Module loadpubchem

=============================================================================== SFPPy Module: LoadPubChem =============================================================================== Retrieves and caches molecular properties from PubChem for use in migration modeling. Stores both detailed (full.json) and lightweight (simple.json) records.

Main Components: - CompoundIndex (Manages the local PubChem database) - Caches compound information to avoid repeated queries - Uses a local JSON index for fast lookups by name, CAS, or structure - Automatically fetches missing compounds from PubChem - migrant (Links chemical compounds to migration properties) - Retrieves and stores diffusion (D) and partition (K) coefficients from - Supports surrogate or theoretical migrants if missing from PubChem - Used directly in to define migrating substances in packaging materials

Integration with SFPPy Modules: - Used in to define a migrating chemical with associated properties. - Calls when PubChem does not provide required mass transfer parameters.


from loadpubchem import migrant
m = migrant(name="anisole")
D_value = m.D.evaluate(polymer="LDPE", T=60)

=============================================================================== Details =============================================================================== This module offers a simple mechanism to retrieve molecular properties from the US-NIH Pubchem website. The data are cached locally for efficiency and can be used off-line. The high-level class migrant connects the attributes of the chemical with predictions available in the module including diffusivities and partitioning.

Overview Of Compound Index

This module provides a CompoundIndex class that allows you to locally cache chemical data retrieved from PubChem, saving each record in two JSON-based formats:

  1. Full JSON (cidXXXX.full.json) – A comprehensive snapshot of all PubChem properties for a given compound (e.g., synonyms, IUPAC name, molecular weight, 3D data, etc.).
  2. Simple JSON (cidXXXX.simple.json) – A minimal “lightweight” record containing only the most essential fields, such as:
  3. CID, name, synonyms, CAS numbers, molecular weight, formula, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, and date.

Each record is indexed by any recognized synonym (including CAS, IUPAC names, common names, etc.), so that subsequent searches by any of these identifiers will pull up the same compound. A local synonyms→[CIDs] mapping is stored in a single JSON index file (default: pubchem_index.json).

Key Features

  • Local Cache: Creates and maintains a folder (default: cache.PubChem) where each compound is stored in two forms:
  • cidXXXX.full.json – Contains all available properties from PubChem.
  • cidXXXX.simple.json – A lighter record used for quick lookups and indexing.

  • Synonym Indexing: All synonyms (including IUPAC name, title, and anything else treated as a synonym) are captured and mapped to the compound’s CID in a local dictionary, serialized as pubchem_index.json. As soon as a new compound is retrieved from PubChem, these synonyms are added to the index so that future searches for any of those synonyms will immediately return the correct record from the local cache.

  • Refreshable Index: If the index does not exist or is invalid, the module scans all *.full.json files in the cache folder, regenerates each *.simple.json (if missing or outdated), and rebuilds the synonyms index.

  • PubChem Queries: When a requested compound is not in the local index, the code automatically queries PubChem via your private pubchempy library (get_compounds()(…)). The first match is saved locally, indexed, and returned. If no match is found, an empty result is returned.

  • Flexible Searching: You can search by compound name, CAS, SMILES, or any other string recognized by PubChem’s "name" lookup. The local index supports direct substring equality (lowercased). You can easily extend or adapt the code for fuzzy matches or partial synonyms.

Usage Example

Below is a minimal example of how you might use the CompoundIndex class once the module is imported:

.. code-block:: python

from compound_cache import CompoundIndex

# Instantiate and automatically load or build the index
db = CompoundIndex()

# Search for anisole in "simple" mode
result_simple = db.find("anisole", output_format="simple")
print("Simple record:\n", result_simple)

# Retrieve the full record for anisole
result_full = db.find("anisole", output_format="full")
print("Full record:\n", result_full)

When you search for a compound, the class: 1. Checks if that query (in lowercase) is in the local synonyms index. 2. If it is found, loads either the *.simple.json or *.full.json (depending on output_format) and returns one or more results in a pandas DataFrame. 3. If not found, queries PubChem once, saves the new record locally in both file formats, adds synonyms to the index, and returns a one-row DataFrame.

Class Summary

CompoundIndex - __init__(cache_dir='cache.PubChem', index_file='pubchem_index.json') Prepares the local cache folder, loads or refreshes the synonyms index.

  • refresh_index() Rebuilds the index by scanning all *.full.json files in the local cache. Re-creates any missing *.simple.json from the full data.

  • find(query, output_format='simple') Main user-facing method. Returns a pandas DataFrame of matching records (possibly multiple rows if synonyms map to multiple CIDs). If no local match is found, it queries PubChem, stores the record, and updates the index.

  • Internal Helper Methods

  • _extract_all_pubchem_properties(compound_obj): Extracts every property from the pubchempy.Compound object, calling each property accessor (cid, synonyms, iupac_name, etc.).
  • _generate_simple_dict(full_data, synonyms_set=None): Produces the minimal “light” dictionary saved to cidXXXX.simple.json.
  • _gather_synonyms(full_data): Merges synonyms (and other text fields, like iupac_name/title) into a unified set of strings.
  • _add_synonym_to_index(synonym, cid): Inserts or updates the synonyms→[CIDs] mapping.


  • pandas: For returning results as DataFrame objects.
  • json & os & glob & datetime: For file I/O, directory handling, indexing, caching.
  • re: For simple CAS pattern matching (e.g., ^\d{1,7}-\d{2}-\d$).
  • private.pubchempy: A local (private) version of the PubChem Python client, providing the get_compounds()(…) method and Compound property accessors.


  • Large-scale usage: For large compound sets, consider optimizing the index or storing data in a more robust database.
  • The synonyms approach: Default matching is exact (lowercased). Fuzzy or partial matches require custom logic.

@version: 1.2 @project: SFPPy - SafeFoodPackaging Portal in Python initiative @author: INRAE\ @licence: MIT @Date: 2024-02-17 @rev: 2025-03-06

Version History

  • 1.0: Initial version, supporting local caching, synonyms index, and direct PubChem lookup.
  • 1.2: Production
  • 1.21: PubChem cap rate enforced (urgent request)
Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

SFPPy Module: LoadPubChem
Retrieves and caches molecular properties from PubChem for use in migration modeling.
Stores both detailed (`full.json`) and lightweight (`simple.json`) records.

**Main Components:**
- **`CompoundIndex`** (Manages the local PubChem database)
    - Caches compound information to avoid repeated queries
    - Uses a local JSON index for fast lookups by name, CAS, or structure
    - Automatically fetches missing compounds from PubChem
- **`migrant`** (Links chemical compounds to migration properties)
    - Retrieves and stores diffusion (`D`) and partition (`K`) coefficients from ``
    - Supports surrogate or theoretical migrants if missing from PubChem
    - Used directly in `` to define migrating substances in packaging materials

**Integration with SFPPy Modules:**
- Used in `` to define a migrating chemical with associated properties.
- Calls `` when PubChem does not provide required mass transfer parameters.

from loadpubchem import migrant
m = migrant(name="anisole")
D_value = m.D.evaluate(polymer="LDPE", T=60)

This module offers a simple mechanism to retrieve molecular properties from the US-NIH Pubchem website.
The data are cached locally for efficiency and can be used off-line.
The high-level class migrant connects the attributes of the chemical with predictions available in the
module `` including diffusivities and partitioning.

Overview of Compound Index
This module provides a `CompoundIndex` class that allows you to locally cache chemical data retrieved from PubChem, saving each record in two JSON-based formats:

1. **Full JSON** (cidXXXX.full.json) – A comprehensive snapshot of all PubChem properties for a given compound (e.g., synonyms, IUPAC name, molecular weight, 3D data, etc.).
2. **Simple JSON** (cidXXXX.simple.json) – A minimal “lightweight” record containing only the most essential fields, such as:
   - CID, name, synonyms, CAS numbers, molecular weight, formula, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, and date.

Each record is indexed by any recognized synonym (including CAS, IUPAC names, common names, etc.), so that subsequent searches by any of these identifiers will pull up the same compound. A local synonyms→[CIDs] mapping is stored in a single JSON index file (default: pubchem_index.json).

Key Features
- **Local Cache**: Creates and maintains a folder (default: `cache.PubChem`) where each compound is stored in two forms:
  1. **`cidXXXX.full.json`** – Contains all available properties from PubChem.
  2. **`cidXXXX.simple.json`** – A lighter record used for quick lookups and indexing.

- **Synonym Indexing**: All synonyms (including IUPAC name, title, and anything else treated as a synonym) are captured and mapped to the compound’s CID in a local dictionary, serialized as `pubchem_index.json`. As soon as a new compound is retrieved from PubChem, these synonyms are added to the index so that future searches for any of those synonyms will immediately return the correct record from the local cache.

- **Refreshable Index**: If the index does not exist or is invalid, the module scans all `*.full.json` files in the cache folder, regenerates each `*.simple.json` (if missing or outdated), and rebuilds the synonyms index.

- **PubChem Queries**: When a requested compound is *not* in the local index, the code automatically queries PubChem via your private `pubchempy` library (`get_compounds(...)`). The first match is saved locally, indexed, and returned. If no match is found, an empty result is returned.

- **Flexible Searching**: You can search by compound name, CAS, SMILES, or any other string recognized by PubChem’s "name" lookup. The local index supports direct substring equality (lowercased). You can easily extend or adapt the code for fuzzy matches or partial synonyms.

Usage Example
Below is a minimal example of how you might use the `CompoundIndex` class once the module is imported:

.. code-block:: python

    from compound_cache import CompoundIndex

    # Instantiate and automatically load or build the index
    db = CompoundIndex()

    # Search for anisole in "simple" mode
    result_simple = db.find("anisole", output_format="simple")
    print("Simple record:\n", result_simple)

    # Retrieve the full record for anisole
    result_full = db.find("anisole", output_format="full")
    print("Full record:\n", result_full)

When you search for a compound, the class:
1. Checks if that query (in lowercase) is in the local synonyms index.
2. If it is found, loads either the `*.simple.json` or `*.full.json` (depending on output_format) and returns one or more results in a pandas DataFrame.
3. If not found, queries PubChem once, saves the new record locally in both file formats, adds synonyms to the index, and returns a one-row DataFrame.

Class Summary
- **`__init__(cache_dir='cache.PubChem', index_file='pubchem_index.json')`**
  Prepares the local cache folder, loads or refreshes the synonyms index.

- **`refresh_index()`**
  Rebuilds the index by scanning all `*.full.json` files in the local cache. Re-creates any missing `*.simple.json` from the full data.

- **`find(query, output_format='simple')`**
  Main user-facing method. Returns a pandas DataFrame of matching records (possibly multiple rows if synonyms map to multiple CIDs). If no local match is found, it queries PubChem, stores the record, and updates the index.

- **Internal Helper Methods**
  - **`_extract_all_pubchem_properties(compound_obj)`**: Extracts every property from the `pubchempy.Compound` object, calling each property accessor (cid, synonyms, iupac_name, etc.).
  - **`_generate_simple_dict(full_data, synonyms_set=None)`**: Produces the minimal “light” dictionary saved to `cidXXXX.simple.json`.
  - **`_gather_synonyms(full_data)`**: Merges synonyms (and other text fields, like `iupac_name`/`title`) into a unified set of strings.
  - **`_add_synonym_to_index(synonym, cid)`**: Inserts or updates the synonyms→[CIDs] mapping.

- **`pandas`**: For returning results as DataFrame objects.
- **`json`** & **`os`** & **`glob`** & **`datetime`**: For file I/O, directory handling, indexing, caching.
- **`re`**: For simple CAS pattern matching (e.g., `^\d{1,7}-\d{2}-\d$`).
- **`private.pubchempy`**: A local (private) version of the PubChem Python client, providing the `get_compounds(...)` method and `Compound` property accessors.

- Large-scale usage: For large compound sets, consider optimizing the index or storing data in a more robust database.
- The synonyms approach: Default matching is **exact** (lowercased). Fuzzy or partial matches require custom logic.

@version: 1.2
@project: SFPPy - SafeFoodPackaging Portal in Python initiative
@author: INRAE\\
@licence: MIT
@Date: 2024-02-17
@rev: 2025-03-06

Version History
- 1.0: Initial version, supporting local caching, synonyms index, and direct PubChem lookup.
- 1.2: Production
- 1.21: PubChem cap rate enforced (urgent request)


import os
import subprocess
import requests
import json
import re
import glob
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import time

    from PIL import Image
except ImportError:

# private version of pubchempy
from patankar.private.pubchempy import get_compounds

__all__ = ['CompoundIndex', 'dbdefault', 'get_compounds', 'migrant', 'migrantToxtree', 'polarity_index']

__project__ = "SFPPy"
__author__ = "Olivier Vitrac"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022"
__credits__ = ["Olivier Vitrac"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Olivier Vitrac"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "1.29"

# %% Private functions and constants (used by estimators)

# full path of patankar/ used cache.PubChem, cache.Toxtree, private/toxtree/
_PATANKAR_FOLDER = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# Enforcing rate limiting cap:
PubChem_MIN_DELAY = 1 / 3.0  # 1/3 second (333ms)
PubChem_lastQueryTime = 0 # global variable

# returns polarity index from logP and V
def polarity_index(logP=None, V=None, name=None,
                   Vw=19.588376948550433,  # migrant("water").molarvolumeMiller
                   Vo=150.26143432234372,  # migrant("octanol").molarvolumeMiller
    Computes the polarity index (P') from a given logP value and molar volume V.
    This is done using a quadratic model fitted to experimental data:

        E = A * (P')² + B * P' + C
        P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

        - E = logP * ln(10) - S = Xw - Xo
        - S = entropy contribution = - (V/Vw - V/Vo)

    logP : float, list, or np.ndarray
        The logP value(s) for which to compute the polarity index P'.
    V : float, list, or np.ndarray
        The molar volume(s) corresponding to logP. Must be either:
        - The same size as `logP`, or
        - A single scalar value that will be applied to all logP values.
    name : str, optional
        A solvent name (instead of providing logP and V). If given, logP and V
        will be fetched from the `migrant` database.
    Vw : float, optional
        Molar volume of water (default: 19.59).
    Vo : float, optional
        Molar volume of octanol (default: 150.26).
    A, B, C : float, optional
        Coefficients for the quadratic equation.

    float or np.ndarray
        The calculated polarity index P'. If logP is out of the valid range:
        - Returns **10.2** for very polar solvents (beyond water).
        - Returns **0** for extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane).

        If both `logP` and `V` are not provided, or if their lengths do not match.

