Module workshop0
Workshop 0 - main file
Write a LAMMPS code directy from Python from codelets (Python script templates)
Typical section LAMMPS code with variables (strings, expressions, vectors, lists)
are coded with "codelets" (dynamics scripts of the class pizza.script())
Variables values can be defined from placeholders and subsequently overidden.
Each codelet (pizza.script object) sets two main variables
DEFINITIONS coding for the variables, some examples follows:
strings: "$ this is a string # comment"
vector: [1,0,1]
list: ["p","f","p"] or [500, 0.9, "rcb"]
tupple: (-10,2)
expression: '50*${c0}^2*${rho}' with variables and mathematical operators or functions
TEMPLATE is a string with placeholders/variables:
${variable} will be replaced by its value (possibly after evaluation)
NOTE1: Indexing is authorized in DEFINITIONS but not in TEMPLATES
Vectors and lists are expanded/flattened as strings when evaluated
run = [500,1000]
run0 = "${run[0]}"
run1 = "${run[1]}"
NOTE2: Vectors and lists are expanded with " " as separator
Tuples are expanded with "," as separator
Values of definitions and new variables can be set at runtime
mycodelet = codelet()
mycodelet.USER.var1 = 1
mycodelet.USER.var2 = 2
Several instances may be run with different values
mycodelet1 = codelet(var=1)
mycodelet2 = codelet(var=2)
mycodelet1.USER.var1 = 10
mycodelet1.USER.var2 = 20
Codelets can be multievaluated with the operator "&" (and)
mycodelet = codelet(var=1) & codelet(var=2) & ...
with all variables defined in each instance of codelet
Codelets can be combined with the operator "+" (plus)
mycodelet = codelet_1(var1=1) + codelet_2(var2=2)
with the definition of variable var1 passed to codelet_2
note: in the example above, codelet_2 can a function of var1, var2
note: if the same variable is defined in two codelets, the last
definition is used
note: mycodelet can be also multievaluated:
mycodelet(var1=1,var2=2) & mycodelet(var1=10,var2=20)
Codelets can be displayed, converted to stings, written to a file
mycodelet + ENTER to display it
mycodelet.DEFINITIONS to see the definitions
mycodelet.USER to see user definitions
mycodelet.TEMPLATE shows the TEMPLATE
note: It is not recommended to change TEMPLATE in instances
(all instances will be affected) evaluates the codelet as string
mycodelet.write("inp.mylammpsscript") write a LAMMPS script
Creating your codelets (beyond the scope of the workshop).
All codelets should be of or derived from the class pizza.script()
class newcodelet(oldcodelet)
description = "blah, blah"
useid = "newcodelet()"
version = 0
DEFINTIONS = scriptdata(
var1 = 1,
var2 = 2
# LAMMPS code
"" "
from workshop0 import *
use name_of_the_codelet.description to see the syntax
codelet = name_of_the_codelet(var1,var2)
fullscript = codelet1 + codelet2 + codelet3
-- initialization --
initialization() ---> initialize the framework
load() ---> load input data (examples from data() and raster() objects)
group() ---> group beads
gravity() ---> set gravity
interactions() ---> set forcefield
note: load() and groups() are designed to be multievaluated
-- equilibration --
thermo() ---> pseudo thermostat initialization, and computes
equilibration() ---> equilibration steps
note: equilibration() is designed to be multievaluated
-- dump --
note: dump are framework depended, set all outputs for SMD
-- displacements --
translation() ---> translation of rigid objects
rampforce() ---> set forces
Created on Fri Feb 25 13:52:08 2022 - revised on 2022-03-02
@author: olivi,billy
Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Workshop 0 - main file
Write a LAMMPS code directy from Python from codelets (Python script templates)
Typical section LAMMPS code with variables (strings, expressions, vectors, lists)
are coded with "codelets" (dynamics scripts of the class pizza.script())
Variables values can be defined from placeholders and subsequently overidden.
