"""Hydrogen bond acceptor count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NHACCEPTORS'}, self.record['props'])
def rotatable_bond_count(self):
"""Rotatable bond count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NROTBONDS'}, self.record['props'])
def fingerprint(self):
"""Raw padded and hex-encoded fingerprint, as returned by the PUG REST API."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_SCREEN'}, self.record['props'])
def cactvs_fingerprint(self):
"""PubChem CACTVS fingerprint.
Each bit in the fingerprint represents the presence or absence of one of 881 chemical substructures.
More information at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubchem/specifications/pubchem_fingerprints.txt
# Skip first 4 bytes (contain length of fingerprint) and last 7 bits (padding) then re-pad to 881 bits
return '{0:020b}'.format(int(self.fingerprint[8:], 16))[:-7].zfill(881)
def heavy_atom_count(self):
"""Heavy atom count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'heavy_atom' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['heavy_atom']
def isotope_atom_count(self):
"""Isotope atom count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'isotope_atom' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['isotope_atom']
def atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral']
def defined_atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Defined atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral_def' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral_def']
def undefined_atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Undefined atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral_undef' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral_undef']
def bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral']
def defined_bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Defined bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral_def' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral_def']
def undefined_bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Undefined bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral_undef' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral_undef']
def covalent_unit_count(self):
"""Covalently-bonded unit count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'covalent_unit' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['covalent_unit']
def volume_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Volume'}, conf['data'])
def multipoles_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Multipoles'}, conf['data'])
def conformer_rmsd_3d(self):
coords = self.record['coords'][0]
if 'data' in coords:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Conformer', 'name': 'RMSD'}, coords['data'])
def effective_rotor_count_3d(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Count', 'name': 'Effective Rotor'}, self.record['props'])
def pharmacophore_features_3d(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Features', 'name': 'Pharmacophore'}, self.record['props'])
def mmff94_partial_charges_3d(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Charge', 'name': 'MMFF94 Partial'}, self.record['props'])
def mmff94_energy_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Energy', 'name': 'MMFF94 NoEstat'}, conf['data'])
def conformer_id_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Conformer', 'name': 'ID'}, conf['data'])
def shape_selfoverlap_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Self Overlap'}, conf['data'])
def feature_selfoverlap_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Feature', 'name': 'Self Overlap'}, conf['data'])
def shape_fingerprint_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Fingerprint', 'name': 'Shape'}, conf['data'])
def _parse_prop(search, proplist):
"""Extract property value from record using the given urn search filter."""
props = [i for i in proplist if all(item in i['urn'].items() for item in search.items())]
if len(props) > 0:
return props[0]['value'][list(props[0]['value'].keys())[0]]
class Substance(object):
"""Corresponds to a single record from the PubChem Substance database.
The PubChem Substance database contains all chemical records deposited in PubChem in their most raw form, before
any significant processing is applied. As a result, it contains duplicates, mixtures, and some records that don't
make chemical sense. This means that Substance records contain fewer calculated properties, however they do have
additional information about the original source that deposited the record.
The PubChem Compound database is constructed from the Substance database using a standardization and deduplication
process. Hence each Compound may be derived from a number of different Substances.
def from_sid(cls, sid):
"""Retrieve the Substance record for the specified SID.
:param int sid: The PubChem Substance Identifier (SID).
record = json.loads(request(sid, 'sid', 'substance').read().decode())['PC_Substances'][0]
return cls(record)
def __init__(self, record):
self.record = record
"""A dictionary containing the full Substance record that all other properties are obtained from."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Substance(%s)' % self.sid if self.sid else 'Substance()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.record == other.record
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
if not properties:
skip = {'deposited_compound', 'standardized_compound', 'cids', 'aids'}
properties = [p for p in dir(Substance) if isinstance(getattr(Substance, p), property) and p not in skip]
return {p: getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def to_series(self, properties=None):
"""Return a pandas :class:`~pandas.Series` containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
import pandas as pd
return pd.Series(self.to_dict(properties))
def sid(self):
"""The PubChem Substance Idenfitier (SID)."""
return self.record['sid']['id']
def synonyms(self):
"""A ranked list of all the names associated with this Substance."""
if 'synonyms' in self.record:
return self.record['synonyms']
def source_name(self):
"""The name of the PubChem depositor that was the source of this Substance."""
return self.record['source']['db']['name']
def source_id(self):
"""Unique ID for this Substance within those from the same PubChem depositor source."""
return self.record['source']['db']['source_id']['str']
def standardized_cid(self):
"""The CID of the Compound that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
May not exist if this Substance was not standardizable.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.STANDARDIZED:
return c['id']['id']['cid']
def standardized_compound(self):
"""Return the :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.STANDARDIZED:
return Compound.from_cid(c['id']['id']['cid'])
def deposited_compound(self):
"""Return a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` produced from the unstandardized Substance record as deposited.
The resulting :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` will not have a ``cid`` and will be missing most properties.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.DEPOSITED:
return Compound(c)
def cids(self):
"""A list of all CIDs for Compounds that were produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
results = get_json(self.sid, 'sid', 'substance', 'cids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['CID'] if results else []
def aids(self):
"""A list of all AIDs for Assays associated with this Substance.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
results = get_json(self.sid, 'sid', 'substance', 'aids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['AID'] if results else []
class Assay(object):
def from_aid(cls, aid):
"""Retrieve the Assay record for the specified AID.
:param int aid: The PubChem Assay Identifier (AID).
record = json.loads(request(aid, 'aid', 'assay', 'description').read().decode())['PC_AssayContainer'][0]
return cls(record)
def __init__(self, record):
self.record = record
"""A dictionary containing the full Assay record that all other properties are obtained from."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Assay(%s)' % self.aid if self.aid else 'Assay()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.record == other.record
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Assay data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything is included.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
if not properties:
properties = [p for p in dir(Assay) if isinstance(getattr(Assay, p), property)]
return {p: getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def aid(self):
"""The PubChem Substance Idenfitier (SID)."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['aid']['id']
def name(self):
"""The short assay name, used for display purposes."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['name']
def description(self):
return self.record['assay']['descr']['description']
def project_category(self):
"""A category to distinguish projects funded through MLSCN, MLPCN or from literature.