    Example Usage
    >>> logP = migrant("anisole").logP
    >>> V = migrant("anisole").molarvolumeMiller
    >>> polarity_index(logP, V)
    8.34  # Example output

    >>> polarity_index(logP=[-1.0, 0.5, 2.0], V=50)
    array([9.2, 4.5, 1.8])  # Example outputs

    # Define valid logP range based on quadratic model limits
    Emin = C - B**2 / (4*A)  # ≈ -2.78 (theoretical minimum lnKow=E)
    Emax = C                 # ≈ 14.81 (theoretical maximum logP)
    Pmax = 10.2  # Saturation value for highly polar solvents

    # Fetch logP and V if `name` is given
    if logP is None or V is None:
        if name is None:
            raise ValueError("Provide either (logP, V) pair or a valid solvent name.")
        from patankar.loadpubchem import migrant
        tmp = migrant(name)
        logP, V = tmp.logP, tmp.molarvolumeMiller

    # Convert inputs to NumPy arrays for consistency
    logP = np.asarray(logP, dtype=np.float64)
    if np.isscalar(V):
        V = np.full_like(logP, V, dtype=np.float64)  # Broadcast scalar V
        V = np.asarray(V, dtype=np.float64)

    # Ensure logP and V have matching sizes
    if logP.shape != V.shape:
        raise ValueError("logP and V must have the same shape or V must be a scalar.")

    def compute_P(logP_value, V_value):
        """Computes P' for a single logP and V value after input validation."""
        S = - (1/Vw - 1/Vo) * V_value
        E = logP_value * 2.302585092994046 - S  # Convert logP to natural log (ln)

        # Handle extreme values
        if E < Emin:
            return Pmax  # Very polar solvents
        if E > Emax:
            return 0.0  # Extremely hydrophobic solvents

        # Solve quadratic equation
        discriminant = B**2 - 4*A*(C - E)
        sqrt_discriminant = np.sqrt(discriminant)
        P2root = (-B - sqrt_discriminant) / (2*A)  # Always select P2

        return P2root if P2root <= Pmax else Pmax

    # Vectorized computation for arrays
    return np.vectorize(compute_P)(logP, V)

# %% Core class (low-level)
class CompoundIndex:
    Class to query chemical compounds by any synonym (name, CAS, etc.)
    using a local PubChem cache, refreshing or populating it automatically
    from actual PubChem queries if needed.

    def __init__(self, cache_dir="cache.PubChem", index_file="pubchem_index.json"):
        Constructor: ensures cache directory and index file exist/are loaded.

        :param cache_dir: path to local cache of *.json files
        :param index_file: local JSON file holding synonyms → [cids] index
        self.cache_dir = os.path.join(_PATANKAR_FOLDER,cache_dir)
        os.makedirs(self.cache_dir, exist_ok=True)

        self.index_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, index_file)
        # Regex to identify CAS-like strings, e.g. "1234-56-7"
        self._cas_regex = re.compile(r'^\d{1,7}-\d{2}-\d$')

        # Attempt to load existing index; if missing or invalid, rebuild
        if not os.path.isfile(self.index_file):
            with open(self.index_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    # for debugging, we split reading and parsing
                    #rawjson =
                    #self.index = json.loads(rawjson)
                    self.index = json.load(f)
                except json.JSONDecodeError:
                    print("LOADPUBCHEM: JSON ERROR in {self.index_file}, the current index is discarded.")
                    self.index = {}
            if not isinstance(self.index, dict) or not self.index:

    def refresh_index(self):
        Rebuild the synonyms→[cids] index by scanning *.full.json files
        in the cache directory, and regenerating each *.simple.json if needed.
        self.index = {}
        full_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "cid*.full.json"))

        for full_path in full_files:
            filename = os.path.basename(full_path)  # e.g. "cid12345.full.json"
            cid_str = filename.replace("cid", "").replace(".full.json", "")
                cid = int(cid_str)
            except ValueError:
                continue  # skip any weirdly named files

            # Load full data
            with open(full_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    full_data = json.load(f)

            # Gather synonyms from the "full" data
            synonyms_set = self._gather_synonyms(full_data)

            # Possibly regenerate the *.simple.json
            simple_dict = self._generate_simple_dict(full_data, synonyms_set)
            simple_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.simple.json")
            with open(simple_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
                json.dump(simple_dict, fw, indent=2)

            # Add synonyms to the index
            for syn in simple_dict.get("synonyms", []):
                self._add_synonym_to_index(syn, cid)

        # Save updated index
        with open(self.index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            json.dump(self.index, f, indent=2)

    def _add_synonym_to_index(self, synonym, cid):
        Helper to map a single synonym→cid in self.index.
        syn_lower = synonym.strip().lower()
        if syn_lower not in self.index:
            self.index[syn_lower] = []
        if cid not in self.index[syn_lower]:

    def _gather_synonyms(self, full_data):
        Gathers synonyms from the loaded full-data dictionary.
        We expect 'synonyms' to be a list, plus possible extra fields.
        Merge them into a single set for deduplication.
        synonyms_set = set()

        # If your full_data includes a 'synonyms' list
        syn_list = full_data.get("synonyms", [])
        if syn_list:

        # Also merge other textual fields that are effectively synonyms
        iupac_name = full_data.get("iupac_name")
        if iupac_name:

        title = full_data.get("title")
        if title:

        # You can add more fields if you treat them as synonyms or common names
        return synonyms_set

    def _generate_simple_dict(self, full_data, synonyms_set=None):
        Builds a small "light" dictionary for quick searching:
            CID, name, synonyms, CAS, M, formula, SMILES, InChi, InChiKey, logP, date.
        if synonyms_set is None:
            synonyms_set = set()

        cid = full_data.get("cid", None)
        synonyms_list = sorted(s.strip() for s in synonyms_set if s.strip())

        # Identify CAS numbers within synonyms
        cas_list = []
        for syn in synonyms_list:
            if self._cas_regex.match(syn):

        # Derive a main 'name'
        name = full_data.get("iupac_name") or (synonyms_list[0] if synonyms_list else "")

        # Some fields might be missing or None
        record = {
            "CID": cid,
            "name": name,
            "synonyms": synonyms_list,
            "CAS": cas_list,
            "M": float(full_data.get("molecular_weight")),
            "formula": full_data.get("molecular_formula"),
            "SMILES": full_data.get("canonical_smiles"),
            "InChi": full_data.get("inchi"),
            "InChiKey": full_data.get("inchikey"),
            "logP": float(full_data.get("xlogp")),
        return record

    def _extract_all_pubchem_properties(self, compound_obj):
        Uses your local pubchempy.Compound’s @property accessors to get
        all available fields. This replicates the entire set of property
        definitions you shared (cid, synonyms, iupac_name, xlogp, etc.),
        then returns them in one dict.

        We'll read each property from the compound_obj and store it.
        If your code snippet has more 3D property calls, just do the same.
        d = {}

        # Basic identifiers
        d["cid"] = compound_obj.cid
        # synonyms is a memoized_property
        # so if we do compound_obj.synonyms, it triggers an extra request for synonyms
        d["synonyms"] = compound_obj.synonyms or []

        # Extract “static” properties
        # Many parse data from compound_obj.record['props'] or similar.
        d["sids"] = compound_obj.sids or []
        d["aids"] = compound_obj.aids or []
        d["elements"] = compound_obj.elements
        d["atoms"] = [self._atom_to_dict(a) for a in compound_obj.atoms]  # or just store them raw
        d["bonds"] = [self._bond_to_dict(b) for b in compound_obj.bonds]
        d["coordinate_type"] = compound_obj.coordinate_type
        d["charge"] = compound_obj.charge
        d["molecular_formula"] = compound_obj.molecular_formula
        d["molecular_weight"] = compound_obj.molecular_weight
        d["canonical_smiles"] = compound_obj.canonical_smiles
        d["isomeric_smiles"] = compound_obj.isomeric_smiles
        d["inchi"] = compound_obj.inchi
        d["inchikey"] = compound_obj.inchikey
        d["iupac_name"] = compound_obj.iupac_name
        d["xlogp"] = compound_obj.xlogp
        d["exact_mass"] = compound_obj.exact_mass
        d["monoisotopic_mass"] = compound_obj.monoisotopic_mass
        d["tpsa"] = compound_obj.tpsa
        d["complexity"] = compound_obj.complexity
        d["h_bond_donor_count"] = compound_obj.h_bond_donor_count
        d["h_bond_acceptor_count"] = compound_obj.h_bond_acceptor_count
        d["rotatable_bond_count"] = compound_obj.rotatable_bond_count
        d["fingerprint"] = compound_obj.fingerprint
        # cactvs_fingerprint might be large but let's store it
        d["cactvs_fingerprint"] = compound_obj.cactvs_fingerprint
        d["heavy_atom_count"] = compound_obj.heavy_atom_count
        d["isotope_atom_count"] = compound_obj.isotope_atom_count
        d["atom_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.atom_stereo_count
        d["defined_atom_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.defined_atom_stereo_count
        d["undefined_atom_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.undefined_atom_stereo_count
        d["bond_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.bond_stereo_count
        d["defined_bond_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.defined_bond_stereo_count
        d["undefined_bond_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.undefined_bond_stereo_count
        d["covalent_unit_count"] = compound_obj.covalent_unit_count

        # 3D data (if present)
        d["volume_3d"] = compound_obj.volume_3d
        d["multipoles_3d"] = compound_obj.multipoles_3d
        d["conformer_rmsd_3d"] = compound_obj.conformer_rmsd_3d
        d["effective_rotor_count_3d"] = compound_obj.effective_rotor_count_3d
        d["pharmacophore_features_3d"] = compound_obj.pharmacophore_features_3d
        d["mmff94_partial_charges_3d"] = compound_obj.mmff94_partial_charges_3d
        d["mmff94_energy_3d"] = compound_obj.mmff94_energy_3d
        d["conformer_id_3d"] = compound_obj.conformer_id_3d
        d["shape_selfoverlap_3d"] = compound_obj.shape_selfoverlap_3d
        d["feature_selfoverlap_3d"] = compound_obj.feature_selfoverlap_3d
        d["shape_fingerprint_3d"] = compound_obj.shape_fingerprint_3d

        return d

    def _atom_to_dict(self, atom_obj):
        Optional: convert a pubchempy.Atom instance to a small dict
        with (aid, element, x, y, z, charge, ...).
        return {
            "aid": atom_obj.aid,
            "element": atom_obj.element,
            "x": atom_obj.x,
            "y": atom_obj.y,
            "z": atom_obj.z,
            "charge": atom_obj.charge,

    def _bond_to_dict(self, bond_obj):
        Optional: convert a pubchempy.Bond instance to a small dict
        with (aid1, aid2, order, etc.).
        return {
            "aid1": bond_obj.aid1,
            "aid2": bond_obj.aid2,
            "order": bond_obj.order,

    def find(self, query, output_format="simple"):
        Main method to find a compound from local index or from PubChem.
        Returns a pd.DataFrame with matching records. If multiple CIDs
        match that synonym, returns multiple rows.

        :param query: string synonym/identifier (name, CAS, SMILES, etc.)
        :param output_format: 'simple' or 'full'
        :return: pd.DataFrame with the results (possibly multiple rows)
        global PubChem_lastQueryTime
        qlower = query.strip().lower()

        if qlower not in self.index:
            # Not found locally => do a PubChem call while respecting cap limit
            # doing more than 3 queries per second will ban you for a day or so
            elapsed = time.time() - PubChem_lastQueryTime # time elapsed since last request
            if elapsed < PubChem_MIN_DELAY:
                wait_time = PubChem_MIN_DELAY - elapsed
                print(f"LOADPUBCHEM: Rate limit reached. Waiting {wait_time:.2f} s...")
            matches = get_compounds(query, 'name')
            PubChem_lastQueryTime - time.time() # update last request time
            if not matches:
                return pd.DataFrame()  # no hits at all

            best = matches[0]
            # Build the "all-props" dictionary from the pubchempy.Compound
            best_dict = self._extract_all_pubchem_properties(best)

            cid = best_dict.get("cid", None)
            if cid is None:
                return pd.DataFrame()  # some edge case with no cid

            # Save the "full" record
            full_name = f"cid{cid}.full.json"
            full_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, full_name)
            with open(full_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
                json.dump(best_dict, fw, indent=2)

            # Now prepare the synonyms set from that new record
            synonyms_set = self._gather_synonyms(best_dict)
            # Generate the "simple" record
            simple_dict = self._generate_simple_dict(best_dict, synonyms_set)

            # Save the "simple" record
            simple_name = f"cid{cid}.simple.json"
            simple_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, simple_name)
            with open(simple_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
                json.dump(simple_dict, fw, indent=2)

            # Update the index with synonyms
            for syn in simple_dict.get("synonyms", []):
                self._add_synonym_to_index(syn, cid)
            # Also index the raw query itself
            self._add_synonym_to_index(query, cid)

            with open(self.index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                json.dump(self.index, f, indent=2)

            # Return a single-row DataFrame
            if output_format == "full":
                return pd.DataFrame([best_dict])
                return pd.DataFrame([simple_dict])

            # Found in local index => load data from cache
            cids = self.index[qlower]
            results = []
            for cid in cids:
                if output_format == "full":
                    fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.full.json")
                    fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.simple.json")

                if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
                    continue  # skip if missing or corrupted
                with open(fpath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    data = json.load(f)

            if not results:
                return pd.DataFrame()

            return pd.DataFrame(results)

# %% Class migrant (high-level)

# Main compound database
dbdefault = CompoundIndex(cache_dir="cache.PubChem", index_file="pubchem_index.json")

# Migrant class
class migrant:
    A class representing a migrating chemical substance.

    It can be initialized in three main ways:

    1) Case (a) - By a textual name/CAS only (for a real compound search):
           m = migrant(name="anisole", db=my_compound_index)
           # or
           m = migrant(name="anisole", db=my_compound_index, M=None)
       In this mode:
         • A lookup is performed using db.find(name), which may return one or more records.
         • If multiple records match, data from each record is merged:
             - compound  = The text used in the query (e.g. "anisole")
             - name      = Concatenation of all distinct names from the search results
             - CAS       = Concatenation of all CAS numbers from the search results
             - M         = The minimum of all found molecular weights, stored in self.M (a numpy array also keeps the full set)
             - formula   = The first formula
             - logP      = All logP values concatenated into a numpy array (self.logP_array).
                           The main attribute self.logP will be the same array or you may pick a single representative.

    2) Case (b) - By numeric molecular weight(s) alone (generic substance):
           m = migrant(M=200)
           m = migrant(M=[100, 500])  # Possibly a range
       In this mode:
         • No search is performed.
         • name = "generic" (unless you override it).
         • compound = "single molecular weight" if 1 entry in M, or
                      "list of molecular weights ranging from X to Y" if multiple.
         • CAS = None
         • M   = the minimum of all provided M values (also stored in a numpy array)
         • logP = None by default, or can be supplied explicitly as an array

    3) Case (c) - Name + numeric M/logP => Surrogate / hypothetical:
           m = migrant(name="mySurrogate", M=[200, 250], logP=[2.5, 3.0])
           m = migrant(name="surrogate", M=200)
       In this mode:
         • No lookup is performed. This is a “fake” compound not found in PubChem.
         • compound = "single molecular weight" or
                      "list of molecular weights ranging from X to Y" if multiple.
         • name = whatever user provides
         • CAS = None
         • M   = min of the provided M array, stored in a numpy array
         • logP = user-provided array or single float, stored in a numpy array

    compound : str
        For case (a) => the search text;
        For case (b,c) => textual description of the numeric M array.
    name : str or list
        For case (a) => aggregated list of all found names (string-joined);
        For case (b) => "generic" or user-supplied name;
        For case (c) => user-supplied name.
    CAS : list or None
        For case (a) => aggregated CAS from search results;
        For case (b,c) => None.
    M : float
        The *minimum* M from either the search results or the user-supplied array.
    M_array : numpy.ndarray
        The full array of all M values found or provided.
    logP : float or numpy.ndarray or None
        For case (a) => an array of all logP from the search results (or None if not found);
        For case (b) => None or user-supplied value/array;
        For case (c) => user-supplied value/array.