Each codelet (pizza.script object) sets two main variables
DEFINITIONS coding for the variables, some examples follows:
strings: "$ this is a string # comment"
vector: [1,0,1]
list: ["p","f","p"] or [500, 0.9, "rcb"]
tupple: (-10,2)
expression: '50*${c0}^2*${rho}' with variables and mathematical operators or functions
TEMPLATE is a string with placeholders/variables:
${variable} will be replaced by its value (possibly after evaluation)
NOTE1: Indexing is authorized in DEFINITIONS but not in TEMPLATES
Vectors and lists are expanded/flattened as strings when evaluated
run = [500,1000]
run0 = "${run[0]}"
run1 = "${run[1]}"
NOTE2: Vectors and lists are expanded with " " as separator
Tuples are expanded with "," as separator
Values of definitions and new variables can be set at runtime
mycodelet = codelet()
mycodelet.USER.var1 = 1
mycodelet.USER.var2 = 2
Several instances may be run with different values
mycodelet1 = codelet(var=1)
mycodelet2 = codelet(var=2)
mycodelet1.USER.var1 = 10
mycodelet1.USER.var2 = 20
Codelets can be multievaluated with the operator "&" (and)
mycodelet = codelet(var=1) & codelet(var=2) & ...
with all variables defined in each instance of codelet
Codelets can be combined with the operator "+" (plus)
mycodelet = codelet_1(var1=1) + codelet_2(var2=2)
with the definition of variable var1 passed to codelet_2
note: in the example above, codelet_2 can a function of var1, var2
note: if the same variable is defined in two codelets, the last
definition is used
note: mycodelet can be also multievaluated:
mycodelet(var1=1,var2=2) & mycodelet(var1=10,var2=20)
Codelets can be displayed, converted to stings, written to a file
mycodelet + ENTER to display it
mycodelet.DEFINITIONS to see the definitions
mycodelet.USER to see user definitions
mycodelet.TEMPLATE shows the TEMPLATE
note: It is not recommended to change TEMPLATE in instances
(all instances will be affected) evaluates the codelet as string
mycodelet.write("inp.mylammpsscript") write a LAMMPS script
Creating your codelets (beyond the scope of the workshop).
All codelets should be of or derived from the class pizza.script()
class newcodelet(oldcodelet)
description = "blah, blah"
useid = "newcodelet()"
version = 0
DEFINTIONS = scriptdata(
var1 = 1,
var2 = 2
# LAMMPS code
"" "
from workshop0 import *
use name_of_the_codelet.description to see the syntax
codelet = name_of_the_codelet(var1,var2)
fullscript = codelet1 + codelet2 + codelet3
-- initialization --
initialization() ---> initialize the framework
load() ---> load input data (examples from data() and raster() objects)
group() ---> group beads
gravity() ---> set gravity
interactions() ---> set forcefield
note: load() and groups() are designed to be multievaluated
-- equilibration --
thermo() ---> pseudo thermostat initialization, and computes
equilibration() ---> equilibration steps
note: equilibration() is designed to be multievaluated
-- dump --
note: dump are framework depended, set all outputs for SMD
-- displacements --
translation() ---> translation of rigid objects
rampforce() ---> set forces
Created on Fri Feb 25 13:52:08 2022 - revised on 2022-03-02
@author: olivi,billy
# Revision history
# 2022-02-28 early version, almost functional (dump and run missing)
# 2022-03-01 release candidate, full documentation, better style
# 2022-03-02 full documentation for the workshop
# 2022-03-02 fix neighbor in initialization() and example
# 2022-03-02 first post-workshop0 fixes (others are coming before forking as workshop1)
# generic dependencies
import datetime, os, socket, getpass
# import script, forcefield and struct classes
from pizza.script import *
from pizza.forcefield import *
from pizza.private.mstruct import struct
# %% Initialization template
class initialization(globalsection):
Initialize LAMMPS core-shell model of workshop0
init = initialization(boundary=["p","f","p"],dimension=2)
init.USER.boundary=["p","f","p"] # works also # shows the script
bead_kernel_radius = put the value of the kernel radius of the bead
init.USER.neighbor = [bead_kernel_radius,"bin"]
Set parameters at during the first call or use the USER atrribute to do it
The method do() shows the content of the script
type init +ENTER to see all accessible DEFINITIONS and TEMPLATE
How to generate a complex script
fullscript = init+geom+groups+physgravity+forcefield+\
Several scripts can be combined with the operator +
As a result, values set in DEFINITIONS are shared between all scripts
Use: fullscript.write("tmp/myscript.inp") to generate a LAMMPS file
Use: to show the script
type fullscript +ENTER to see all details
Previous step/class: none
Next step/class: load()
description = "initialization(var1=val1,var2=val2,...)"