Possible values include mlscn, mlpcn, mlscn-ap, mlpcn-ap, literature-extracted, literature-author,
literature-publisher, rnaigi.
if 'project_category' in self.record['assay']['descr']:
return self.record['assay']['descr']['project_category']
def comments(self):
"""Comments and additional information."""
return [comment for comment in self.record['assay']['descr']['comment'] if comment]
def results(self):
"""A list of dictionaries containing details of the results from this Assay."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['results']
def target(self):
"""A list of dictionaries containing details of the Assay targets."""
if 'target' in self.record['assay']['descr']:
return self.record['assay']['descr']['target']
def revision(self):
"""Revision identifier for textual description."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['revision']
def aid_version(self):
"""Incremented when the original depositor updates the record."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['aid']['version']
def compounds_to_frame(compounds, properties=None):
"""Construct a pandas :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` from a list of :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` objects.
Optionally specify a list of the desired :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` properties.
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(compounds, Compound):
compounds = [compounds]
properties = set(properties) | set(['cid']) if properties else None
return pd.DataFrame.from_records([c.to_dict(properties) for c in compounds], index='cid')
def substances_to_frame(substances, properties=None):
"""Construct a pandas :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` from a list of :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` objects.
Optionally specify a list of the desired :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` properties.
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(substances, Substance):
substances = [substances]
properties = set(properties) | set(['sid']) if properties else None
return pd.DataFrame.from_records([s.to_dict(properties) for s in substances], index='sid')
# def add_columns_to_frame(dataframe, id_col, id_namespace, add_cols):
# """"""
# # Existing dataframe with some identifier column
# # But consider what to do if the identifier column is an index?
# # What about having the Compound/Substance object as a column?
class PubChemPyDeprecationWarning(Warning):
"""Warning category for deprecated features."""
class PubChemPyError(Exception):
"""Base class for all PubChemPy exceptions."""
class ResponseParseError(PubChemPyError):
"""PubChem response is uninterpretable."""
class PubChemHTTPError(PubChemPyError):
"""Generic error class to handle all HTTP error codes."""
def __init__(self, e):
self.code = e.code
self.msg = e.reason
self.msg += ': %s' % json.loads(e.read().decode())['Fault']['Details'][0]
except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError):
if self.code == 400:
raise BadRequestError(self.msg)
elif self.code == 404:
raise NotFoundError(self.msg)
elif self.code == 405:
raise MethodNotAllowedError(self.msg)
elif self.code == 504:
raise TimeoutError(self.msg)
elif self.code == 501:
raise UnimplementedError(self.msg)
elif self.code == 500:
raise ServerError(self.msg)
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.msg)
class BadRequestError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""Request is improperly formed (syntax error in the URL, POST body, etc.)."""
def __init__(self, msg='Request is improperly formed'):
self.msg = msg
class NotFoundError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""The input record was not found (e.g. invalid CID)."""
def __init__(self, msg='The input record was not found'):
self.msg = msg
class MethodNotAllowedError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""Request not allowed (such as invalid MIME type in the HTTP Accept header)."""
def __init__(self, msg='Request not allowed'):
self.msg = msg
class TimeoutError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""The request timed out, from server overload or too broad a request.
See :ref:`Avoiding TimeoutError <avoiding_timeouterror>` for more information.
def __init__(self, msg='The request timed out'):
self.msg = msg
class UnimplementedError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""The requested operation has not (yet) been implemented by the server."""
def __init__(self, msg='The requested operation has not been implemented'):
self.msg = msg
class ServerError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""Some problem on the server side (such as a database server down, etc.)."""
def __init__(self, msg='Some problem on the server side'):
self.msg = msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
#from private.pubchempy import get_compounds
import re
# Simple example
cas_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d{1,7}-\d{2}-\d$')
matches = get_compounds('anisole', 'name')
nmatches = len(matches)
if nmatches>0:
synonyms = matches[0].synonyms
cas_list = [syn.strip() for syn in synonyms if cas_pattern.match(syn.strip())]
record = {
'CID': matches[0].cid,
'name': matches[0].iupac_name,
'synonyms': synonyms,
'CAS': cas_list,
'M': matches[0].molecular_weight,
'formula': matches[0].molecular_formula,
'SMILES': matches[0].canonical_smiles,
'InChi': matches[0].inchi,
'InChiKey': matches[0].inchikey,
'logP': matches[0].xlogp,
# 'raw' : matches[0], # we store all info as raw
'date' : "add here the date of the record"
Construct a pandas :class:~pandas.DataFrame from a list of :class:~pubchempy.Compound objects.
Optionally specify a list of the desired :class:~pubchempy.Compound properties.
Expand source code
def compounds_to_frame(compounds, properties=None):
"""Construct a pandas :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` from a list of :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` objects.
Optionally specify a list of the desired :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` properties.
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(compounds, Compound):
compounds = [compounds]
properties = set(properties) | set(['cid']) if properties else None
return pd.DataFrame.from_records([c.to_dict(properties) for c in compounds], index='cid')
def deprecated(message=None)
Decorator to mark functions as deprecated. A warning will be emitted when the function is used.
Expand source code
def deprecated(message=None):
"""Decorator to mark functions as deprecated. A warning will be emitted when the function is used."""
def deco(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
message or 'Call to deprecated function {}'.format(func.__name__),
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return deco
def get_aids(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, domain, 'aids', searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
if not results:
return []
elif 'IdentifierList' in results:
return results['IdentifierList']['AID']
elif 'InformationList' in results:
return results['InformationList']['Information']
def get_all_sources(domain='substance')
Return a list of all current depositors of substances or assays.
Expand source code
def get_all_sources(domain='substance'):
"""Return a list of all current depositors of substances or assays."""
results = json.loads(get(domain, None, 'sources').decode())
return results['InformationList']['SourceName']
Retrieve the specified assay records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The assay identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type.
Expand source code
def get_assays(identifier, namespace='aid', **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified assay records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The assay identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type.
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, 'assay', 'description', **kwargs)
return [Assay(r) for r in results['PC_AssayContainer']] if results else []
Retrieve the specified compound records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The compound identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of cid, name, smiles, sdf, inchi, inchikey or formula.
:param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:~pubchempy.Compound properties into a pandas
:class:~pandas.DataFrame and return that.
Expand source code
def get_compounds(identifier, namespace='cid', searchtype=None, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified compound records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The compound identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of cid, name, smiles, sdf, inchi, inchikey or formula.
:param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` properties into a pandas
:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` and return that.