    # class attribute, maximum width
    _maxdisplay = 40

    # migrant constructor
    def __init__(self, name=None,
                 M=None, logP=None,
                 Dmodel = "Piringer",
                 Dtemplate = {"polymer":"LLDPE", "M":50, "T":40}, # do not use None
                 kmodel = "kFHP",
                 ktemplate = {"Pi":1.41, "Pk":3.97, "Vi":124.1, "Vk":30.9, "ispolymer":True,
                              "alpha":0.14, "lngmin":0.0,"Psat":1.0}, # do not use None
        Create a new migrant instance.

        name : str or None
            - A textual name for the substance to be looked up in PubChem (case a),
              or a custom name for a surrogate (case c).
            - If None, and M is given, we treat it as a numeric-only initialization (case b).
        M : float or list/ndarray of float or None
            - For case (a): If provided as None, we do a PubChem search by name.
            - For case (b): The numeric molecular weight(s). No search is performed if name is None.
            - For case (c): Combined name and numeric M => a surrogate with no search.
        logP : float or list/ndarray of float or None
            - For case (a): Typically None. If the PubChem search returns logP, it’s stored automatically.
            - For case (b,c): user can supply. If given, stored in self.logP as a numpy array.
        db : instance of CompoundIndex or similar, optional
            - If you want to perform a PubChem search (case a) automatically, pass an instance.
            - If omitted or None, no search is attempted, even if name is given.
        raiseerror : bool (default=True), optional
            Raise an error if name is not found

        Advanced Parameters
        Property models from MigrationPropertyModels can be directly attached to the substance.
        Based on the current version of two models are proposed:
            - Set a diffusivity model using
                    - Dmodel="model name"
                      default ="Piringer"
                    - Dtemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters
                      (e.g, to bed used Diringer(key1=value1...))
                      note: the template needs to be valid (do not use None)
                      default = {"polymer":None, "M":None, "T":None}
            - Set a Henry-like model using
                    - kmodel="model name"
                      default =None
                    - ktemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters
                      default =  {"Pi":1.41, "Pk":3.97, "Vi":124.1, "Vk":30.9, "ispolymer":True, "alpha":0.14, "lngmin":0.0,"Psat":1.0}
            other models could be implemented in the future, read the module for details.

        Example of usage of Dpiringer
            m = migrant(name='limonene')
            # without the helper function
            Dvalue = m.D.evaluate(**dict(m.Dtemplate,polymer="LDPE",T=60))
            # with the helper function
            Dvalue = m.Deval(polymer="LDPE",T=60)

        ValueError if insufficient arguments are provided for any scenario.

        # local import
        # import implicity property migration models (e.g., Dpiringer)
        from import MigrationPropertyModels, MigrationPropertyModel_validator

        self.compound = None   # str = None       # str or list
        self.cid = None        # int or list
        self.CAS = None        # list or None
        self.M = None          # float
        self.formula = None
        self.smiles = None
        self.M_array = None    # np.ndarray
        self.logP = None       # float / np.ndarray / None

        # special case
        if name==M==None:
            name = 'toluene'

        # Convert M to a numpy array if given
        if M is not None:
            if isinstance(M, (float, int)):
                M_array = np.array([float(M)], dtype=float)
                # Convert to array
                M_array = np.array(M, dtype=float)
            M_array = None

        # Similarly, convert logP to array if provided
        if logP is not None:
            if isinstance(logP, (float, int)):
                logP_array = np.array([float(logP)], dtype=float)
                logP_array = np.array(logP, dtype=float)
            logP_array = None

        # Case (a): name is provided, M=None => real compound lookup
        if (name is not None) and (M is None):
            if db is None:
                raise ValueError("A db instance is required for searching by name when M is None.")

            df = db.find(name, output_format="simple")
            if df.empty:
                if raiseerror:
                    raise ValueError(f"<{name}> not found")
                print(f"LOADPUBCHEM ERRROR: <{name}> not found - empty object returned")
                # No record found
                self.compound = name
       = [name]
                self.cid = []
                self.CAS = []
                self.M_array = np.array([], dtype=float)
                self.M = None
                self.formula = None
                self.smiles = None
                self.logP = None
                # Possibly multiple matching rows
                self.compound = name
                all_names = []
                all_cid = []
                all_cas = []
                all_m = []
                all_formulas = []
                all_smiles = []
                all_logP = []

                for _, row in df.iterrows():

                    # Gather a list/set of names
                    row_names = row.get("name", [])
                    if isinstance(row_names, str):
                        row_names = [row_names]
                    row_syns = row.get("synonyms", [])
                    combined_names = set(row_names) | set(row_syns)

                    # CID
                    row_cid = row.get("CID", [])
                    if row_cid:

                    # CAS
                    row_cas = row.get("CAS", [])
                    if row_cas:

                    # M
                    row_m = row.get("M", None)
                    if row_m is not None:

                    # logP
                    row_logp = row.get("logP", None)
                    if row_logp not in (None, ""):

                    # formula (as a string)
                    row_formula = row.get("formula", None)
                    # Even if None, we append so the index lines up with M

                    # SMILES (as a string)
                    row_smiles = row.get("SMILES", None)
                    # Even if None, we append so the index lines up with M

                # Convert to arrays
                arr_m = np.array(all_m, dtype=float)
                arr_logp = np.array(all_logP, dtype=float)

                # Some dedup / cleaning
                unique_names = list(set(all_names))
                unique_cid = list(set(all_cid))
                unique_cas = list(set(all_cas))

                # Store results in the migrant object
       = unique_names
                self.cid = unique_cid[0] if len(unique_cid)==1 else unique_cid
                self.CAS = unique_cas if unique_cas else None
                self.M_array = arr_m
                # Minimum M
                if np.isnan(arr_m).all():
                    self.M = None
                    self.formula = None
                    self.smiles = None
                    idx_min = np.nanargmin(arr_m)         # index of min M
                    self.M = arr_m[idx_min]               # pick that M
                    self.formula = all_formulas[idx_min]  # pick formula from same record
                    self.smiles = all_smiles[idx_min]     # pick smilesfrom same record

                # Valid logP
                valid_logp = arr_logp[~np.isnan(arr_logp)]
                if valid_logp.size > 0:
                    self.logP = valid_logp  # or store as a list/mean/etc.
                    self.logP = None

        # Case (b): name is None, M is provided => generic substance
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        elif (name is None) and (M_array is not None):
            # No search performed
            if M_array.size == 1:
                self.compound = "single molecular weight"
                self.compound = (f"list of molecular weights ranging from "
                                 f"{float(np.min(M_array))} to {float(np.max(M_array))}")

            # name => "generic" or if user explicitly set name=..., handle it here
   = "generic"  # from instructions
            self.cid = None
            self.CAS = None
            self.M_array = M_array
            self.M = float(np.min(M_array))
            self.formula = None
            self.smiles = None
            self.logP = logP_array  # user-supplied or None

        # Case (c): name is not None and M is provided => surrogate
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        elif (name is not None) and (M_array is not None):
            # No search is done, it doesn't exist in PubChem
            if M_array.size == 1:
                self.compound = "single molecular weight"
                self.compound = (f"list of molecular weights ranging from "
                                 f"{float(np.min(M_array))} to {float(np.max(M_array))}")

   = name
            self.CAS = None
            self.M_array = M_array
            self.M = float(np.min(M_array))
            self.formula = None
            self.smiles = None
            self.logP = logP_array

            # If none of these scenarios apply, user gave incomplete or conflicting args
            raise ValueError("Invalid arguments. Provide either name for search (case a), "
                             "or M for a generic (case b), or both for a surrogate (case c).")

        # Model validation and paramameterization
        # ----------------------------------------

        # Diffusivity model
        if Dmodel is not None:
            if not isinstance(Dmodel,str):
                raise TypeError(f"Dmodel should be str not a {type(Dmodel).__name__}")
            if Dmodel not in MigrationPropertyModels["D"]:
                raise ValueError(f'The diffusivity model "{Dmodel}" does not exist')
            Dmodelclass = MigrationPropertyModels["D"][Dmodel]
            if not MigrationPropertyModel_validator(Dmodelclass,Dmodel,"D"):
                raise TypeError(f'The diffusivity model "{Dmodel}" is corrupted')
            if Dtemplate is None:
                Dtemplate = {}
            if not isinstance(Dtemplate,dict):
                raise TypeError(f"Dtemplate should be a dict not a {type(Dtemplate).__name__}")
            self.D  = Dmodelclass
            self.Dtemplate = Dtemplate.copy()
            self.D = None
            self.Dtemplate = None

        # Henry-like model
        if kmodel is not None:
            if not isinstance(kmodel,str):
                raise TypeError(f"kmodel should be str not a {type(kmodel).__name__}")
            if kmodel not in MigrationPropertyModels["k"]:
                raise ValueError(f'The Henry-like model "{kmodel}" does not exist')
            kmodelclass = MigrationPropertyModels["k"][kmodel]
            if not MigrationPropertyModel_validator(kmodelclass,kmodel,"k"):
                raise TypeError(f'The Henry-like model "{kmodel}" is corrupted')
            if ktemplate is None:
                ktemplate = {}
            if not isinstance(ktemplate,dict):
                raise TypeError(f"ktemplate should be a dict not a {type(ktemplate).__name__}")
            self.k  = kmodelclass
            self.ktemplate = ktemplate.copy()
            self.k = None
            self.ktemplate = None

    # helper property to combine D and Dtemplate
    def Deval(self):
        """Return a callable function that evaluates D with updated parameters."""
        if self.D is None:
            return lambda **kwargs: None  # Return a function that always returns None
        def func(**kwargs):
            updated_template = dict(self.Dtemplate, **kwargs)
            return self.D.evaluate(**updated_template)
        return func

    # helper property to combine k and ktemplate
    def keval(self):
        """Return a callable function that evaluates k with updated parameters."""
        if self.k is None:
            return lambda **kwargs: None  # Return a function that always returns None
        def func(**kwargs):
            updated_template = dict(self.ktemplate, **kwargs)
            return self.k.evaluate(**updated_template)
        return func

    def __repr__(self):
        """Formatted string representation summarizing key attributes."""
        # Define header
        info = [f"<{self.__class__.__name__} object>"]
        # Collect attributes
        attributes = {
            "Compound": self.compound,
            "cid": self.cid,
            "CAS": self.CAS,
            "M (min)": self.M,
            "M_array": self.M_array if self.M_array is not None else "N/A",
            "formula": self.formula,
            "smiles": self.smiles if hasattr(self,"smiles") else "N/A",
            "logP": self.logP,
            "P' (calc)": self.polarityindex
        if isinstance(self,migrantToxtree):
            attributes["Compound"] = self.ToxTree["IUPACTraditionalName"]
            attributes["Name"] = self.ToxTree["IUPACName"]
            attributes["Toxicology"] = self.CramerClass
            attributes["TTC"] = f"{self.TTC} {self.TTCunits}"
            attributes["CF TTC"] = f"{self.CFTTC} {self.CFTTCunits}"
            alerts = self.alerts
            # Process alerts
            alert_index = 0
            for key, value in alerts.items():
                if key.startswith("Alert") and key != "Alertscounter" and value.upper() == "YES":
                    alert_index += 1
                    # Convert key name to readable format (split at capital letters)
                    alert_text = ''.join([' ' + char if char.isupper() and i > 0 else char for i, char in enumerate(key)])
                    attributes[f"alert {alert_index}"] = alert_text.strip()  # Remove leading space

        # Determine column width based on longest attribute name
        key_width = max(len(k) for k in attributes.keys()) + 2  # Add padding
        # Format attributes with indentation
        for key, value in attributes.items():
            formatted_key = f"{key}:".rjust(key_width)
            formatted_value = self.dispmax(value)
            info.append(f"  {formatted_key} {formatted_value}")
        # Print formatted representation
        repr_str = "\n".join(info)
        # Return a short summary for interactive use
        return str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        """Formatted string representing the migrant"""
        onename =[0] if isinstance(,list) else
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.dispmax(onename,16)} - M={self.M} g/mol>"

    def dispmax(self,content,maxwidth=None):
        """ optimize display """
        strcontent = str(content)
        maxwidth = self._maxdisplay if maxwidth is None else min(maxwidth,self._maxdisplay)
        if len(strcontent)>maxwidth:
            nchar = round(maxwidth/2)
            return strcontent[:nchar]+" [...] "+strcontent[-nchar:]
            return content

    # calculated propeties (rough estimates)
    def polarityindex(self,logP=None,V=None):
            Computes the polarity index (P') of the compound.

            The polarity index (P') is derived from the compound's logP value and
            its molar volume V(), using an empirical (fitted) quadratic equation:

                E = logP * ln(10) - S
                P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

                - S is the entropy contribution, calculated from molar volume.
                - A, B, C are empirical coefficients.

                The estimated polarity index P' based on logP and molar volume.

            - For highly polar solvents (beyond water), P' saturates at **10.2**.
            - For extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane), P' is **0**.
            - Accuracy is dependent on the reliability of logP and molar volume models.

            >>> compound.polarityindex
            8.34  # Example output
        return polarity_index(logP=self.logP if logP is None else logP,
                              V=self.molarvolumeMiller if V is None else V)

    def molarvolumeMiller(self, a=0.997, b=1.03):
        Estimates molar volume using the Miller empirical model.

        The molar volume (V_m) is calculated based on molecular weight (M)
        using the empirical formula:

            V_m = a * M^b  (cm³/mol)

            - `a = 0.997`, `b = 1.03` are empirically derived constants.
            - `M` is the molecular weight (g/mol).
            - `V_m` is the molar volume (cm³/mol).

            Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.

        - This is an approximate model and may not be accurate for all compounds.
        - Alternative models include the **Yalkowsky & Valvani method**.

        >>> compound.molarvolumeMiller
        130.5  # Example output
        return a * self.M**b

    def molarvolumeLinear(self):
        Estimates molar volume using a simple linear approximation.

        This method provides a rough estimate of molar volume, particularly
        useful for small to mid-sized non-ionic organic molecules. It is based on:

            V_m = 0.935 * M + 14.2  (cm³/mol)

            - `M` is the molecular weight (g/mol).
            - `V_m` is the estimated molar volume (cm³/mol).
            - Empirical coefficients are derived from **Yalkowsky & Valvani (1980s)**.

            Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.

        - This method is often *"okay"* for non-ionic organic compounds.
        - Accuracy decreases for very large, ionic, or highly branched molecules.
        - More precise alternatives include **Miller's model** or **group contribution methods**.

        >>> compound.molarvolumeLinear
        120.7  # Example output
        return 0.935 * self.M + 14.2

# %% Class migrantToxtree extending migrant class with Toxtree data
SFPPy loadpubchem extension: Interface to Toxtree
This module extends SFPPy migrants with the capability to interface with Toxtree for toxicological assessments:
- Cramer classification
- Detection of structural alerts from SMILES

The module leverages existing PubChem data managed by SFPPy.

class migrantToxtree(migrant):
    Extends the `migrant` class to integrate Toxtree for toxicological assessments.
    This class retrieves chemical data from PubChem, caches results, and runs Toxtree
    for toxicological classification.