userid = "initialization" # user name
version = 1.0 # version
# SMD Scheme (these variables are available everywhere)
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
units= "$ si",
dimension= 2,
boundary= ["p","f","p"], # simulation box boundaries
comm_modify= ["vel","yes"],
comm_style= "$ tiled",
atom_modify= ["map","array"],
newton= "$ off",
neighbor= [1,"bin"],
neigh_modify_every= 5,
neigh_modify_delay= 0,
neigh_modify_check= "$ yes",
atom_style= "$ smd"
# header
HEADER = f"# Automatic LAMMPS script (version {script.version})\n" + \
f"# {getpass.getuser()}@{socket.gethostname()}:{os.getcwd()}\n" + \
f'# {"%c")}'
# Template
TEMPLATE = HEADER + "\n\n# " + "\n# ".join(script._contact) + "\n"*3 + """
units ${units}
dimension ${dimension}
boundary ${boundary}
comm_modify ${comm_modify}
comm_style ${comm_style}
atom_modify ${atom_modify}
newton ${newton}
neighbor ${neighbor}
neigh_modify every ${neigh_modify_every} delay ${neigh_modify_delay} check ${neigh_modify_check}
atom_style ${atom_style}
# %% Initialization template
class load(geometrysection):
Load geometry models and assign bead indices (first digits)
wdir = "$ ../datafile"
geom = load(local=wdir,file="$ 2_Top_mod.lmp",mode="") & \
load(local=wdir,file="$ 1_Bottom_mod.lmp") & \
load(local=wdir,file="$ 3_thin_shell_outer_mod.lmp") & \
load(local=wdir,file="$ 4_thin_shell_inner_mod.lmp")
Use "$" to define a chain without evaluation
Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values)
mode = "" is used to avoid "add append"
Previous step/class: initialization()
Next step/class: group()
description = 'syntax: load(local="$ /my/folder/",file="$ my file")'
userid = "load()"
version = 1.0
# file to load
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
local = "$ ../datafiles", # remove the trailing /
file = "$ 2_Top_mod.lmp",
mode = "$ add append"
# Template
"""read_data ${local}/${file} ${mode}"""
# group beads together
class group(geometrysection):
""""$groupname",beadtype=1 or [1,2,3..])