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
compounds = [Compound(r) for r in results['PC_Compounds']] if results else []
if as_dataframe:
return compounds_to_frame(compounds)
return compounds
:param identifier: The compound, substance or assay identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type.
:param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the properties into a pandas :class:~pandas.DataFrame.
Expand source code
def get_properties(properties, identifier, namespace='cid', searchtype=None, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified properties from PubChem.
:param identifier: The compound, substance or assay identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type.
:param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the properties into a pandas :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`.
if isinstance(properties, text_types):
properties = properties.split(',')
properties = ','.join([PROPERTY_MAP.get(p, p) for p in properties])
properties = 'property/%s' % properties
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, 'compound', properties, searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
results = results['PropertyTable']['Properties'] if results else []
if as_dataframe:
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(results, index='CID')
return results
Retrieve the specified substance records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The substance identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of sid, name or sourceid/.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:~pubchempy.Substance properties into a pandas
:class:~pandas.DataFrame and return that.
Expand source code
def get_substances(identifier, namespace='sid', as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the specified substance records from PubChem.
:param identifier: The substance identifier to use as a search query.
:param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of sid, name or sourceid/<source name>.
:param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` properties into a pandas
:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` and return that.
results = get_json(identifier, namespace, 'substance', **kwargs)
substances = [Substance(r) for r in results['PC_Substances']] if results else []
if as_dataframe:
return substances_to_frame(substances)
return substances
Used to cache :class:~pubchempy.Compound and :class:~pubchempy.Substance properties that require an additional
Expand source code
def memoized_property(fget):
"""Decorator to create memoized properties.
Used to cache :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` and :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` properties that require an additional
attr_name = '_{0}'.format(fget.__name__)
def fget_memoized(self):
if not hasattr(self, attr_name):
setattr(self, attr_name, fget(self))
return getattr(self, attr_name)
return property(fget_memoized)
def request(identifier, namespace='cid', domain='compound', operation=None, output='JSON', searchtype=None, **kwargs):
Construct API request from parameters and return the response.
Full specification at http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pug_rest/PUG_REST.html
if not identifier:
raise ValueError('identifier/cid cannot be None')
# If identifier is a list, join with commas into string
if isinstance(identifier, int):
identifier = str(identifier)
if not isinstance(identifier, text_types):
identifier = ','.join(str(x) for x in identifier)
# Filter None values from kwargs
kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None)
# Build API URL
urlid, postdata = None, None
if namespace == 'sourceid':
identifier = identifier.replace('/', '.')
if namespace in ['listkey', 'formula', 'sourceid'] \
or searchtype == 'xref' \
or (searchtype and namespace == 'cid') or domain == 'sources':
urlid = quote(identifier.encode('utf8'))
postdata = urlencode([(namespace, identifier)]).encode('utf8')
comps = filter(None, [API_BASE, domain, searchtype, namespace, urlid, operation, output])
apiurl = '/'.join(comps)
if kwargs:
apiurl += '?%s' % urlencode(kwargs)
# Make request
log.debug('Request URL: %s', apiurl)
log.debug('Request data: %s', postdata)
response = urlopen(apiurl, postdata)
return response
except HTTPError as e:
raise PubChemHTTPError(e)
Construct a pandas :class:~pandas.DataFrame from a list of :class:~pubchempy.Substance objects.
Optionally specify a list of the desired :class:~pubchempy.Substance properties.
Expand source code
def substances_to_frame(substances, properties=None):
"""Construct a pandas :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` from a list of :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` objects.
Optionally specify a list of the desired :class:`~pubchempy.Substance` properties.
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(substances, Substance):
substances = [substances]
properties = set(properties) | set(['sid']) if properties else None
return pd.DataFrame.from_records([s.to_dict(properties) for s in substances], index='sid')
class Assay(record)
Expand source code
class Assay(object):
def from_aid(cls, aid):
"""Retrieve the Assay record for the specified AID.
:param int aid: The PubChem Assay Identifier (AID).
record = json.loads(request(aid, 'aid', 'assay', 'description').read().decode())['PC_AssayContainer'][0]
return cls(record)
def __init__(self, record):
self.record = record
"""A dictionary containing the full Assay record that all other properties are obtained from."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Assay(%s)' % self.aid if self.aid else 'Assay()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.record == other.record
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Assay data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything is included.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
if not properties:
properties = [p for p in dir(Assay) if isinstance(getattr(Assay, p), property)]
return {p: getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def aid(self):
"""The PubChem Substance Idenfitier (SID)."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['aid']['id']
def name(self):
"""The short assay name, used for display purposes."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['name']
def description(self):
return self.record['assay']['descr']['description']
def project_category(self):
"""A category to distinguish projects funded through MLSCN, MLPCN or from literature.
Possible values include mlscn, mlpcn, mlscn-ap, mlpcn-ap, literature-extracted, literature-author,
literature-publisher, rnaigi.
if 'project_category' in self.record['assay']['descr']:
return self.record['assay']['descr']['project_category']
def comments(self):
"""Comments and additional information."""
return [comment for comment in self.record['assay']['descr']['comment'] if comment]
def results(self):
"""A list of dictionaries containing details of the results from this Assay."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['results']
def target(self):
"""A list of dictionaries containing details of the Assay targets."""
if 'target' in self.record['assay']['descr']:
return self.record['assay']['descr']['target']
def revision(self):
"""Revision identifier for textual description."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['revision']
def aid_version(self):
"""Incremented when the original depositor updates the record."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['aid']['version']
Static methods
def from_aid(aid)
Retrieve the Assay record for the specified AID.
:param int aid: The PubChem Assay Identifier (AID).
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def from_aid(cls, aid):
"""Retrieve the Assay record for the specified AID.
:param int aid: The PubChem Assay Identifier (AID).
record = json.loads(request(aid, 'aid', 'assay', 'description').read().decode())['PC_AssayContainer'][0]
return cls(record)
Incremented when the original depositor updates the record.
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def aid_version(self):
"""Incremented when the original depositor updates the record."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['aid']['version']
var comments
Comments and additional information.
Expand source code
def comments(self):
"""Comments and additional information."""
return [comment for comment in self.record['assay']['descr']['comment'] if comment]
def name(self):
"""The short assay name, used for display purposes."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['name']
var project_category
A category to distinguish projects funded through MLSCN, MLPCN or from literature.