    - Downloads and caches molecular structure files (SDF) from PubChem.
    - Interfaces with Toxtree to perform Cramer classification and detect toxicological alerts.
    - Implements a multi-level cache system for efficiency.
    - Cleans and standardizes field names for output consistency.
    - Provides control flags for cache refresh and regeneration.

        PUBCHEM_ROOT_URL (str): Base URL for PubChem compound data.
        IMAGE_SIZE (tuple): Default image size for structure images.
        TOXTREE_ENGINES (dict): Mapping of Toxtree engines to class names.
        TOX_CLASSIFICATION (dict): Mapping of classification engines.
        cache_folder (str): Directory to store cached Toxtree results.
        structure_folder (str): Directory to store cached structure files.
        structure_file (str): Path to the SDF file for the compound.
        image_file (str): Path to the PNG image of the compound.
        refresh (bool): If True, forces Toxtree reprocessing from CSV.
        no_cache (bool): If True, forces full cache regeneration.

        __init__(compound_name, cache_folder='cache.ToxTree', structure_folder='structure', refresh=False, no_cache=False)
            Initializes the class, retrieves chemical data, and runs Toxtree default classification.

            Downloads and caches the SDF structure file from PubChem.

            Cleans field names by removing 'PUBCHEM_' prefix and applying CamelCase.

            Runs Toxtree for the specified engine, handling caching and errors.

        cramer: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer classification engine.
        cramer2: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer2 classification engine.
        cramer3: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer3 classification engine.
        alerts: Runs Toxtree to detect toxicological alerts.
        has_alerts: Checks if any toxicological alerts were detected.

        >>> substance = migrantToxtree("limonene")
        >>> c = substance.cramer
        >>> c2 = substance.cramer2
        >>> c3 = substance.cramer3
        >>> print("Cramer Class:", c)
        >>> print("Cramer2 Class:", c2)
        >>> print("Cramer3 Class:", c3)

    IMAGE_SIZE = (640, 480)

        "default": "",
        "cramer": "toxTree.tree.cramer.CramerRules",
        "cramer2": "cramer2.CramerRulesWithExtensions",
        "cramer3": "toxtree.tree.cramer3.RevisedCramerDecisionTree",
        "kroes": "toxtree.plugins.kroes.Kroes1Tree",
        "dnabinding": "toxtree.plugins.dnabinding.DNABindingPlugin",
        "skin": "toxtree.plugins.skinsensitisation.SkinSensitisationPlugin",
        "eye": "eye.EyeIrritationRules",
        "Ames": "toxtree.plugins.ames.AmesMutagenicityRules"

        "default": "CramerRules",
        "cramer": "CramerRules",
        "cramer2": "CramerRules_WithExtensions",
        "cramer3": "RevisedCDT",
        "kroes": "KroesTTCDecisionTree"

    TTC = [0.0025, 1.5, 9.0 , 30] # µg/kg bw/day
    TTCunits = "[µg/kg bw/day]"
    CFTTC = [ttc * 60 * 1 * 1e-3 for ttc in TTC] # mg/kg intake
    CFTTCunits = "[mg/kg food intake]"

    def __init__(self, compound_name, cache_folder='cache.ToxTree', structure_folder='structure', refresh=False, no_cache=False):

        if isinstance(self.cid, list):
            if len(self.cid) != 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Multiple CIDs found for {compound_name}. Provide a unique compound.")
            self.cid = self.cid[0]
        if isinstance(self.smiles, list):
            if len(self.smiles) != 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Multiple SMILES found for {compound_name}. Provide a unique SMILES.")
            self.smiles = self.smiles[0]

        self.toxtree_root = os.path.join(_PATANKAR_FOLDER, 'private', 'toxtree')
        self.jar_path = os.path.join(self.toxtree_root, 'Toxtree-')

        if not os.path.isfile(self.jar_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"The Toxtree executable '{self.jar_path}' cannot be found.\n"
                f"Please follow the instructions in the file located at '{self.toxtree_root}'."

        self.cache_folder = os.path.join(_PATANKAR_FOLDER, cache_folder)
        self.structure_folder = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, structure_folder)
        os.makedirs(self.cache_folder, exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(self.structure_folder, exist_ok=True)

        self.structure_file = os.path.join(self.structure_folder, f'{self.cid}.sdf')
        self.image_file = os.path.join(self.structure_folder, f'{self.cid}.png')
        self.refresh = refresh
        self.no_cache = no_cache

        tmp = self._run_toxtree("default")
        self.ToxTree = tmp
        self.CramerValue = tmp["CramerValue"]
        self.CramerClass = tmp["CramerRules"]
        self.TTC = self.TTC[self.CramerValue]
        self.CFTTC = self.CFTTC[self.CramerValue]

    def _download_pubchem_data(self):
        """Downloads and caches the SDF structure file and PNG thumbnail from PubChem."""
        if not os.path.isfile(self.structure_file) or self.no_cache:
            sdf_url = f"{self.PUBCHEM_ROOT_URL}/CID/{self.cid}/SDF"
            response = requests.get(sdf_url, timeout=60)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                with open(self.structure_file, 'wb') as f:
                raise ValueError(f"Failed to download SDF file for CID {self.cid}.")
        if not os.path.isfile(self.image_file) or self.no_cache:
            png_url = f"{self.PUBCHEM_ROOT_URL}/CID/{self.cid}/PNG?image_size={self.IMAGE_SIZE[0]}x{self.IMAGE_SIZE[1]}"
            response = requests.get(png_url, timeout=60)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                with open(self.image_file, 'wb') as f:

    def _crop_image(self, image_path):
        """Crops white background from the PNG image."""
        if not PIL_AVAILABLE:
        img =
        img = img.convert("RGBA")
        bbox = img.getbbox()
        if bbox:
            img = img.crop(bbox)

    def _clean_field_names(self, data):
        """Cleans field names by removing PUBCHEM_, splitting with multiple delimiters, and capitalizing each word."""
        cleaned_data = {}
        substitutions = {
            "iupac": "IUPAC",
            "logp": "logP",
            "cramer": "Cramer",
            "cid": "CID",
            "inchi": "InChi",
        # Create a case-insensitive regex pattern
        pattern = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(k) for k in substitutions.keys()), re.IGNORECASE)
        # Function for case-insensitive substitution
        def replace_case_insensitive(match):
            return substitutions[]  # Lookup in lowercase, replace as defined
        for key, value in data.items():
            # Remove PUBCHEM_ prefix
            if key.startswith("PUBCHEM_"):
                key = key.replace("PUBCHEM_", "")
            # Split using multiple delimiters (space, underscore, comma)
            words = re.split(r'[ ,_:\.]+', key)
            # Capitalize each word
            cleaned_key = ''.join(word.capitalize() for word in words)
            # Apply case-sensitive substitutions
            cleaned_key = pattern.sub(replace_case_insensitive, cleaned_key)
            # Store in the cleaned dictionary
            cleaned_data[cleaned_key] = value
        return cleaned_data

    def _run_toxtree(self, engine):
        if engine not in self.TOXTREE_ENGINES:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown Toxtree engine: {engine}")

        engine_class = self.TOXTREE_ENGINES[engine]
        csv_file = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, f'{self.cid}.{engine}.csv')
        json_file = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, f'{self.cid}.{engine}.json')

        if os.path.isfile(json_file) and not self.refresh:
            with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
                return json.load(f)

        if not os.path.isfile(csv_file) or self.no_cache:
            cmd = ['java', '-jar', self.jar_path, '-n', '-i', self.structure_file, '-o', csv_file]
            if engine_class:
                cmd.extend(['-m', engine_class])
                current_dir = os.getcwd()
                os.chdir(self.toxtree_root) # toxtree needs to run from its installation folder
                result =, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
                os.chdir(current_dir) # restore path
                if not os.path.isfile(csv_file):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Error: Toxtree failed to generate the output file for {engine}.\n"
                        f"Command: {' '.join(cmd)}\n"
                        f"Output: {result.stdout}\n"
                        f"Error: {result.stderr}"
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                os.chdir(current_dir) # restore path
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Error executing Toxtree for {engine}.\n"
                    f"Command: {' '.join(cmd)}\n"
                    f"Output: {e.stdout}\n"
                    f"Error: {e.stderr}"

        df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
        cleaned_data = self._clean_field_names(df.to_dict(orient='records')[0]) if not df.empty else {}
        with open(json_file, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(cleaned_data, f, indent=4)
        return cleaned_data

    def class_roman_to_int(self,text):
        """Converts 'Class X' (where X is I, II, III, IV, V) into an integer (1-5), case insensitive."""
        # Define mapping of Roman numerals to integers
        roman_to_int = {
            "I": 1, "II": 2, "III": 3, "IV": 4, "V": 5
        # Regex pattern to detect 'Class X' with valid Roman numerals
        pattern = re.compile(r'\bClass\s+(I{1,3}|IV|V)\b', re.IGNORECASE)
        # Search for pattern in text
        match =
        if match:
            roman_numeral =  # Extract and normalize the numeral
            return roman_to_int.get(roman_numeral, None)  # Convert to int
        return None  # Return None if no valid match

    def cramer(self):
        tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer')
        tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
        return tmp

    def cramer2(self):
        tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer2')
        tmp["CramerValue"] = self.class_roman_to_int(tmp["CramerRulesWithExtensions"]) \
            if "CramerRulesWithExtensions" in tmp else None
        tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
        return tmp

    def cramer3(self):
        tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer3')
        tmp["CramerValue"] = self.class_roman_to_int(tmp["CramerRulesWithExtensions"]) \
            if "CramerRulesWithExtensions" in tmp else None
        tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
        return tmp

    def alerts(self):
        return self._run_toxtree('skin')

    def has_alerts(self):
        return len(self.alerts) > 0

# %% debug
# ==========================
# Usage example:
# ==========================
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # debug
    m=migrant("bisphenol A")
    # examples
    db = CompoundIndex()
    df_simple = db.find("limonene", output_format="simple")
    df_simple = db.find("aspirin", output_format="simple")
    df_simple = db.find("irganox 1076", output_format="simple")
    df_simple = db.find("anisole", output_format="simple")
    print("Simple result:\n", df_simple)

    df_full = db.find("anisole", output_format="full")
    print("Full result:\n", df_full)

    # for migration modeling
    m = migrant(name='anisole')
    m = migrant(name='limonene')
    m = migrant(name='irganox 1076')
    m = migrant(name='irgafos 168')
    m = migrant() # toluene
    # Piringer D value (several models can be implemented in module
    Dval = m.Deval(polymer="PET",T=20)

    # MigranToxtree tests
    substance = migrantToxtree("irganox 1010")
    c = substance.cramer
    c2 = substance.cramer2
    c3 = substance.cramer3
    print("Cramer Class:", c)
    print("Cramer2 Class:", c2)
    print("Cramer3 Class:", c3)


def get_compounds(identifier, namespace='cid', searchtype=None, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs)

Retrieve the specified compound records from PubChem.

:param identifier: The compound identifier to use as a search query. :param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of cid, name, smiles, sdf, inchi, inchikey or formula. :param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity. :param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:~pubchempy.Compound properties into a pandas :class:~pandas.DataFrame and return that.

Expand source code
def get_compounds(identifier, namespace='cid', searchtype=None, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    """Retrieve the specified compound records from PubChem.

    :param identifier: The compound identifier to use as a search query.
    :param namespace: (optional) The identifier type, one of cid, name, smiles, sdf, inchi, inchikey or formula.
    :param searchtype: (optional) The advanced search type, one of substructure, superstructure or similarity.
    :param as_dataframe: (optional) Automatically extract the :class:`~pubchempy.Compound` properties into a pandas
                         :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` and return that.
    results = get_json(identifier, namespace, searchtype=searchtype, **kwargs)
    compounds = [Compound(r) for r in results['PC_Compounds']] if results else []
    if as_dataframe:
        return compounds_to_frame(compounds)
    return compounds
def polarity_index(logP=None, V=None, name=None, Vw=19.588376948550433, Vo=150.26143432234372, A=0.18161296829146106, B=-3.412678660396018, C=14.813767205916765)

Computes the polarity index (P') from a given logP value and molar volume V. This is done using a quadratic model fitted to experimental data:

E = A * (P')² + B * P' + C
P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

- E = logP * ln(10) - S = Xw - Xo
- S = entropy contribution = - (V/Vw - V/Vo)


logP : float, list, or np.ndarray
The logP value(s) for which to compute the polarity index P'.
V : float, list, or np.ndarray
The molar volume(s) corresponding to logP. Must be either: - The same size as logP, or - A single scalar value that will be applied to all logP values.
name : str, optional
A solvent name (instead of providing logP and V). If given, logP and V will be fetched from the migrant database.
Vw : float, optional
Molar volume of water (default: 19.59).
Vo : float, optional
Molar volume of octanol (default: 150.26).
A, B, C : float, optional
Coefficients for the quadratic equation.


float or np.ndarray
The calculated polarity index P'. If logP is out of the valid range: - Returns 10.2 for very polar solvents (beyond water). - Returns 0 for extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane).


If both logP and V are not provided, or if their lengths do not match.

Example Usage

>>> logP = migrant("anisole").logP
>>> V = migrant("anisole").molarvolumeMiller
>>> polarity_index(logP, V)
8.34  # Example output
>>> polarity_index(logP=[-1.0, 0.5, 2.0], V=50)
array([9.2, 4.5, 1.8])  # Example outputs
Expand source code
def polarity_index(logP=None, V=None, name=None,
                   Vw=19.588376948550433,  # migrant("water").molarvolumeMiller
                   Vo=150.26143432234372,  # migrant("octanol").molarvolumeMiller
    Computes the polarity index (P') from a given logP value and molar volume V.
    This is done using a quadratic model fitted to experimental data:

        E = A * (P')² + B * P' + C
        P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

        - E = logP * ln(10) - S = Xw - Xo
        - S = entropy contribution = - (V/Vw - V/Vo)

    logP : float, list, or np.ndarray
        The logP value(s) for which to compute the polarity index P'.
    V : float, list, or np.ndarray
        The molar volume(s) corresponding to logP. Must be either:
        - The same size as `logP`, or
        - A single scalar value that will be applied to all logP values.
    name : str, optional
        A solvent name (instead of providing logP and V). If given, logP and V
        will be fetched from the `migrant` database.
    Vw : float, optional
        Molar volume of water (default: 19.59).
    Vo : float, optional
        Molar volume of octanol (default: 150.26).
    A, B, C : float, optional
        Coefficients for the quadratic equation.

    float or np.ndarray
        The calculated polarity index P'. If logP is out of the valid range:
        - Returns **10.2** for very polar solvents (beyond water).
        - Returns **0** for extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane).

        If both `logP` and `V` are not provided, or if their lengths do not match.

