This is a raw view of the Python source code due to an error in generating the documentation.
Date of Conversion: 2025-03-07 18:22:52
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Objects returned by ChemSpiPy API methods.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
import warnings
from .utils import memoized_property
class Compound(object):
""" A class for retrieving and caching details about a specific ChemSpider record.
The purpose of this class is to provide access to various parts of the ChemSpider API that return information about
a compound given its ChemSpider ID. Information is loaded lazily when requested, and cached for future access.
def __init__(self, cs, record_id):
:param ChemSpider cs: ``ChemSpider`` session.
:param int|string record_id: Compound record ID.
self._cs = cs
self._record_id = int(record_id)
# TODO: Allow optional initialize with a record-type response from the API (kwarg or class method from_dict?).
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Compound) and self.csid == other.csid
def __repr__(self):
return 'Compound(%r)' % self.csid
def _repr_png_(self):
"""For IPython notebook, display 2D image."""
return self.image
def record_id(self):
"""Compound record ID.
:rtype: int
return self._record_id
def csid(self):
"""ChemSpider ID.
.. deprecated:: 2.0.0
Use :py:attr:`~chemspipy.objects.Compound.record_id` instead.
:rtype: int
warnings.warn('Use record_id instead of csid.', DeprecationWarning)
return self._record_id
def image_url(self):
"""Return the URL of a PNG image of the 2D chemical structure.
:rtype: string
return '' % self.record_id
def _details(self):
"""Request compound info and cache the result."""
return self._cs.get_details(self.record_id)
def molecular_formula(self):
"""Return the molecular formula for this Compound.
:rtype: string
return self._details['formula']
def smiles(self):
"""Return the SMILES for this Compound.
:rtype: string
return self._details['smiles']
# TODO: Convert tool to get inchi?
def stdinchi(self):
"""Return the Standard InChI for this Compound.
.. deprecated:: 2.0.0
Use :py:attr:`~chemspipy.objects.Compound.inchi` instead.
:rtype: string
warnings.warn('Use inchi instead of stdinchi.', DeprecationWarning)
return self.inchi
def stdinchikey(self):
"""Return the Standard InChIKey for this Compound.
.. deprecated:: 2.0.0
Use :py:attr:`~chemspipy.objects.Compound.inchikey` instead.
:rtype: string
warnings.warn('Use inchikey instead of stdinchikey.', DeprecationWarning)
return self.inchikey
def inchi(self):
"""Return the InChI for this Compound.
:rtype: string
return self._cs.convert(self.mol_2d, 'Mol', 'InChI')
def inchikey(self):
"""Return the InChIKey for this Compound.
:rtype: string
return self._cs.convert(self.mol_2d, 'Mol', 'InChIKey')
def average_mass(self):
"""Return the average mass of this Compound.
:rtype: float
return self._details['averageMass']
def molecular_weight(self):
"""Return the molecular weight of this Compound.
:rtype: float
return self._details['molecularWeight']
def monoisotopic_mass(self):
"""Return the monoisotopic mass of this Compound.
:rtype: float
return self._details['monoisotopicMass']
def nominal_mass(self):
"""Return the nominal mass of this Compound.
:rtype: float
return self._details['nominalMass']
def common_name(self):
"""Return the common name for this Compound.
:rtype: string
return self._details['commonName']
def mol_2d(self):
"""Return the MOL file for this Compound with 2D coordinates.
:rtype: string
return self._details['mol2D']
def mol_3d(self):
"""Return the MOL file for this Compound with 3D coordinates.
:rtype: string
return self._details['mol3D']
def image(self):
"""Return a 2D depiction of this Compound.
:rtype: bytes
return self._cs.get_image(self.record_id)
def external_references(self):
"""Return external references for this Compound.
:rtype: list[dict]
return self._cs.get_external_references(self.record_id)