Possible values include mlscn, mlpcn, mlscn-ap, mlpcn-ap, literature-extracted, literature-author,
literature-publisher, rnaigi.
Expand source code
def project_category(self):
"""A category to distinguish projects funded through MLSCN, MLPCN or from literature.
Possible values include mlscn, mlpcn, mlscn-ap, mlpcn-ap, literature-extracted, literature-author,
literature-publisher, rnaigi.
if 'project_category' in self.record['assay']['descr']:
return self.record['assay']['descr']['project_category']
var record
A dictionary containing the full Assay record that all other properties are obtained from.
var results
A list of dictionaries containing details of the results from this Assay.
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def results(self):
"""A list of dictionaries containing details of the results from this Assay."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['results']
var revision
Revision identifier for textual description.
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def revision(self):
"""Revision identifier for textual description."""
return self.record['assay']['descr']['revision']
var target
A list of dictionaries containing details of the Assay targets.
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def target(self):
"""A list of dictionaries containing details of the Assay targets."""
if 'target' in self.record['assay']['descr']:
return self.record['assay']['descr']['target']
def to_dict(self, properties=None)
Return a dictionary containing Assay data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything is included.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
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def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Assay data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything is included.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
if not properties:
properties = [p for p in dir(Assay) if isinstance(getattr(Assay, p), property)]
return {p: getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
class Atom(aid, number, x=None, y=None, z=None, charge=0)
Class to represent an atom in a :class:~pubchempy.Compound.
Initialize with an atom ID, atomic number, coordinates and optional change.
:param int aid: Atom ID
:param int number: Atomic number
:param float x: X coordinate.
:param float y: Y coordinate.
:param float z: (optional) Z coordinate.
:param int charge: (optional) Formal charge on atom.
Expand source code
class Atom(object):
"""Class to represent an atom in a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound`."""
def __init__(self, aid, number, x=None, y=None, z=None, charge=0):
"""Initialize with an atom ID, atomic number, coordinates and optional change.
:param int aid: Atom ID
:param int number: Atomic number
:param float x: X coordinate.
:param float y: Y coordinate.
:param float z: (optional) Z coordinate.
:param int charge: (optional) Formal charge on atom.
self.aid = aid
"""The atom ID within the owning Compound."""
self.number = number
"""The atomic number for this atom."""
self.x = x
"""The x coordinate for this atom."""
self.y = y
"""The y coordinate for this atom."""
self.z = z
"""The z coordinate for this atom. Will be ``None`` in 2D Compound records."""
self.charge = charge
"""The formal charge on this atom."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Atom(%s, %s)' % (self.aid, self.element)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.aid == other.aid and self.element == other.element and
self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z and self.charge == other.charge)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __getitem__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style access to attributes to ease transition from when atoms were dicts."""
if prop in {'element', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'charge'}:
return getattr(self, prop)
raise KeyError(prop)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __setitem__(self, prop, val):
"""Allow dict-style setting of attributes to ease transition from when atoms were dicts."""
setattr(self, prop, val)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __contains__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style checking of attributes to ease transition from when atoms were dicts."""
if prop in {'element', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'charge'}:
return getattr(self, prop) is not None
return False
def element(self):
"""The element symbol for this atom."""
return ELEMENTS.get(self.number, None)
def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing Atom data."""
data = {'aid': self.aid, 'number': self.number, 'element': self.element}
for coord in {'x', 'y', 'z'}:
if getattr(self, coord) is not None:
data[coord] = getattr(self, coord)
if self.charge != 0: # self.charge is not 0: (fixed Olivier Vitrac)
data['charge'] = self.charge
return data
def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z=None):
"""Set all coordinate dimensions at once."""
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def coordinate_type(self):
"""Whether this atom has 2D or 3D coordinates."""
return '2d' if self.z is None else '3d'
Instance variables
var aid
The atom ID within the owning Compound.
var charge
The formal charge on this atom.
var coordinate_type
Whether this atom has 2D or 3D coordinates.
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def coordinate_type(self):
"""Whether this atom has 2D or 3D coordinates."""
return '2d' if self.z is None else '3d'
var element
The element symbol for this atom.
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def element(self):
"""The element symbol for this atom."""
return ELEMENTS.get(self.number, None)
var number
The atomic number for this atom.
var x
The x coordinate for this atom.
var y
The y coordinate for this atom.
var z
The z coordinate for this atom. Will be None in 2D Compound records.
def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z=None)
Set all coordinate dimensions at once.
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def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z=None):
"""Set all coordinate dimensions at once."""
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def to_dict(self)
Return a dictionary containing Atom data.
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def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing Atom data."""
data = {'aid': self.aid, 'number': self.number, 'element': self.element}
for coord in {'x', 'y', 'z'}:
if getattr(self, coord) is not None:
data[coord] = getattr(self, coord)
if self.charge != 0: # self.charge is not 0: (fixed Olivier Vitrac)
data['charge'] = self.charge
return data
class BadRequestError(msg='Request is improperly formed')
Request is improperly formed (syntax error in the URL, POST body, etc.).
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class BadRequestError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""Request is improperly formed (syntax error in the URL, POST body, etc.)."""
def __init__(self, msg='Request is improperly formed'):
self.msg = msg
Class to represent a bond between two atoms in a :class:~pubchempy.Compound.
Initialize with begin and end atom IDs, bond order and bond style.
:param int aid1: Begin atom ID.
:param int aid2: End atom ID.
:param int order: Bond order.
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class Bond(object):
"""Class to represent a bond between two atoms in a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound`."""
def __init__(self, aid1, aid2, order=BondType.SINGLE, style=None):
"""Initialize with begin and end atom IDs, bond order and bond style.
:param int aid1: Begin atom ID.
:param int aid2: End atom ID.