    Example Usage
    >>> logP = migrant("anisole").logP
    >>> V = migrant("anisole").molarvolumeMiller
    >>> polarity_index(logP, V)
    8.34  # Example output

    >>> polarity_index(logP=[-1.0, 0.5, 2.0], V=50)
    array([9.2, 4.5, 1.8])  # Example outputs

    # Define valid logP range based on quadratic model limits
    Emin = C - B**2 / (4*A)  # ≈ -2.78 (theoretical minimum lnKow=E)
    Emax = C                 # ≈ 14.81 (theoretical maximum logP)
    Pmax = 10.2  # Saturation value for highly polar solvents

    # Fetch logP and V if `name` is given
    if logP is None or V is None:
        if name is None:
            raise ValueError("Provide either (logP, V) pair or a valid solvent name.")
        from patankar.loadpubchem import migrant
        tmp = migrant(name)
        logP, V = tmp.logP, tmp.molarvolumeMiller

    # Convert inputs to NumPy arrays for consistency
    logP = np.asarray(logP, dtype=np.float64)
    if np.isscalar(V):
        V = np.full_like(logP, V, dtype=np.float64)  # Broadcast scalar V
        V = np.asarray(V, dtype=np.float64)

    # Ensure logP and V have matching sizes
    if logP.shape != V.shape:
        raise ValueError("logP and V must have the same shape or V must be a scalar.")

    def compute_P(logP_value, V_value):
        """Computes P' for a single logP and V value after input validation."""
        S = - (1/Vw - 1/Vo) * V_value
        E = logP_value * 2.302585092994046 - S  # Convert logP to natural log (ln)

        # Handle extreme values
        if E < Emin:
            return Pmax  # Very polar solvents
        if E > Emax:
            return 0.0  # Extremely hydrophobic solvents

        # Solve quadratic equation
        discriminant = B**2 - 4*A*(C - E)
        sqrt_discriminant = np.sqrt(discriminant)
        P2root = (-B - sqrt_discriminant) / (2*A)  # Always select P2

        return P2root if P2root <= Pmax else Pmax

    # Vectorized computation for arrays
    return np.vectorize(compute_P)(logP, V)


class CompoundIndex (cache_dir='cache.PubChem', index_file='pubchem_index.json')

Class to query chemical compounds by any synonym (name, CAS, etc.) using a local PubChem cache, refreshing or populating it automatically from actual PubChem queries if needed.

Constructor: ensures cache directory and index file exist/are loaded.

:param cache_dir: path to local cache of *.json files :param index_file: local JSON file holding synonyms → [cids] index

Expand source code
class CompoundIndex:
    Class to query chemical compounds by any synonym (name, CAS, etc.)
    using a local PubChem cache, refreshing or populating it automatically
    from actual PubChem queries if needed.

    def __init__(self, cache_dir="cache.PubChem", index_file="pubchem_index.json"):
        Constructor: ensures cache directory and index file exist/are loaded.

        :param cache_dir: path to local cache of *.json files
        :param index_file: local JSON file holding synonyms → [cids] index
        self.cache_dir = os.path.join(_PATANKAR_FOLDER,cache_dir)
        os.makedirs(self.cache_dir, exist_ok=True)

        self.index_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, index_file)
        # Regex to identify CAS-like strings, e.g. "1234-56-7"
        self._cas_regex = re.compile(r'^\d{1,7}-\d{2}-\d$')

        # Attempt to load existing index; if missing or invalid, rebuild
        if not os.path.isfile(self.index_file):
            with open(self.index_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    # for debugging, we split reading and parsing
                    #rawjson =
                    #self.index = json.loads(rawjson)
                    self.index = json.load(f)
                except json.JSONDecodeError:
                    print("LOADPUBCHEM: JSON ERROR in {self.index_file}, the current index is discarded.")
                    self.index = {}
            if not isinstance(self.index, dict) or not self.index:

    def refresh_index(self):
        Rebuild the synonyms→[cids] index by scanning *.full.json files
        in the cache directory, and regenerating each *.simple.json if needed.
        self.index = {}
        full_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "cid*.full.json"))

        for full_path in full_files:
            filename = os.path.basename(full_path)  # e.g. "cid12345.full.json"
            cid_str = filename.replace("cid", "").replace(".full.json", "")
                cid = int(cid_str)
            except ValueError:
                continue  # skip any weirdly named files

            # Load full data
            with open(full_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    full_data = json.load(f)

            # Gather synonyms from the "full" data
            synonyms_set = self._gather_synonyms(full_data)

            # Possibly regenerate the *.simple.json
            simple_dict = self._generate_simple_dict(full_data, synonyms_set)
            simple_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.simple.json")
            with open(simple_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
                json.dump(simple_dict, fw, indent=2)

            # Add synonyms to the index
            for syn in simple_dict.get("synonyms", []):
                self._add_synonym_to_index(syn, cid)

        # Save updated index
        with open(self.index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            json.dump(self.index, f, indent=2)

    def _add_synonym_to_index(self, synonym, cid):
        Helper to map a single synonym→cid in self.index.
        syn_lower = synonym.strip().lower()
        if syn_lower not in self.index:
            self.index[syn_lower] = []
        if cid not in self.index[syn_lower]:

    def _gather_synonyms(self, full_data):
        Gathers synonyms from the loaded full-data dictionary.
        We expect 'synonyms' to be a list, plus possible extra fields.
        Merge them into a single set for deduplication.
        synonyms_set = set()

        # If your full_data includes a 'synonyms' list
        syn_list = full_data.get("synonyms", [])
        if syn_list:

        # Also merge other textual fields that are effectively synonyms
        iupac_name = full_data.get("iupac_name")
        if iupac_name:

        title = full_data.get("title")
        if title:

        # You can add more fields if you treat them as synonyms or common names
        return synonyms_set

    def _generate_simple_dict(self, full_data, synonyms_set=None):
        Builds a small "light" dictionary for quick searching:
            CID, name, synonyms, CAS, M, formula, SMILES, InChi, InChiKey, logP, date.
        if synonyms_set is None:
            synonyms_set = set()

        cid = full_data.get("cid", None)
        synonyms_list = sorted(s.strip() for s in synonyms_set if s.strip())

        # Identify CAS numbers within synonyms
        cas_list = []
        for syn in synonyms_list:
            if self._cas_regex.match(syn):

        # Derive a main 'name'
        name = full_data.get("iupac_name") or (synonyms_list[0] if synonyms_list else "")

        # Some fields might be missing or None
        record = {
            "CID": cid,
            "name": name,
            "synonyms": synonyms_list,
            "CAS": cas_list,
            "M": float(full_data.get("molecular_weight")),
            "formula": full_data.get("molecular_formula"),
            "SMILES": full_data.get("canonical_smiles"),
            "InChi": full_data.get("inchi"),
            "InChiKey": full_data.get("inchikey"),
            "logP": float(full_data.get("xlogp")),
        return record

    def _extract_all_pubchem_properties(self, compound_obj):
        Uses your local pubchempy.Compound’s @property accessors to get
        all available fields. This replicates the entire set of property
        definitions you shared (cid, synonyms, iupac_name, xlogp, etc.),
        then returns them in one dict.

        We'll read each property from the compound_obj and store it.
        If your code snippet has more 3D property calls, just do the same.
        d = {}

        # Basic identifiers
        d["cid"] = compound_obj.cid
        # synonyms is a memoized_property
        # so if we do compound_obj.synonyms, it triggers an extra request for synonyms
        d["synonyms"] = compound_obj.synonyms or []

        # Extract “static” properties
        # Many parse data from compound_obj.record['props'] or similar.
        d["sids"] = compound_obj.sids or []
        d["aids"] = compound_obj.aids or []
        d["elements"] = compound_obj.elements
        d["atoms"] = [self._atom_to_dict(a) for a in compound_obj.atoms]  # or just store them raw
        d["bonds"] = [self._bond_to_dict(b) for b in compound_obj.bonds]
        d["coordinate_type"] = compound_obj.coordinate_type
        d["charge"] = compound_obj.charge
        d["molecular_formula"] = compound_obj.molecular_formula
        d["molecular_weight"] = compound_obj.molecular_weight
        d["canonical_smiles"] = compound_obj.canonical_smiles
        d["isomeric_smiles"] = compound_obj.isomeric_smiles
        d["inchi"] = compound_obj.inchi
        d["inchikey"] = compound_obj.inchikey
        d["iupac_name"] = compound_obj.iupac_name
        d["xlogp"] = compound_obj.xlogp
        d["exact_mass"] = compound_obj.exact_mass
        d["monoisotopic_mass"] = compound_obj.monoisotopic_mass
        d["tpsa"] = compound_obj.tpsa
        d["complexity"] = compound_obj.complexity
        d["h_bond_donor_count"] = compound_obj.h_bond_donor_count
        d["h_bond_acceptor_count"] = compound_obj.h_bond_acceptor_count
        d["rotatable_bond_count"] = compound_obj.rotatable_bond_count
        d["fingerprint"] = compound_obj.fingerprint
        # cactvs_fingerprint might be large but let's store it
        d["cactvs_fingerprint"] = compound_obj.cactvs_fingerprint
        d["heavy_atom_count"] = compound_obj.heavy_atom_count
        d["isotope_atom_count"] = compound_obj.isotope_atom_count
        d["atom_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.atom_stereo_count
        d["defined_atom_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.defined_atom_stereo_count
        d["undefined_atom_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.undefined_atom_stereo_count
        d["bond_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.bond_stereo_count
        d["defined_bond_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.defined_bond_stereo_count
        d["undefined_bond_stereo_count"] = compound_obj.undefined_bond_stereo_count
        d["covalent_unit_count"] = compound_obj.covalent_unit_count

        # 3D data (if present)
        d["volume_3d"] = compound_obj.volume_3d
        d["multipoles_3d"] = compound_obj.multipoles_3d
        d["conformer_rmsd_3d"] = compound_obj.conformer_rmsd_3d
        d["effective_rotor_count_3d"] = compound_obj.effective_rotor_count_3d
        d["pharmacophore_features_3d"] = compound_obj.pharmacophore_features_3d
        d["mmff94_partial_charges_3d"] = compound_obj.mmff94_partial_charges_3d
        d["mmff94_energy_3d"] = compound_obj.mmff94_energy_3d
        d["conformer_id_3d"] = compound_obj.conformer_id_3d
        d["shape_selfoverlap_3d"] = compound_obj.shape_selfoverlap_3d
        d["feature_selfoverlap_3d"] = compound_obj.feature_selfoverlap_3d
        d["shape_fingerprint_3d"] = compound_obj.shape_fingerprint_3d

        return d

    def _atom_to_dict(self, atom_obj):
        Optional: convert a pubchempy.Atom instance to a small dict
        with (aid, element, x, y, z, charge, ...).
        return {
            "aid": atom_obj.aid,
            "element": atom_obj.element,
            "x": atom_obj.x,
            "y": atom_obj.y,
            "z": atom_obj.z,
            "charge": atom_obj.charge,

    def _bond_to_dict(self, bond_obj):
        Optional: convert a pubchempy.Bond instance to a small dict
        with (aid1, aid2, order, etc.).
        return {
            "aid1": bond_obj.aid1,
            "aid2": bond_obj.aid2,
            "order": bond_obj.order,

    def find(self, query, output_format="simple"):
        Main method to find a compound from local index or from PubChem.
        Returns a pd.DataFrame with matching records. If multiple CIDs
        match that synonym, returns multiple rows.

        :param query: string synonym/identifier (name, CAS, SMILES, etc.)
        :param output_format: 'simple' or 'full'
        :return: pd.DataFrame with the results (possibly multiple rows)
        global PubChem_lastQueryTime
        qlower = query.strip().lower()

        if qlower not in self.index:
            # Not found locally => do a PubChem call while respecting cap limit
            # doing more than 3 queries per second will ban you for a day or so
            elapsed = time.time() - PubChem_lastQueryTime # time elapsed since last request
            if elapsed < PubChem_MIN_DELAY:
                wait_time = PubChem_MIN_DELAY - elapsed
                print(f"LOADPUBCHEM: Rate limit reached. Waiting {wait_time:.2f} s...")
            matches = get_compounds(query, 'name')
            PubChem_lastQueryTime - time.time() # update last request time
            if not matches:
                return pd.DataFrame()  # no hits at all

            best = matches[0]
            # Build the "all-props" dictionary from the pubchempy.Compound
            best_dict = self._extract_all_pubchem_properties(best)

            cid = best_dict.get("cid", None)
            if cid is None:
                return pd.DataFrame()  # some edge case with no cid

            # Save the "full" record
            full_name = f"cid{cid}.full.json"
            full_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, full_name)
            with open(full_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
                json.dump(best_dict, fw, indent=2)

            # Now prepare the synonyms set from that new record
            synonyms_set = self._gather_synonyms(best_dict)
            # Generate the "simple" record
            simple_dict = self._generate_simple_dict(best_dict, synonyms_set)

            # Save the "simple" record
            simple_name = f"cid{cid}.simple.json"
            simple_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, simple_name)
            with open(simple_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
                json.dump(simple_dict, fw, indent=2)

            # Update the index with synonyms
            for syn in simple_dict.get("synonyms", []):
                self._add_synonym_to_index(syn, cid)
            # Also index the raw query itself
            self._add_synonym_to_index(query, cid)

            with open(self.index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                json.dump(self.index, f, indent=2)

            # Return a single-row DataFrame
            if output_format == "full":
                return pd.DataFrame([best_dict])
                return pd.DataFrame([simple_dict])

            # Found in local index => load data from cache
            cids = self.index[qlower]
            results = []
            for cid in cids:
                if output_format == "full":
                    fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.full.json")
                    fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.simple.json")

                if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
                    continue  # skip if missing or corrupted
                with open(fpath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    data = json.load(f)

            if not results:
                return pd.DataFrame()

            return pd.DataFrame(results)


def find(self, query, output_format='simple')

Main method to find a compound from local index or from PubChem. Returns a pd.DataFrame with matching records. If multiple CIDs match that synonym, returns multiple rows.

:param query: string synonym/identifier (name, CAS, SMILES, etc.) :param output_format: 'simple' or 'full' :return: pd.DataFrame with the results (possibly multiple rows)

Expand source code
def find(self, query, output_format="simple"):
    Main method to find a compound from local index or from PubChem.
    Returns a pd.DataFrame with matching records. If multiple CIDs
    match that synonym, returns multiple rows.