:param int order: Bond order.
self.aid1 = aid1
"""ID of the begin atom of this bond."""
self.aid2 = aid2
"""ID of the end atom of this bond."""
self.order = order
"""Bond order."""
self.style = style
"""Bond style annotation."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Bond(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.aid1, self.aid2, self.order)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.aid1 == other.aid1 and self.aid2 == other.aid2 and
self.order == other.order and self.style == other.style)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Bond attributes is deprecated')
def __getitem__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style access to attributes to ease transition from when bonds were dicts."""
if prop in {'order', 'style'}:
return getattr(self, prop)
raise KeyError(prop)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Bond attributes is deprecated')
def __setitem__(self, prop, val):
"""Allow dict-style setting of attributes to ease transition from when bonds were dicts."""
setattr(self, prop, val)
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __contains__(self, prop):
"""Allow dict-style checking of attributes to ease transition from when bonds were dicts."""
if prop in {'order', 'style'}:
return getattr(self, prop) is not None
return False
@deprecated('Dictionary style access to Atom attributes is deprecated')
def __delitem__(self, prop):
"""Delete the property prop from the wrapped object."""
if not hasattr(self.__wrapped, prop):
raise KeyError(prop)
delattr(self.__wrapped, prop)
def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing Bond data."""
data = {'aid1': self.aid1, 'aid2': self.aid2, 'order': self.order}
if self.style is not None:
data['style'] = self.style
return data
Instance variables
var aid1
ID of the begin atom of this bond.
var aid2
ID of the end atom of this bond.
var order
Bond order.
var style
Bond style annotation.
def to_dict(self)
Return a dictionary containing Bond data.
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def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing Bond data."""
data = {'aid1': self.aid1, 'aid2': self.aid2, 'order': self.order}
if self.style is not None:
data['style'] = self.style
return data
Corresponds to a single record from the PubChem Compound database.
The PubChem Compound database is constructed from the Substance database using a standardization and deduplication
process. Each Compound is uniquely identified by a CID.
Initialize with a record dict from the PubChem PUG REST service.
For most users, the from_cid() class method is probably a better way of creating Compounds.
:param dict record: A compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service.
Expand source code
class Compound(object):
"""Corresponds to a single record from the PubChem Compound database.
The PubChem Compound database is constructed from the Substance database using a standardization and deduplication
process. Each Compound is uniquely identified by a CID.
def __init__(self, record):
"""Initialize with a record dict from the PubChem PUG REST service.
For most users, the ``from_cid()`` class method is probably a better way of creating Compounds.
:param dict record: A compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service.
self._record = None
self._atoms = {}
self._bonds = {}
self.record = record
def record(self):
"""The raw compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service."""
return self._record
def record(self, record):
self._record = record
log.debug('Created %s' % self)
def _setup_atoms(self):
"""Derive Atom objects from the record."""
# Delete existing atoms
self._atoms = {}
# Create atoms
aids = self.record['atoms']['aid']
elements = self.record['atoms']['element']
if not len(aids) == len(elements):
raise ResponseParseError('Error parsing atom elements')
for aid, element in zip(aids, elements):
self._atoms[aid] = Atom(aid=aid, number=element)
# Add coordinates
if 'coords' in self.record:
coord_ids = self.record['coords'][0]['aid']
xs = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['x']
ys = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['y']
zs = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0].get('z', [])
if not len(coord_ids) == len(xs) == len(ys) == len(self._atoms) or (zs and not len(zs) == len(coord_ids)):
raise ResponseParseError('Error parsing atom coordinates')
for aid, x, y, z in zip_longest(coord_ids, xs, ys, zs):
self._atoms[aid].set_coordinates(x, y, z)
# Add charges
if 'charge' in self.record['atoms']:
for charge in self.record['atoms']['charge']:
self._atoms[charge['aid']].charge = charge['value']
def _setup_bonds(self):
"""Derive Bond objects from the record."""
self._bonds = {}
if 'bonds' not in self.record:
# Create bonds
aid1s = self.record['bonds']['aid1']
aid2s = self.record['bonds']['aid2']
orders = self.record['bonds']['order']
if not len(aid1s) == len(aid2s) == len(orders):
raise ResponseParseError('Error parsing bonds')
for aid1, aid2, order in zip(aid1s, aid2s, orders):
self._bonds[frozenset((aid1, aid2))] = Bond(aid1=aid1, aid2=aid2, order=order)
# Add styles
if 'coords' in self.record and 'style' in self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]:
aid1s = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['style']['aid1']
aid2s = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['style']['aid2']
styles = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]['style']['annotation']
for aid1, aid2, style in zip(aid1s, aid2s, styles):
self._bonds[frozenset((aid1, aid2))].style = style
def from_cid(cls, cid, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the Compound record for the specified CID.
c = Compound.from_cid(6819)
:param int cid: The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
record = json.loads(request(cid, **kwargs).read().decode())['PC_Compounds'][0]
return cls(record)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Compound(%s)' % self.cid if self.cid else 'Compound()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.record == other.record
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired properties.
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
if not properties:
skip = {'aids', 'sids', 'synonyms'}
properties = [p for p in dir(Compound) if isinstance(getattr(Compound, p), property) and p not in skip]
return {p: [i.to_dict() for i in getattr(self, p)] if p in {'atoms', 'bonds'} else getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def to_series(self, properties=None):
"""Return a pandas :class:`~pandas.Series` containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
import pandas as pd
return pd.Series(self.to_dict(properties))
def cid(self):
"""The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
.. note::
When searching using a SMILES or InChI query that is not present in the PubChem Compound database, an
automatically generated record may be returned that contains properties that have been calculated on the
fly. These records will not have a CID property.
if 'id' in self.record and 'id' in self.record['id'] and 'cid' in self.record['id']['id']:
return self.record['id']['id']['cid']
def elements(self):
"""List of element symbols for atoms in this Compound."""
return [a.element for a in self.atoms]
def atoms(self):
"""List of :class:`Atoms <pubchempy.Atom>` in this Compound."""
return sorted(self._atoms.values(), key=lambda x: x.aid)
def bonds(self):
"""List of :class:`Bonds <pubchempy.Bond>` between :class:`Atoms <pubchempy.Atom>` in this Compound."""
return sorted(self._bonds.values(), key=lambda x: (x.aid1, x.aid2))
def synonyms(self):
"""A ranked list of all the names associated with this Compound.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='synonyms')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['Synonym'] if results else []
def sids(self):
"""Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='sids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['SID'] if results else []
def aids(self):
"""Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='aids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['AID'] if results else []
def coordinate_type(self):
if CoordinateType.TWO_D in self.record['coords'][0]['type']:
return '2d'
elif CoordinateType.THREE_D in self.record['coords'][0]['type']:
return '3d'
def charge(self):
"""Formal charge on this Compound."""
return self.record['charge'] if 'charge' in self.record else 0
def molecular_formula(self):
"""Molecular formula."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Molecular Formula'}, self.record['props'])
def molecular_weight(self):
"""Molecular Weight."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Molecular Weight'}, self.record['props'])
def canonical_smiles(self):
"""Canonical SMILES, with no stereochemistry information."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'SMILES', 'name': 'Canonical'}, self.record['props'])
def isomeric_smiles(self):
"""Isomeric SMILES."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'SMILES', 'name': 'Isomeric'}, self.record['props'])
def inchi(self):
"""InChI string."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'InChI', 'name': 'Standard'}, self.record['props'])
def inchikey(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'InChIKey', 'name': 'Standard'}, self.record['props'])
def iupac_name(self):
"""Preferred IUPAC name."""