    :param query: string synonym/identifier (name, CAS, SMILES, etc.)
    :param output_format: 'simple' or 'full'
    :return: pd.DataFrame with the results (possibly multiple rows)
    global PubChem_lastQueryTime
    qlower = query.strip().lower()

    if qlower not in self.index:
        # Not found locally => do a PubChem call while respecting cap limit
        # doing more than 3 queries per second will ban you for a day or so
        elapsed = time.time() - PubChem_lastQueryTime # time elapsed since last request
        if elapsed < PubChem_MIN_DELAY:
            wait_time = PubChem_MIN_DELAY - elapsed
            print(f"LOADPUBCHEM: Rate limit reached. Waiting {wait_time:.2f} s...")
        matches = get_compounds(query, 'name')
        PubChem_lastQueryTime - time.time() # update last request time
        if not matches:
            return pd.DataFrame()  # no hits at all

        best = matches[0]
        # Build the "all-props" dictionary from the pubchempy.Compound
        best_dict = self._extract_all_pubchem_properties(best)

        cid = best_dict.get("cid", None)
        if cid is None:
            return pd.DataFrame()  # some edge case with no cid

        # Save the "full" record
        full_name = f"cid{cid}.full.json"
        full_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, full_name)
        with open(full_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
            json.dump(best_dict, fw, indent=2)

        # Now prepare the synonyms set from that new record
        synonyms_set = self._gather_synonyms(best_dict)
        # Generate the "simple" record
        simple_dict = self._generate_simple_dict(best_dict, synonyms_set)

        # Save the "simple" record
        simple_name = f"cid{cid}.simple.json"
        simple_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, simple_name)
        with open(simple_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
            json.dump(simple_dict, fw, indent=2)

        # Update the index with synonyms
        for syn in simple_dict.get("synonyms", []):
            self._add_synonym_to_index(syn, cid)
        # Also index the raw query itself
        self._add_synonym_to_index(query, cid)

        with open(self.index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            json.dump(self.index, f, indent=2)

        # Return a single-row DataFrame
        if output_format == "full":
            return pd.DataFrame([best_dict])
            return pd.DataFrame([simple_dict])

        # Found in local index => load data from cache
        cids = self.index[qlower]
        results = []
        for cid in cids:
            if output_format == "full":
                fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.full.json")
                fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.simple.json")

            if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
                continue  # skip if missing or corrupted
            with open(fpath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                data = json.load(f)

        if not results:
            return pd.DataFrame()

        return pd.DataFrame(results)
def refresh_index(self)

Rebuild the synonyms→[cids] index by scanning .full.json files in the cache directory, and regenerating each .simple.json if needed.

Expand source code
def refresh_index(self):
    Rebuild the synonyms→[cids] index by scanning *.full.json files
    in the cache directory, and regenerating each *.simple.json if needed.
    self.index = {}
    full_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "cid*.full.json"))

    for full_path in full_files:
        filename = os.path.basename(full_path)  # e.g. "cid12345.full.json"
        cid_str = filename.replace("cid", "").replace(".full.json", "")
            cid = int(cid_str)
        except ValueError:
            continue  # skip any weirdly named files

        # Load full data
        with open(full_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                full_data = json.load(f)

        # Gather synonyms from the "full" data
        synonyms_set = self._gather_synonyms(full_data)

        # Possibly regenerate the *.simple.json
        simple_dict = self._generate_simple_dict(full_data, synonyms_set)
        simple_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"cid{cid}.simple.json")
        with open(simple_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
            json.dump(simple_dict, fw, indent=2)

        # Add synonyms to the index
        for syn in simple_dict.get("synonyms", []):
            self._add_synonym_to_index(syn, cid)

    # Save updated index
    with open(self.index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        json.dump(self.index, f, indent=2)
class migrant (name=None, M=None, logP=None, Dmodel='Piringer', Dtemplate={'polymer': 'LLDPE', 'M': 50, 'T': 40}, kmodel='kFHP', ktemplate={'Pi': 1.41, 'Pk': 3.97, 'Vi': 124.1, 'Vk': 30.9, 'ispolymer': True, 'alpha': 0.14, 'lngmin': 0.0, 'Psat': 1.0}, db=<loadpubchem.CompoundIndex object>, raiseerror=True)

A class representing a migrating chemical substance.

It can be initialized in three main ways:

1) Case (a) - By a textual name/CAS only (for a real compound search):

Example: m = migrant(name="anisole", db=my_compound_index) # or m = migrant(name="anisole", db=my_compound_index, M=None) In this mode: • A lookup is performed using db.find(name), which may return one or more records. • If multiple records match, data from each record is merged: - compound = The text used in the query (e.g. "anisole") - name = Concatenation of all distinct names from the search results - CAS = Concatenation of all CAS numbers from the search results - M = The minimum of all found molecular weights, stored in self.M (a numpy array also keeps the full set) - formula = The first formula - logP = All logP values concatenated into a numpy array (self.logP_array). The main attribute self.logP will be the same array or you may pick a single representative.

2) Case (b) - By numeric molecular weight(s) alone (generic substance):

Example: m = migrant(M=200) m = migrant(M=[100, 500]) # Possibly a range In this mode: • No search is performed. • name = "generic" (unless you override it). • compound = "single molecular weight" if 1 entry in M, or "list of molecular weights ranging from X to Y" if multiple. • CAS = None • M = the minimum of all provided M values (also stored in a numpy array) • logP = None by default, or can be supplied explicitly as an array

3) Case (c) - Name + numeric M/logP => Surrogate / hypothetical:

Example: m = migrant(name="mySurrogate", M=[200, 250], logP=[2.5, 3.0]) or m = migrant(name="surrogate", M=200) In this mode: • No lookup is performed. This is a “fake” compound not found in PubChem. • compound = "single molecular weight" or "list of molecular weights ranging from X to Y" if multiple. • name = whatever user provides • CAS = None • M = min of the provided M array, stored in a numpy array • logP = user-provided array or single float, stored in a numpy array


compound : str
For case (a) => the search text; For case (b,c) => textual description of the numeric M array.
name : str or list
For case (a) => aggregated list of all found names (string-joined); For case (b) => "generic" or user-supplied name; For case (c) => user-supplied name.
CAS : list or None
For case (a) => aggregated CAS from search results; For case (b,c) => None.
M : float
The minimum M from either the search results or the user-supplied array.
M_array : numpy.ndarray
The full array of all M values found or provided.
logP : float or numpy.ndarray or None
For case (a) => an array of all logP from the search results (or None if not found); For case (b) => None or user-supplied value/array; For case (c) => user-supplied value/array.

Create a new migrant instance.


name : str or None
  • A textual name for the substance to be looked up in PubChem (case a), or a custom name for a surrogate (case c).
  • If None, and M is given, we treat it as a numeric-only initialization (case b).
M : float or list/ndarray of float or None
  • For case (a): If provided as None, we do a PubChem search by name.
  • For case (b): The numeric molecular weight(s). No search is performed if name is None.
  • For case (c): Combined name and numeric M => a surrogate with no search.
logP : float or list/ndarray of float or None
  • For case (a): Typically None. If the PubChem search returns logP, it’s stored automatically.
  • For case (b,c): user can supply. If given, stored in self.logP as a numpy array.
db : instance of CompoundIndex or similar, optional
  • If you want to perform a PubChem search (case a) automatically, pass an instance.
  • If omitted or None, no search is attempted, even if name is given.
raiseerror : bool (default=True), optional
Raise an error if name is not found

Advanced Parameters

Property models from MigrationPropertyModels can be directly attached to the substance. Based on the current version of two models are proposed: - Set a diffusivity model using - Dmodel="model name" default ="Piringer" - Dtemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters (e.g, to bed used Diringer(key1=value1…)) note: the template needs to be valid (do not use None) default = {"polymer":None, "M":None, "T":None} - Set a Henry-like model using - kmodel="model name" default =None - ktemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters default = {"Pi":1.41, "Pk":3.97, "Vi":124.1, "Vk":30.9, "ispolymer":True, "alpha":0.14, "lngmin":0.0,"Psat":1.0} other models could be implemented in the future, read the module for details.

Example of usage of Dpiringer m = migrant(name='limonene') # without the helper function Dvalue = m.D.evaluate(**dict(m.Dtemplate,polymer="LDPE",T=60)) # with the helper function Dvalue = m.Deval(polymer="LDPE",T=60)


ValueError if insufficient arguments are provided for any scenario.

Expand source code
class migrant:
    A class representing a migrating chemical substance.

    It can be initialized in three main ways:

    1) Case (a) - By a textual name/CAS only (for a real compound search):
           m = migrant(name="anisole", db=my_compound_index)
           # or
           m = migrant(name="anisole", db=my_compound_index, M=None)
       In this mode:
         • A lookup is performed using db.find(name), which may return one or more records.
         • If multiple records match, data from each record is merged:
             - compound  = The text used in the query (e.g. "anisole")
             - name      = Concatenation of all distinct names from the search results
             - CAS       = Concatenation of all CAS numbers from the search results
             - M         = The minimum of all found molecular weights, stored in self.M (a numpy array also keeps the full set)
             - formula   = The first formula
             - logP      = All logP values concatenated into a numpy array (self.logP_array).
                           The main attribute self.logP will be the same array or you may pick a single representative.

    2) Case (b) - By numeric molecular weight(s) alone (generic substance):
           m = migrant(M=200)
           m = migrant(M=[100, 500])  # Possibly a range
       In this mode:
         • No search is performed.
         • name = "generic" (unless you override it).
         • compound = "single molecular weight" if 1 entry in M, or
                      "list of molecular weights ranging from X to Y" if multiple.
         • CAS = None
         • M   = the minimum of all provided M values (also stored in a numpy array)
         • logP = None by default, or can be supplied explicitly as an array

    3) Case (c) - Name + numeric M/logP => Surrogate / hypothetical:
           m = migrant(name="mySurrogate", M=[200, 250], logP=[2.5, 3.0])
           m = migrant(name="surrogate", M=200)
       In this mode:
         • No lookup is performed. This is a “fake” compound not found in PubChem.
         • compound = "single molecular weight" or
                      "list of molecular weights ranging from X to Y" if multiple.
         • name = whatever user provides
         • CAS = None
         • M   = min of the provided M array, stored in a numpy array
         • logP = user-provided array or single float, stored in a numpy array

    compound : str
        For case (a) => the search text;
        For case (b,c) => textual description of the numeric M array.
    name : str or list
        For case (a) => aggregated list of all found names (string-joined);
        For case (b) => "generic" or user-supplied name;
        For case (c) => user-supplied name.
    CAS : list or None
        For case (a) => aggregated CAS from search results;
        For case (b,c) => None.
    M : float
        The *minimum* M from either the search results or the user-supplied array.
    M_array : numpy.ndarray
        The full array of all M values found or provided.
    logP : float or numpy.ndarray or None
        For case (a) => an array of all logP from the search results (or None if not found);
        For case (b) => None or user-supplied value/array;
        For case (c) => user-supplied value/array.

    # class attribute, maximum width
    _maxdisplay = 40

    # migrant constructor
    def __init__(self, name=None,
                 M=None, logP=None,
                 Dmodel = "Piringer",
                 Dtemplate = {"polymer":"LLDPE", "M":50, "T":40}, # do not use None
                 kmodel = "kFHP",
                 ktemplate = {"Pi":1.41, "Pk":3.97, "Vi":124.1, "Vk":30.9, "ispolymer":True,
                              "alpha":0.14, "lngmin":0.0,"Psat":1.0}, # do not use None
        Create a new migrant instance.

        name : str or None
            - A textual name for the substance to be looked up in PubChem (case a),
              or a custom name for a surrogate (case c).
            - If None, and M is given, we treat it as a numeric-only initialization (case b).
        M : float or list/ndarray of float or None
            - For case (a): If provided as None, we do a PubChem search by name.
            - For case (b): The numeric molecular weight(s). No search is performed if name is None.
            - For case (c): Combined name and numeric M => a surrogate with no search.
        logP : float or list/ndarray of float or None
            - For case (a): Typically None. If the PubChem search returns logP, it’s stored automatically.
            - For case (b,c): user can supply. If given, stored in self.logP as a numpy array.
        db : instance of CompoundIndex or similar, optional
            - If you want to perform a PubChem search (case a) automatically, pass an instance.
            - If omitted or None, no search is attempted, even if name is given.
        raiseerror : bool (default=True), optional
            Raise an error if name is not found

        Advanced Parameters
        Property models from MigrationPropertyModels can be directly attached to the substance.
        Based on the current version of two models are proposed:
            - Set a diffusivity model using
                    - Dmodel="model name"
                      default ="Piringer"
                    - Dtemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters
                      (e.g, to bed used Diringer(key1=value1...))
                      note: the template needs to be valid (do not use None)
                      default = {"polymer":None, "M":None, "T":None}
            - Set a Henry-like model using
                    - kmodel="model name"
                      default =None
                    - ktemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters
                      default =  {"Pi":1.41, "Pk":3.97, "Vi":124.1, "Vk":30.9, "ispolymer":True, "alpha":0.14, "lngmin":0.0,"Psat":1.0}
            other models could be implemented in the future, read the module for details.

        Example of usage of Dpiringer
            m = migrant(name='limonene')
            # without the helper function
            Dvalue = m.D.evaluate(**dict(m.Dtemplate,polymer="LDPE",T=60))
            # with the helper function
            Dvalue = m.Deval(polymer="LDPE",T=60)

        ValueError if insufficient arguments are provided for any scenario.

        # local import
        # import implicity property migration models (e.g., Dpiringer)
        from import MigrationPropertyModels, MigrationPropertyModel_validator

        self.compound = None   # str = None       # str or list
        self.cid = None        # int or list
        self.CAS = None        # list or None
        self.M = None          # float
        self.formula = None
        self.smiles = None
        self.M_array = None    # np.ndarray
        self.logP = None       # float / np.ndarray / None

        # special case
        if name==M==None:
            name = 'toluene'

        # Convert M to a numpy array if given
        if M is not None:
            if isinstance(M, (float, int)):
                M_array = np.array([float(M)], dtype=float)
                # Convert to array
                M_array = np.array(M, dtype=float)
            M_array = None

        # Similarly, convert logP to array if provided
        if logP is not None:
            if isinstance(logP, (float, int)):
                logP_array = np.array([float(logP)], dtype=float)
                logP_array = np.array(logP, dtype=float)
            logP_array = None

        # Case (a): name is provided, M=None => real compound lookup
        if (name is not None) and (M is None):
            if db is None:
                raise ValueError("A db instance is required for searching by name when M is None.")

            df = db.find(name, output_format="simple")
            if df.empty:
                if raiseerror:
                    raise ValueError(f"<{name}> not found")
                print(f"LOADPUBCHEM ERRROR: <{name}> not found - empty object returned")
                # No record found
                self.compound = name
       = [name]
                self.cid = []
                self.CAS = []
                self.M_array = np.array([], dtype=float)
                self.M = None
                self.formula = None
                self.smiles = None
                self.logP = None
                # Possibly multiple matching rows
                self.compound = name
                all_names = []
                all_cid = []
                all_cas = []
                all_m = []
                all_formulas = []
                all_smiles = []
                all_logP = []

                for _, row in df.iterrows():

                    # Gather a list/set of names
                    row_names = row.get("name", [])
                    if isinstance(row_names, str):
                        row_names = [row_names]
                    row_syns = row.get("synonyms", [])
                    combined_names = set(row_names) | set(row_syns)

                    # CID
                    row_cid = row.get("CID", [])
                    if row_cid:

                    # CAS
                    row_cas = row.get("CAS", [])
                    if row_cas:

                    # M
                    row_m = row.get("M", None)
                    if row_m is not None:

                    # logP
                    row_logp = row.get("logP", None)
                    if row_logp not in (None, ""):

                    # formula (as a string)
                    row_formula = row.get("formula", None)
                    # Even if None, we append so the index lines up with M

                    # SMILES (as a string)
                    row_smiles = row.get("SMILES", None)
                    # Even if None, we append so the index lines up with M

                # Convert to arrays
                arr_m = np.array(all_m, dtype=float)
                arr_logp = np.array(all_logP, dtype=float)