# Note: Allowed, CAS-like Style, Preferred, Systematic, Traditional are available in full record
return _parse_prop({'label': 'IUPAC Name', 'name': 'Preferred'}, self.record['props'])
def xlogp(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Log P'}, self.record['props'])
def exact_mass(self):
"""Exact mass."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Mass', 'name': 'Exact'}, self.record['props'])
def monoisotopic_mass(self):
"""Monoisotopic mass."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Weight', 'name': 'MonoIsotopic'}, self.record['props'])
def tpsa(self):
"""Topological Polar Surface Area."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_TPSA'}, self.record['props'])
def complexity(self):
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_COMPLEXITY'}, self.record['props'])
def h_bond_donor_count(self):
"""Hydrogen bond donor count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NHDONORS'}, self.record['props'])
def h_bond_acceptor_count(self):
"""Hydrogen bond acceptor count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NHACCEPTORS'}, self.record['props'])
def rotatable_bond_count(self):
"""Rotatable bond count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NROTBONDS'}, self.record['props'])
def fingerprint(self):
"""Raw padded and hex-encoded fingerprint, as returned by the PUG REST API."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_SCREEN'}, self.record['props'])
def cactvs_fingerprint(self):
"""PubChem CACTVS fingerprint.
Each bit in the fingerprint represents the presence or absence of one of 881 chemical substructures.
More information at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubchem/specifications/pubchem_fingerprints.txt
# Skip first 4 bytes (contain length of fingerprint) and last 7 bits (padding) then re-pad to 881 bits
return '{0:020b}'.format(int(self.fingerprint[8:], 16))[:-7].zfill(881)
def heavy_atom_count(self):
"""Heavy atom count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'heavy_atom' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['heavy_atom']
def isotope_atom_count(self):
"""Isotope atom count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'isotope_atom' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['isotope_atom']
def atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral']
def defined_atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Defined atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral_def' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral_def']
def undefined_atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Undefined atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral_undef' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral_undef']
def bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral']
def defined_bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Defined bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral_def' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral_def']
def undefined_bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Undefined bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral_undef' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral_undef']
def covalent_unit_count(self):
"""Covalently-bonded unit count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'covalent_unit' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['covalent_unit']
def volume_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Volume'}, conf['data'])
def multipoles_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Multipoles'}, conf['data'])
def conformer_rmsd_3d(self):
coords = self.record['coords'][0]
if 'data' in coords:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Conformer', 'name': 'RMSD'}, coords['data'])
def effective_rotor_count_3d(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Count', 'name': 'Effective Rotor'}, self.record['props'])
def pharmacophore_features_3d(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Features', 'name': 'Pharmacophore'}, self.record['props'])
def mmff94_partial_charges_3d(self):
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Charge', 'name': 'MMFF94 Partial'}, self.record['props'])
def mmff94_energy_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Energy', 'name': 'MMFF94 NoEstat'}, conf['data'])
def conformer_id_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Conformer', 'name': 'ID'}, conf['data'])
def shape_selfoverlap_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Self Overlap'}, conf['data'])
def feature_selfoverlap_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Feature', 'name': 'Self Overlap'}, conf['data'])
def shape_fingerprint_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Fingerprint', 'name': 'Shape'}, conf['data'])
Static methods
def from_cid(cid, **kwargs)
Retrieve the Compound record for the specified CID.
c = Compound.from_cid(6819)
:param int cid: The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
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def from_cid(cls, cid, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the Compound record for the specified CID.
c = Compound.from_cid(6819)
:param int cid: The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
record = json.loads(request(cid, **kwargs).read().decode())['PC_Compounds'][0]
return cls(record)
Instance variables
var aids
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
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def aids(self):
"""Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='aids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['AID'] if results else []
var atom_stereo_count
Atom stereocenter count.
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def atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral']
var atoms
List of :class:Atoms <pubchempy.Atom> in this Compound.
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def atoms(self):
"""List of :class:`Atoms <pubchempy.Atom>` in this Compound."""
return sorted(self._atoms.values(), key=lambda x: x.aid)
var bond_stereo_count
Bond stereocenter count.
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def bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral']
var bonds
List of :class:Bonds <pubchempy.Bond> between :class:Atoms <pubchempy.Atom> in this Compound.
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def bonds(self):
"""List of :class:`Bonds <pubchempy.Bond>` between :class:`Atoms <pubchempy.Atom>` in this Compound."""
return sorted(self._bonds.values(), key=lambda x: (x.aid1, x.aid2))
var cactvs_fingerprint
PubChem CACTVS fingerprint.
Each bit in the fingerprint represents the presence or absence of one of 881 chemical substructures.
def cactvs_fingerprint(self):
"""PubChem CACTVS fingerprint.
Each bit in the fingerprint represents the presence or absence of one of 881 chemical substructures.
More information at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubchem/specifications/pubchem_fingerprints.txt
# Skip first 4 bytes (contain length of fingerprint) and last 7 bits (padding) then re-pad to 881 bits
return '{0:020b}'.format(int(self.fingerprint[8:], 16))[:-7].zfill(881)
var canonical_smiles
Canonical SMILES, with no stereochemistry information.
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def canonical_smiles(self):
"""Canonical SMILES, with no stereochemistry information."""
return _parse_prop({'label': 'SMILES', 'name': 'Canonical'}, self.record['props'])
var charge
Formal charge on this Compound.
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def charge(self):
"""Formal charge on this Compound."""
return self.record['charge'] if 'charge' in self.record else 0
var cid
The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
When searching using a SMILES or InChI query that is not present in the PubChem Compound database, an
automatically generated record may be returned that contains properties that have been calculated on the
fly. These records will not have a CID property.
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def cid(self):
"""The PubChem Compound Identifier (CID).
.. note::
When searching using a SMILES or InChI query that is not present in the PubChem Compound database, an
automatically generated record may be returned that contains properties that have been calculated on the
fly. These records will not have a CID property.
if 'id' in self.record and 'id' in self.record['id'] and 'cid' in self.record['id']['id']:
return self.record['id']['id']['cid']
def conformer_id_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Conformer', 'name': 'ID'}, conf['data'])
var conformer_rmsd_3d
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def conformer_rmsd_3d(self):
coords = self.record['coords'][0]
if 'data' in coords:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Conformer', 'name': 'RMSD'}, coords['data'])
var coordinate_type
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def coordinate_type(self):
if CoordinateType.TWO_D in self.record['coords'][0]['type']:
return '2d'
elif CoordinateType.THREE_D in self.record['coords'][0]['type']:
return '3d'
var covalent_unit_count
Covalently-bonded unit count.
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def covalent_unit_count(self):
"""Covalently-bonded unit count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'covalent_unit' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['covalent_unit']
var defined_atom_stereo_count
Defined atom stereocenter count.
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def defined_atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Defined atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral_def' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral_def']
var defined_bond_stereo_count
Defined bond stereocenter count.
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def defined_bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Defined bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral_def' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral_def']
def feature_selfoverlap_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Feature', 'name': 'Self Overlap'}, conf['data'])
var fingerprint
Raw padded and hex-encoded fingerprint, as returned by the PUG REST API.
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def fingerprint(self):
"""Raw padded and hex-encoded fingerprint, as returned by the PUG REST API."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_SCREEN'}, self.record['props'])
def heavy_atom_count(self):
"""Heavy atom count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'heavy_atom' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['heavy_atom']
def isotope_atom_count(self):
"""Isotope atom count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'isotope_atom' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['isotope_atom']
var iupac_name
Preferred IUPAC name.
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def iupac_name(self):
"""Preferred IUPAC name."""
# Note: Allowed, CAS-like Style, Preferred, Systematic, Traditional are available in full record
return _parse_prop({'label': 'IUPAC Name', 'name': 'Preferred'}, self.record['props'])
var mmff94_energy_3d
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def mmff94_energy_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Energy', 'name': 'MMFF94 NoEstat'}, conf['data'])
The raw compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service.
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def record(self):
"""The raw compound record returned by the PubChem PUG REST service."""
return self._record
var rotatable_bond_count
Rotatable bond count.
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def rotatable_bond_count(self):
"""Rotatable bond count."""
return _parse_prop({'implementation': 'E_NROTBONDS'}, self.record['props'])
var shape_fingerprint_3d
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def shape_fingerprint_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Fingerprint', 'name': 'Shape'}, conf['data'])
var shape_selfoverlap_3d
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def shape_selfoverlap_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Self Overlap'}, conf['data'])
var sids
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
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def sids(self):
"""Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='sids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['SID'] if results else []
var synonyms
A ranked list of all the names associated with this Compound.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
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def synonyms(self):
"""A ranked list of all the names associated with this Compound.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
if self.cid:
results = get_json(self.cid, operation='synonyms')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['Synonym'] if results else []
def undefined_atom_stereo_count(self):
"""Undefined atom stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'atom_chiral_undef' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['atom_chiral_undef']
var undefined_bond_stereo_count
Undefined bond stereocenter count.
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def undefined_bond_stereo_count(self):
"""Undefined bond stereocenter count."""
if 'count' in self.record and 'bond_chiral_undef' in self.record['count']:
return self.record['count']['bond_chiral_undef']
var volume_3d
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def volume_3d(self):
conf = self.record['coords'][0]['conformers'][0]
if 'data' in conf:
return _parse_prop({'label': 'Shape', 'name': 'Volume'}, conf['data'])
Return a dictionary containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired properties.
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
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def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired properties.
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
if not properties:
skip = {'aids', 'sids', 'synonyms'}
properties = [p for p in dir(Compound) if isinstance(getattr(Compound, p), property) and p not in skip]
return {p: [i.to_dict() for i in getattr(self, p)] if p in {'atoms', 'bonds'} else getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def to_series(self, properties=None)
Return a pandas :class:~pandas.Series containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
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def to_series(self, properties=None):
"""Return a pandas :class:`~pandas.Series` containing Compound data. Optionally specify a list of the desired
synonyms, aids and sids are not included unless explicitly specified using the properties parameter. This is
because they each require an extra request.
import pandas as pd
return pd.Series(self.to_dict(properties))
class CompoundIdType
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class CompoundIdType(object):
#: Original Deposited Compound
#: Standardized Form of the Deposited Compound
#: Component of the Standardized Form
#: Neutralized Form of the Standardized Form
#: Deposited Mixture Component
#: Alternate Tautomer Form of the Standardized Form
#: Ionized pKa Form of the Standardized Form
#: Unspecified or Unknown Compound Type
class MethodNotAllowedError(msg='Request not allowed')
Request not allowed (such as invalid MIME type in the HTTP Accept header).
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class MethodNotAllowedError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""Request not allowed (such as invalid MIME type in the HTTP Accept header)."""
def __init__(self, msg='Request not allowed'):
self.msg = msg
class NotFoundError(msg='The input record was not found')
The input record was not found (e.g. invalid CID).
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class NotFoundError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""The input record was not found (e.g. invalid CID)."""
def __init__(self, msg='The input record was not found'):
self.msg = msg
class ServerError(msg='Some problem on the server side')
Some problem on the server side (such as a database server down, etc.).
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class ServerError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""Some problem on the server side (such as a database server down, etc.)."""
def __init__(self, msg='Some problem on the server side'):
self.msg = msg
Corresponds to a single record from the PubChem Substance database.
The PubChem Substance database contains all chemical records deposited in PubChem in their most raw form, before
any significant processing is applied. As a result, it contains duplicates, mixtures, and some records that don't
make chemical sense. This means that Substance records contain fewer calculated properties, however they do have
additional information about the original source that deposited the record.
The PubChem Compound database is constructed from the Substance database using a standardization and deduplication
process. Hence each Compound may be derived from a number of different Substances.
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class Substance(object):
"""Corresponds to a single record from the PubChem Substance database.
The PubChem Substance database contains all chemical records deposited in PubChem in their most raw form, before
any significant processing is applied. As a result, it contains duplicates, mixtures, and some records that don't
make chemical sense. This means that Substance records contain fewer calculated properties, however they do have
additional information about the original source that deposited the record.