                # Some dedup / cleaning
                unique_names = list(set(all_names))
                unique_cid = list(set(all_cid))
                unique_cas = list(set(all_cas))

                # Store results in the migrant object
       = unique_names
                self.cid = unique_cid[0] if len(unique_cid)==1 else unique_cid
                self.CAS = unique_cas if unique_cas else None
                self.M_array = arr_m
                # Minimum M
                if np.isnan(arr_m).all():
                    self.M = None
                    self.formula = None
                    self.smiles = None
                    idx_min = np.nanargmin(arr_m)         # index of min M
                    self.M = arr_m[idx_min]               # pick that M
                    self.formula = all_formulas[idx_min]  # pick formula from same record
                    self.smiles = all_smiles[idx_min]     # pick smilesfrom same record

                # Valid logP
                valid_logp = arr_logp[~np.isnan(arr_logp)]
                if valid_logp.size > 0:
                    self.logP = valid_logp  # or store as a list/mean/etc.
                    self.logP = None

        # Case (b): name is None, M is provided => generic substance
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        elif (name is None) and (M_array is not None):
            # No search performed
            if M_array.size == 1:
                self.compound = "single molecular weight"
                self.compound = (f"list of molecular weights ranging from "
                                 f"{float(np.min(M_array))} to {float(np.max(M_array))}")

            # name => "generic" or if user explicitly set name=..., handle it here
   = "generic"  # from instructions
            self.cid = None
            self.CAS = None
            self.M_array = M_array
            self.M = float(np.min(M_array))
            self.formula = None
            self.smiles = None
            self.logP = logP_array  # user-supplied or None

        # Case (c): name is not None and M is provided => surrogate
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        elif (name is not None) and (M_array is not None):
            # No search is done, it doesn't exist in PubChem
            if M_array.size == 1:
                self.compound = "single molecular weight"
                self.compound = (f"list of molecular weights ranging from "
                                 f"{float(np.min(M_array))} to {float(np.max(M_array))}")

   = name
            self.CAS = None
            self.M_array = M_array
            self.M = float(np.min(M_array))
            self.formula = None
            self.smiles = None
            self.logP = logP_array

            # If none of these scenarios apply, user gave incomplete or conflicting args
            raise ValueError("Invalid arguments. Provide either name for search (case a), "
                             "or M for a generic (case b), or both for a surrogate (case c).")

        # Model validation and paramameterization
        # ----------------------------------------

        # Diffusivity model
        if Dmodel is not None:
            if not isinstance(Dmodel,str):
                raise TypeError(f"Dmodel should be str not a {type(Dmodel).__name__}")
            if Dmodel not in MigrationPropertyModels["D"]:
                raise ValueError(f'The diffusivity model "{Dmodel}" does not exist')
            Dmodelclass = MigrationPropertyModels["D"][Dmodel]
            if not MigrationPropertyModel_validator(Dmodelclass,Dmodel,"D"):
                raise TypeError(f'The diffusivity model "{Dmodel}" is corrupted')
            if Dtemplate is None:
                Dtemplate = {}
            if not isinstance(Dtemplate,dict):
                raise TypeError(f"Dtemplate should be a dict not a {type(Dtemplate).__name__}")
            self.D  = Dmodelclass
            self.Dtemplate = Dtemplate.copy()
            self.D = None
            self.Dtemplate = None

        # Henry-like model
        if kmodel is not None:
            if not isinstance(kmodel,str):
                raise TypeError(f"kmodel should be str not a {type(kmodel).__name__}")
            if kmodel not in MigrationPropertyModels["k"]:
                raise ValueError(f'The Henry-like model "{kmodel}" does not exist')
            kmodelclass = MigrationPropertyModels["k"][kmodel]
            if not MigrationPropertyModel_validator(kmodelclass,kmodel,"k"):
                raise TypeError(f'The Henry-like model "{kmodel}" is corrupted')
            if ktemplate is None:
                ktemplate = {}
            if not isinstance(ktemplate,dict):
                raise TypeError(f"ktemplate should be a dict not a {type(ktemplate).__name__}")
            self.k  = kmodelclass
            self.ktemplate = ktemplate.copy()
            self.k = None
            self.ktemplate = None

    # helper property to combine D and Dtemplate
    def Deval(self):
        """Return a callable function that evaluates D with updated parameters."""
        if self.D is None:
            return lambda **kwargs: None  # Return a function that always returns None
        def func(**kwargs):
            updated_template = dict(self.Dtemplate, **kwargs)
            return self.D.evaluate(**updated_template)
        return func

    # helper property to combine k and ktemplate
    def keval(self):
        """Return a callable function that evaluates k with updated parameters."""
        if self.k is None:
            return lambda **kwargs: None  # Return a function that always returns None
        def func(**kwargs):
            updated_template = dict(self.ktemplate, **kwargs)
            return self.k.evaluate(**updated_template)
        return func

    def __repr__(self):
        """Formatted string representation summarizing key attributes."""
        # Define header
        info = [f"<{self.__class__.__name__} object>"]
        # Collect attributes
        attributes = {
            "Compound": self.compound,
            "cid": self.cid,
            "CAS": self.CAS,
            "M (min)": self.M,
            "M_array": self.M_array if self.M_array is not None else "N/A",
            "formula": self.formula,
            "smiles": self.smiles if hasattr(self,"smiles") else "N/A",
            "logP": self.logP,
            "P' (calc)": self.polarityindex
        if isinstance(self,migrantToxtree):
            attributes["Compound"] = self.ToxTree["IUPACTraditionalName"]
            attributes["Name"] = self.ToxTree["IUPACName"]
            attributes["Toxicology"] = self.CramerClass
            attributes["TTC"] = f"{self.TTC} {self.TTCunits}"
            attributes["CF TTC"] = f"{self.CFTTC} {self.CFTTCunits}"
            alerts = self.alerts
            # Process alerts
            alert_index = 0
            for key, value in alerts.items():
                if key.startswith("Alert") and key != "Alertscounter" and value.upper() == "YES":
                    alert_index += 1
                    # Convert key name to readable format (split at capital letters)
                    alert_text = ''.join([' ' + char if char.isupper() and i > 0 else char for i, char in enumerate(key)])
                    attributes[f"alert {alert_index}"] = alert_text.strip()  # Remove leading space

        # Determine column width based on longest attribute name
        key_width = max(len(k) for k in attributes.keys()) + 2  # Add padding
        # Format attributes with indentation
        for key, value in attributes.items():
            formatted_key = f"{key}:".rjust(key_width)
            formatted_value = self.dispmax(value)
            info.append(f"  {formatted_key} {formatted_value}")
        # Print formatted representation
        repr_str = "\n".join(info)
        # Return a short summary for interactive use
        return str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        """Formatted string representing the migrant"""
        onename =[0] if isinstance(,list) else
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.dispmax(onename,16)} - M={self.M} g/mol>"

    def dispmax(self,content,maxwidth=None):
        """ optimize display """
        strcontent = str(content)
        maxwidth = self._maxdisplay if maxwidth is None else min(maxwidth,self._maxdisplay)
        if len(strcontent)>maxwidth:
            nchar = round(maxwidth/2)
            return strcontent[:nchar]+" [...] "+strcontent[-nchar:]
            return content

    # calculated propeties (rough estimates)
    def polarityindex(self,logP=None,V=None):
            Computes the polarity index (P') of the compound.

            The polarity index (P') is derived from the compound's logP value and
            its molar volume V(), using an empirical (fitted) quadratic equation:

                E = logP * ln(10) - S
                P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

                - S is the entropy contribution, calculated from molar volume.
                - A, B, C are empirical coefficients.

                The estimated polarity index P' based on logP and molar volume.

            - For highly polar solvents (beyond water), P' saturates at **10.2**.
            - For extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane), P' is **0**.
            - Accuracy is dependent on the reliability of logP and molar volume models.

            >>> compound.polarityindex
            8.34  # Example output
        return polarity_index(logP=self.logP if logP is None else logP,
                              V=self.molarvolumeMiller if V is None else V)

    def molarvolumeMiller(self, a=0.997, b=1.03):
        Estimates molar volume using the Miller empirical model.

        The molar volume (V_m) is calculated based on molecular weight (M)
        using the empirical formula:

            V_m = a * M^b  (cm³/mol)

            - `a = 0.997`, `b = 1.03` are empirically derived constants.
            - `M` is the molecular weight (g/mol).
            - `V_m` is the molar volume (cm³/mol).

            Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.

        - This is an approximate model and may not be accurate for all compounds.
        - Alternative models include the **Yalkowsky & Valvani method**.

        >>> compound.molarvolumeMiller
        130.5  # Example output
        return a * self.M**b

    def molarvolumeLinear(self):
        Estimates molar volume using a simple linear approximation.

        This method provides a rough estimate of molar volume, particularly
        useful for small to mid-sized non-ionic organic molecules. It is based on:

            V_m = 0.935 * M + 14.2  (cm³/mol)

            - `M` is the molecular weight (g/mol).
            - `V_m` is the estimated molar volume (cm³/mol).
            - Empirical coefficients are derived from **Yalkowsky & Valvani (1980s)**.

            Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.

        - This method is often *"okay"* for non-ionic organic compounds.
        - Accuracy decreases for very large, ionic, or highly branched molecules.
        - More precise alternatives include **Miller's model** or **group contribution methods**.

        >>> compound.molarvolumeLinear
        120.7  # Example output
        return 0.935 * self.M + 14.2


Instance variables

var Deval

Return a callable function that evaluates D with updated parameters.

Expand source code
def Deval(self):
    """Return a callable function that evaluates D with updated parameters."""
    if self.D is None:
        return lambda **kwargs: None  # Return a function that always returns None
    def func(**kwargs):
        updated_template = dict(self.Dtemplate, **kwargs)
        return self.D.evaluate(**updated_template)
    return func
var keval

Return a callable function that evaluates k with updated parameters.

Expand source code
def keval(self):
    """Return a callable function that evaluates k with updated parameters."""
    if self.k is None:
        return lambda **kwargs: None  # Return a function that always returns None
    def func(**kwargs):
        updated_template = dict(self.ktemplate, **kwargs)
        return self.k.evaluate(**updated_template)
    return func
var molarvolumeLinear

Estimates molar volume using a simple linear approximation.

This method provides a rough estimate of molar volume, particularly useful for small to mid-sized non-ionic organic molecules. It is based on:

V_m = 0.935 * M + 14.2  (cm³/mol)

where: - M is the molecular weight (g/mol). - V_m is the estimated molar volume (cm³/mol). - Empirical coefficients are derived from Yalkowsky & Valvani (1980s).


Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.


  • This method is often "okay" for non-ionic organic compounds.
  • Accuracy decreases for very large, ionic, or highly branched molecules.
  • More precise alternatives include Miller's model or group contribution methods.


>>> compound.molarvolumeLinear
120.7  # Example output
Expand source code
def molarvolumeLinear(self):
    Estimates molar volume using a simple linear approximation.

    This method provides a rough estimate of molar volume, particularly
    useful for small to mid-sized non-ionic organic molecules. It is based on:

        V_m = 0.935 * M + 14.2  (cm³/mol)

        - `M` is the molecular weight (g/mol).
        - `V_m` is the estimated molar volume (cm³/mol).
        - Empirical coefficients are derived from **Yalkowsky & Valvani (1980s)**.

        Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.

    - This method is often *"okay"* for non-ionic organic compounds.
    - Accuracy decreases for very large, ionic, or highly branched molecules.
    - More precise alternatives include **Miller's model** or **group contribution methods**.

    >>> compound.molarvolumeLinear
    120.7  # Example output
    return 0.935 * self.M + 14.2
var molarvolumeMiller

Estimates molar volume using the Miller empirical model.

The molar volume (V_m) is calculated based on molecular weight (M) using the empirical formula:

V_m = a * M^b  (cm³/mol)

where: - a = 0.997, b = 1.03 are empirically derived constants. - M is the molecular weight (g/mol). - V_m is the molar volume (cm³/mol).


Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.


  • This is an approximate model and may not be accurate for all compounds.
  • Alternative models include the Yalkowsky & Valvani method.


>>> compound.molarvolumeMiller
130.5  # Example output
Expand source code
def molarvolumeMiller(self, a=0.997, b=1.03):
    Estimates molar volume using the Miller empirical model.

    The molar volume (V_m) is calculated based on molecular weight (M)
    using the empirical formula:

        V_m = a * M^b  (cm³/mol)

        - `a = 0.997`, `b = 1.03` are empirically derived constants.
        - `M` is the molecular weight (g/mol).
        - `V_m` is the molar volume (cm³/mol).

        Estimated molar volume in cm³/mol.

    - This is an approximate model and may not be accurate for all compounds.
    - Alternative models include the **Yalkowsky & Valvani method**.

    >>> compound.molarvolumeMiller
    130.5  # Example output
    return a * self.M**b
var polarityindex

Computes the polarity index (P') of the compound.

The polarity index (P') is derived from the compound's logP value and its molar volume V(), using an empirical (fitted) quadratic equation:

E = logP * ln(10) - S
P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

where: - S is the entropy contribution, calculated from molar volume. - A, B, C are empirical coefficients.


The estimated polarity index P' based on logP and molar volume.


  • For highly polar solvents (beyond water), P' saturates at 10.2.
  • For extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane), P' is 0.
  • Accuracy is dependent on the reliability of logP and molar volume models.


>>> compound.polarityindex
8.34  # Example output
Expand source code
def polarityindex(self,logP=None,V=None):
        Computes the polarity index (P') of the compound.

        The polarity index (P') is derived from the compound's logP value and
        its molar volume V(), using an empirical (fitted) quadratic equation:

            E = logP * ln(10) - S
            P' = (-B - sqrt(B² - 4A(C - E))) / (2A)

            - S is the entropy contribution, calculated from molar volume.
            - A, B, C are empirical coefficients.

            The estimated polarity index P' based on logP and molar volume.

        - For highly polar solvents (beyond water), P' saturates at **10.2**.
        - For extremely hydrophobic solvents (beyond n-Hexane), P' is **0**.
        - Accuracy is dependent on the reliability of logP and molar volume models.

        >>> compound.polarityindex
        8.34  # Example output
    return polarity_index(logP=self.logP if logP is None else logP,
                          V=self.molarvolumeMiller if V is None else V)


def dispmax(self, content, maxwidth=None)

optimize display

Expand source code
def dispmax(self,content,maxwidth=None):
    """ optimize display """
    strcontent = str(content)
    maxwidth = self._maxdisplay if maxwidth is None else min(maxwidth,self._maxdisplay)
    if len(strcontent)>maxwidth:
        nchar = round(maxwidth/2)
        return strcontent[:nchar]+" [...] "+strcontent[-nchar:]
        return content
class migrantToxtree (compound_name, cache_folder='cache.ToxTree', structure_folder='structure', refresh=False, no_cache=False)

Extends the migrant class to integrate Toxtree for toxicological assessments. This class retrieves chemical data from PubChem, caches results, and runs Toxtree for toxicological classification.

Features: - Downloads and caches molecular structure files (SDF) from PubChem. - Interfaces with Toxtree to perform Cramer classification and detect toxicological alerts. - Implements a multi-level cache system for efficiency. - Cleans and standardizes field names for output consistency. - Provides control flags for cache refresh and regeneration.