The PubChem Compound database is constructed from the Substance database using a standardization and deduplication
process. Hence each Compound may be derived from a number of different Substances.
def from_sid(cls, sid):
"""Retrieve the Substance record for the specified SID.
:param int sid: The PubChem Substance Identifier (SID).
record = json.loads(request(sid, 'sid', 'substance').read().decode())['PC_Substances'][0]
return cls(record)
def __init__(self, record):
self.record = record
"""A dictionary containing the full Substance record that all other properties are obtained from."""
def __repr__(self):
return 'Substance(%s)' % self.sid if self.sid else 'Substance()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.record == other.record
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
if not properties:
skip = {'deposited_compound', 'standardized_compound', 'cids', 'aids'}
properties = [p for p in dir(Substance) if isinstance(getattr(Substance, p), property) and p not in skip]
return {p: getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def to_series(self, properties=None):
"""Return a pandas :class:`~pandas.Series` containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
import pandas as pd
return pd.Series(self.to_dict(properties))
def sid(self):
"""The PubChem Substance Idenfitier (SID)."""
return self.record['sid']['id']
def synonyms(self):
"""A ranked list of all the names associated with this Substance."""
if 'synonyms' in self.record:
return self.record['synonyms']
def source_name(self):
"""The name of the PubChem depositor that was the source of this Substance."""
return self.record['source']['db']['name']
def source_id(self):
"""Unique ID for this Substance within those from the same PubChem depositor source."""
return self.record['source']['db']['source_id']['str']
def standardized_cid(self):
"""The CID of the Compound that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
May not exist if this Substance was not standardizable.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.STANDARDIZED:
return c['id']['id']['cid']
def standardized_compound(self):
"""Return the :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.STANDARDIZED:
return Compound.from_cid(c['id']['id']['cid'])
def deposited_compound(self):
"""Return a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` produced from the unstandardized Substance record as deposited.
The resulting :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` will not have a ``cid`` and will be missing most properties.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.DEPOSITED:
return Compound(c)
def cids(self):
"""A list of all CIDs for Compounds that were produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
results = get_json(self.sid, 'sid', 'substance', 'cids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['CID'] if results else []
def aids(self):
"""A list of all AIDs for Assays associated with this Substance.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
results = get_json(self.sid, 'sid', 'substance', 'aids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['AID'] if results else []
Static methods
def from_sid(sid)
Retrieve the Substance record for the specified SID.
:param int sid: The PubChem Substance Identifier (SID).
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def from_sid(cls, sid):
"""Retrieve the Substance record for the specified SID.
:param int sid: The PubChem Substance Identifier (SID).
record = json.loads(request(sid, 'sid', 'substance').read().decode())['PC_Substances'][0]
return cls(record)
Instance variables
var aids
A list of all AIDs for Assays associated with this Substance.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
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def aids(self):
"""A list of all AIDs for Assays associated with this Substance.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
results = get_json(self.sid, 'sid', 'substance', 'aids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['AID'] if results else []
var cids
A list of all CIDs for Compounds that were produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
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def cids(self):
"""A list of all CIDs for Compounds that were produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached."""
results = get_json(self.sid, 'sid', 'substance', 'cids')
return results['InformationList']['Information'][0]['CID'] if results else []
var deposited_compound
Return a :class:~pubchempy.Compound produced from the unstandardized Substance record as deposited.
The resulting :class:~pubchempy.Compound will not have a cid and will be missing most properties.
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def deposited_compound(self):
"""Return a :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` produced from the unstandardized Substance record as deposited.
The resulting :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` will not have a ``cid`` and will be missing most properties.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.DEPOSITED:
return Compound(c)
var record
A dictionary containing the full Substance record that all other properties are obtained from.
Unique ID for this Substance within those from the same PubChem depositor source.
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def source_id(self):
"""Unique ID for this Substance within those from the same PubChem depositor source."""
return self.record['source']['db']['source_id']['str']
var source_name
The name of the PubChem depositor that was the source of this Substance.
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def source_name(self):
"""The name of the PubChem depositor that was the source of this Substance."""
return self.record['source']['db']['name']
var standardized_cid
The CID of the Compound that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
May not exist if this Substance was not standardizable.
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def standardized_cid(self):
"""The CID of the Compound that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
May not exist if this Substance was not standardizable.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.STANDARDIZED:
return c['id']['id']['cid']
var standardized_compound
Return the :class:~pubchempy.Compound that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
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def standardized_compound(self):
"""Return the :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` that was produced when this Substance was standardized.
Requires an extra request. Result is cached.
for c in self.record['compound']:
if c['id']['type'] == CompoundIdType.STANDARDIZED:
return Compound.from_cid(c['id']['id']['cid'])
var synonyms
A ranked list of all the names associated with this Substance.
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def synonyms(self):
"""A ranked list of all the names associated with this Substance."""
if 'synonyms' in self.record:
return self.record['synonyms']
def to_dict(self, properties=None)
Return a dictionary containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
Expand source code
def to_dict(self, properties=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
if not properties:
skip = {'deposited_compound', 'standardized_compound', 'cids', 'aids'}
properties = [p for p in dir(Substance) if isinstance(getattr(Substance, p), property) and p not in skip]
return {p: getattr(self, p) for p in properties}
def to_series(self, properties=None)
Return a pandas :class:~pandas.Series containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
Expand source code
def to_series(self, properties=None):
"""Return a pandas :class:`~pandas.Series` containing Substance data.
If the properties parameter is not specified, everything except cids and aids is included. This is because the
aids and cids properties each require an extra request to retrieve.
:param properties: (optional) A list of the desired properties.
import pandas as pd
return pd.Series(self.to_dict(properties))
class TimeoutError(msg='The request timed out')
The request timed out, from server overload or too broad a request.
See :ref:Avoiding TimeoutError <avoiding_timeouterror> for more information.
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class TimeoutError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""The request timed out, from server overload or too broad a request.
See :ref:`Avoiding TimeoutError <avoiding_timeouterror>` for more information.
def __init__(self, msg='The request timed out'):
self.msg = msg
class UnimplementedError(msg='The requested operation has not been implemented')
The requested operation has not (yet) been implemented by the server.
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class UnimplementedError(PubChemHTTPError):
"""The requested operation has not (yet) been implemented by the server."""
def __init__(self, msg='The requested operation has not been implemented'):
self.msg = msg