Base URL for PubChem compound data.
IMAGE_SIZE : tuple
Default image size for structure images.
Mapping of Toxtree engines to class names.
Mapping of classification engines.
cache_folder : str
Directory to store cached Toxtree results.
structure_folder : str
Directory to store cached structure files.
structure_file : str
Path to the SDF file for the compound.
image_file : str
Path to the PNG image of the compound.
refresh : bool
If True, forces Toxtree reprocessing from CSV.
no_cache : bool
If True, forces full cache regeneration.


init(compound_name, cache_folder='cache.ToxTree', structure_folder='structure', refresh=False, no_cache=False) Initializes the class, retrieves chemical data, and runs Toxtree default classification.

_download_pubchem_data() Downloads and caches the SDF structure file from PubChem.

clean_field_names(data) Cleans field names by removing 'PUBCHEM' prefix and applying CamelCase.

_run_toxtree(engine) Runs Toxtree for the specified engine, handling caching and errors.


cramer: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer classification engine. cramer2: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer2 classification engine. cramer3: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer3 classification engine. alerts: Runs Toxtree to detect toxicological alerts. has_alerts: Checks if any toxicological alerts were detected.


>>> substance = migrantToxtree("limonene")
>>> c = substance.cramer
>>> c2 = substance.cramer2
>>> c3 = substance.cramer3
>>> print("Cramer Class:", c)
>>> print("Cramer2 Class:", c2)
>>> print("Cramer3 Class:", c3)

Create a new migrant instance.


name : str or None
  • A textual name for the substance to be looked up in PubChem (case a), or a custom name for a surrogate (case c).
  • If None, and M is given, we treat it as a numeric-only initialization (case b).
M : float or list/ndarray of float or None
  • For case (a): If provided as None, we do a PubChem search by name.
  • For case (b): The numeric molecular weight(s). No search is performed if name is None.
  • For case (c): Combined name and numeric M => a surrogate with no search.
logP : float or list/ndarray of float or None
  • For case (a): Typically None. If the PubChem search returns logP, it’s stored automatically.
  • For case (b,c): user can supply. If given, stored in self.logP as a numpy array.
db : instance of CompoundIndex or similar, optional
  • If you want to perform a PubChem search (case a) automatically, pass an instance.
  • If omitted or None, no search is attempted, even if name is given.
raiseerror : bool (default=True), optional
Raise an error if name is not found

Advanced Parameters

Property models from MigrationPropertyModels can be directly attached to the substance. Based on the current version of two models are proposed: - Set a diffusivity model using - Dmodel="model name" default ="Piringer" - Dtemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters (e.g, to bed used Diringer(key1=value1…)) note: the template needs to be valid (do not use None) default = {"polymer":None, "M":None, "T":None} - Set a Henry-like model using - kmodel="model name" default =None - ktemplate=template dict coding for the key:value parameters default = {"Pi":1.41, "Pk":3.97, "Vi":124.1, "Vk":30.9, "ispolymer":True, "alpha":0.14, "lngmin":0.0,"Psat":1.0} other models could be implemented in the future, read the module for details.

Example of usage of Dpiringer m = migrant(name='limonene') # without the helper function Dvalue = m.D.evaluate(**dict(m.Dtemplate,polymer="LDPE",T=60)) # with the helper function Dvalue = m.Deval(polymer="LDPE",T=60)


ValueError if insufficient arguments are provided for any scenario.

Expand source code
class migrantToxtree(migrant):
    Extends the `migrant` class to integrate Toxtree for toxicological assessments.
    This class retrieves chemical data from PubChem, caches results, and runs Toxtree
    for toxicological classification.

    - Downloads and caches molecular structure files (SDF) from PubChem.
    - Interfaces with Toxtree to perform Cramer classification and detect toxicological alerts.
    - Implements a multi-level cache system for efficiency.
    - Cleans and standardizes field names for output consistency.
    - Provides control flags for cache refresh and regeneration.

        PUBCHEM_ROOT_URL (str): Base URL for PubChem compound data.
        IMAGE_SIZE (tuple): Default image size for structure images.
        TOXTREE_ENGINES (dict): Mapping of Toxtree engines to class names.
        TOX_CLASSIFICATION (dict): Mapping of classification engines.
        cache_folder (str): Directory to store cached Toxtree results.
        structure_folder (str): Directory to store cached structure files.
        structure_file (str): Path to the SDF file for the compound.
        image_file (str): Path to the PNG image of the compound.
        refresh (bool): If True, forces Toxtree reprocessing from CSV.
        no_cache (bool): If True, forces full cache regeneration.

        __init__(compound_name, cache_folder='cache.ToxTree', structure_folder='structure', refresh=False, no_cache=False)
            Initializes the class, retrieves chemical data, and runs Toxtree default classification.

            Downloads and caches the SDF structure file from PubChem.

            Cleans field names by removing 'PUBCHEM_' prefix and applying CamelCase.

            Runs Toxtree for the specified engine, handling caching and errors.

        cramer: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer classification engine.
        cramer2: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer2 classification engine.
        cramer3: Runs Toxtree with the Cramer3 classification engine.
        alerts: Runs Toxtree to detect toxicological alerts.
        has_alerts: Checks if any toxicological alerts were detected.

        >>> substance = migrantToxtree("limonene")
        >>> c = substance.cramer
        >>> c2 = substance.cramer2
        >>> c3 = substance.cramer3
        >>> print("Cramer Class:", c)
        >>> print("Cramer2 Class:", c2)
        >>> print("Cramer3 Class:", c3)

    IMAGE_SIZE = (640, 480)

        "default": "",
        "cramer": "toxTree.tree.cramer.CramerRules",
        "cramer2": "cramer2.CramerRulesWithExtensions",
        "cramer3": "toxtree.tree.cramer3.RevisedCramerDecisionTree",
        "kroes": "toxtree.plugins.kroes.Kroes1Tree",
        "dnabinding": "toxtree.plugins.dnabinding.DNABindingPlugin",
        "skin": "toxtree.plugins.skinsensitisation.SkinSensitisationPlugin",
        "eye": "eye.EyeIrritationRules",
        "Ames": "toxtree.plugins.ames.AmesMutagenicityRules"

        "default": "CramerRules",
        "cramer": "CramerRules",
        "cramer2": "CramerRules_WithExtensions",
        "cramer3": "RevisedCDT",
        "kroes": "KroesTTCDecisionTree"

    TTC = [0.0025, 1.5, 9.0 , 30] # µg/kg bw/day
    TTCunits = "[µg/kg bw/day]"
    CFTTC = [ttc * 60 * 1 * 1e-3 for ttc in TTC] # mg/kg intake
    CFTTCunits = "[mg/kg food intake]"

    def __init__(self, compound_name, cache_folder='cache.ToxTree', structure_folder='structure', refresh=False, no_cache=False):

        if isinstance(self.cid, list):
            if len(self.cid) != 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Multiple CIDs found for {compound_name}. Provide a unique compound.")
            self.cid = self.cid[0]
        if isinstance(self.smiles, list):
            if len(self.smiles) != 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Multiple SMILES found for {compound_name}. Provide a unique SMILES.")
            self.smiles = self.smiles[0]

        self.toxtree_root = os.path.join(_PATANKAR_FOLDER, 'private', 'toxtree')
        self.jar_path = os.path.join(self.toxtree_root, 'Toxtree-')

        if not os.path.isfile(self.jar_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"The Toxtree executable '{self.jar_path}' cannot be found.\n"
                f"Please follow the instructions in the file located at '{self.toxtree_root}'."

        self.cache_folder = os.path.join(_PATANKAR_FOLDER, cache_folder)
        self.structure_folder = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, structure_folder)
        os.makedirs(self.cache_folder, exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(self.structure_folder, exist_ok=True)

        self.structure_file = os.path.join(self.structure_folder, f'{self.cid}.sdf')
        self.image_file = os.path.join(self.structure_folder, f'{self.cid}.png')
        self.refresh = refresh
        self.no_cache = no_cache

        tmp = self._run_toxtree("default")
        self.ToxTree = tmp
        self.CramerValue = tmp["CramerValue"]
        self.CramerClass = tmp["CramerRules"]
        self.TTC = self.TTC[self.CramerValue]
        self.CFTTC = self.CFTTC[self.CramerValue]

    def _download_pubchem_data(self):
        """Downloads and caches the SDF structure file and PNG thumbnail from PubChem."""
        if not os.path.isfile(self.structure_file) or self.no_cache:
            sdf_url = f"{self.PUBCHEM_ROOT_URL}/CID/{self.cid}/SDF"
            response = requests.get(sdf_url, timeout=60)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                with open(self.structure_file, 'wb') as f:
                raise ValueError(f"Failed to download SDF file for CID {self.cid}.")
        if not os.path.isfile(self.image_file) or self.no_cache:
            png_url = f"{self.PUBCHEM_ROOT_URL}/CID/{self.cid}/PNG?image_size={self.IMAGE_SIZE[0]}x{self.IMAGE_SIZE[1]}"
            response = requests.get(png_url, timeout=60)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                with open(self.image_file, 'wb') as f:

    def _crop_image(self, image_path):
        """Crops white background from the PNG image."""
        if not PIL_AVAILABLE:
        img =
        img = img.convert("RGBA")
        bbox = img.getbbox()
        if bbox:
            img = img.crop(bbox)

    def _clean_field_names(self, data):
        """Cleans field names by removing PUBCHEM_, splitting with multiple delimiters, and capitalizing each word."""
        cleaned_data = {}
        substitutions = {
            "iupac": "IUPAC",
            "logp": "logP",
            "cramer": "Cramer",
            "cid": "CID",
            "inchi": "InChi",
        # Create a case-insensitive regex pattern
        pattern = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(k) for k in substitutions.keys()), re.IGNORECASE)
        # Function for case-insensitive substitution
        def replace_case_insensitive(match):
            return substitutions[]  # Lookup in lowercase, replace as defined
        for key, value in data.items():
            # Remove PUBCHEM_ prefix
            if key.startswith("PUBCHEM_"):
                key = key.replace("PUBCHEM_", "")
            # Split using multiple delimiters (space, underscore, comma)
            words = re.split(r'[ ,_:\.]+', key)
            # Capitalize each word
            cleaned_key = ''.join(word.capitalize() for word in words)
            # Apply case-sensitive substitutions
            cleaned_key = pattern.sub(replace_case_insensitive, cleaned_key)
            # Store in the cleaned dictionary
            cleaned_data[cleaned_key] = value
        return cleaned_data

    def _run_toxtree(self, engine):
        if engine not in self.TOXTREE_ENGINES:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown Toxtree engine: {engine}")

        engine_class = self.TOXTREE_ENGINES[engine]
        csv_file = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, f'{self.cid}.{engine}.csv')
        json_file = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, f'{self.cid}.{engine}.json')

        if os.path.isfile(json_file) and not self.refresh:
            with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
                return json.load(f)

        if not os.path.isfile(csv_file) or self.no_cache:
            cmd = ['java', '-jar', self.jar_path, '-n', '-i', self.structure_file, '-o', csv_file]
            if engine_class:
                cmd.extend(['-m', engine_class])
                current_dir = os.getcwd()
                os.chdir(self.toxtree_root) # toxtree needs to run from its installation folder
                result =, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
                os.chdir(current_dir) # restore path
                if not os.path.isfile(csv_file):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Error: Toxtree failed to generate the output file for {engine}.\n"
                        f"Command: {' '.join(cmd)}\n"
                        f"Output: {result.stdout}\n"
                        f"Error: {result.stderr}"
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                os.chdir(current_dir) # restore path
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Error executing Toxtree for {engine}.\n"
                    f"Command: {' '.join(cmd)}\n"
                    f"Output: {e.stdout}\n"
                    f"Error: {e.stderr}"

        df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
        cleaned_data = self._clean_field_names(df.to_dict(orient='records')[0]) if not df.empty else {}
        with open(json_file, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(cleaned_data, f, indent=4)
        return cleaned_data

    def class_roman_to_int(self,text):
        """Converts 'Class X' (where X is I, II, III, IV, V) into an integer (1-5), case insensitive."""
        # Define mapping of Roman numerals to integers
        roman_to_int = {
            "I": 1, "II": 2, "III": 3, "IV": 4, "V": 5
        # Regex pattern to detect 'Class X' with valid Roman numerals
        pattern = re.compile(r'\bClass\s+(I{1,3}|IV|V)\b', re.IGNORECASE)
        # Search for pattern in text
        match =
        if match:
            roman_numeral =  # Extract and normalize the numeral
            return roman_to_int.get(roman_numeral, None)  # Convert to int
        return None  # Return None if no valid match

    def cramer(self):
        tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer')
        tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
        return tmp

    def cramer2(self):
        tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer2')
        tmp["CramerValue"] = self.class_roman_to_int(tmp["CramerRulesWithExtensions"]) \
            if "CramerRulesWithExtensions" in tmp else None
        tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
        return tmp

    def cramer3(self):
        tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer3')
        tmp["CramerValue"] = self.class_roman_to_int(tmp["CramerRulesWithExtensions"]) \
            if "CramerRulesWithExtensions" in tmp else None
        tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
        return tmp

    def alerts(self):
        return self._run_toxtree('skin')

    def has_alerts(self):
        return len(self.alerts) > 0


Class variables

var CFTTCunits
var TTC
var TTCunits

Instance variables

var alerts
Expand source code
def alerts(self):
    return self._run_toxtree('skin')
var cramer
Expand source code
def cramer(self):
    tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer')
    tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
    return tmp
var cramer2
Expand source code
def cramer2(self):
    tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer2')
    tmp["CramerValue"] = self.class_roman_to_int(tmp["CramerRulesWithExtensions"]) \
        if "CramerRulesWithExtensions" in tmp else None
    tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
    return tmp
var cramer3
Expand source code
def cramer3(self):
    tmp = self._run_toxtree('cramer3')
    tmp["CramerValue"] = self.class_roman_to_int(tmp["CramerRulesWithExtensions"]) \
        if "CramerRulesWithExtensions" in tmp else None
    tmp["IsCramerFlag"] = not pd.isna(tmp["Cramerflags"]) if "Cramerflags" in tmp else None
    return tmp
var has_alerts
Expand source code
def has_alerts(self):
    return len(self.alerts) > 0


def class_roman_to_int(self, text)

Converts 'Class X' (where X is I, II, III, IV, V) into an integer (1-5), case insensitive.

Expand source code
def class_roman_to_int(self,text):
    """Converts 'Class X' (where X is I, II, III, IV, V) into an integer (1-5), case insensitive."""
    # Define mapping of Roman numerals to integers
    roman_to_int = {
        "I": 1, "II": 2, "III": 3, "IV": 4, "V": 5
    # Regex pattern to detect 'Class X' with valid Roman numerals
    pattern = re.compile(r'\bClass\s+(I{1,3}|IV|V)\b', re.IGNORECASE)
    # Search for pattern in text
    match =
    if match:
        roman_numeral =  # Extract and normalize the numeral
        return roman_to_int.get(roman_numeral, None)  # Convert to int
    return None  # Return None if no valid match

Inherited members