Set group of beads based on their types
groups = group(name="$ solid",beadtype=[1,2,3]) & \
group(name="$ tlsph",beadtype=[1,2,3]) & \
group(name="$ fluid",beadtype=4) & \
group(name="$ ulsph",beadtype=4) & \
group(name="$ moving1",beadtype=1) & \
group(name="$ moving2",beadtype=2)
Use "$" to define a chain without evaluation
Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values)
type can be either int or list
Previous step/class: load()
Next step/class: gravity()
description = 'group(name="$mygroup",beadtype=[1,2,3])'
userid = "group()"
version = 1.0
# group definition
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
name = "$ solid",
beadtype = [1,2,3]
TEMPLATE = """group ${name} ${beadtype}"""
# Set gravity in simulation
class gravity(initializesection):
Set gravity for simulation (intensity and orientation)
physgravity = gravity(g=0)
In 2D, gravity should be along y (i.e., [0,1,0])
Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values)
type can be either int or list
Previous step/class: group()
Next step/class: interactions()
description = 'gravity(g=9.81,vector=[0,1,0])'
userid = "gravity()"
version = 1.0
# group definition
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
g = 9.81,
vector = [0,1,0]
TEMPLATE = """fix gfix all gravity ${g} vector ${vector}"""
# set interactions
class interactions(initialization,interactionsection):
Set forcefields for workshop
forcefield = interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4)
forcefield.FLUID.rho = 951
forcefield.refresh() # mandatory after a value modification
Assign bead types to the four labels "top","bottom","solid","fluid"
Use forcefield.FLUID to set a fluid properties
Idem with forcefield.SOLID, forcefield.WALL
Note1: update the all definitions with forcefield.refresh()
Note2: forcefields have complex defitions, please refer to the code
and the class forcefield()
Previous step/class: gravity()
Next step/class: thermo()
description = 'interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4)'
userid = "interactions()"
version = 1.0
# Properties (used in LAMMPS) - they are interpreted by the proper forcefield
FLUID = scriptdata(
rho = 950,
c0 = 10.0,
q1 = 1.0,
Cp = 1.0,
# hertz contacts
contact_scale = 1.5,
contact_stiffness = '10*${c0}^2*${rho}'
SOLID = scriptdata(
rho = 1100,
c0 = 10.0,
E = '50*${c0}^2*${rho}',
nu = 0.3, # Poisson ratio for solid objects
q1 = 1.0,
q2 = 0.0,
Hg = 10,
Cp = 1.0,
sigma_yield = '0.1*${E}',
hardening = 0,
# hertz contacts
contact_scale = 1.5,
contact_stiffness = '50*${c0}^2*${rho}'
WALL = scriptdata(
rho = 3000,
c0 = 10.0,
contact_stiffness = '50*${c0}^2*${rho}',
contact_scale = 1.5
# Bead id set at construction
def __init__(self,top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4):
""" set bead id with interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4) """
super().__init__() # required to initialize interactions
self.beadid = scriptdata(top=top,bottom=bottom,solid=solid,fluid=fluid)
self.forcefield = struct(
fluid = water(beadtype=fluid, userid="fluid", USER=self.FLUID),
solid = solidfood(beadtype=solid, userid="solid",USER=self.SOLID),
top = rigidwall(beadtype=top, userid="top", USER=self.WALL),
bottom = rigidwall(beadtype=bottom, userid="bottom", USER=self.WALL)
self.TEMPLATE = "\n# ===== [ BEGIN FORCEFIELD SECTION ] "+"="*80 +\
self.forcefield[0].pair_style() + \
self.forcefield.fluid.pair_diagcoeff() + \
self.forcefield.solid.pair_diagcoeff() + \ + \
self.forcefield.bottom.pair_diagcoeff() + \
self.forcefield.bottom.pair_offdiagcoeff( + \
self.forcefield.bottom.pair_offdiagcoeff(self.forcefield.fluid) + \
self.forcefield.bottom.pair_offdiagcoeff(self.forcefield.solid) + \ + \ + \
self.forcefield.solid.pair_offdiagcoeff(self.forcefield.fluid) + \
"\n# ===== [ END FORCEFIELD SECTION ] "+"="*82+"\n"
self.DEFINTIONS = scriptdata() # no definitions
# Refresh data
def refresh(self):
""" refresh values """
# %% Equilibration and dynamics
class thermo(integrationsection):
workshop0.thermo(adjust_radius = [1.01,10,15],limit_velocity=1000)
Set default parameters for time integration
initthermo = thermo()
Do not change the parameters without reading the "style" manual
Previous step/class: interactions()
Next step/class: equilibration()
description = 'thermo(param=value...)'
userid = "thermo()"
version = 1.0
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
dt = 0.1,
adjust_radius = [1.01,10,15],
limit_velocity = 1000,
thermo = 50,
thermo_modify = ["lost","ignore"],
balance = [500, 0.9, "rcb"] # load balancing for MPI
# Time integration conditions
fix dtfix fluid smd/adjust_dt ${dt} # dynamically adjust time increment every step
fix integration_fix fluid smd/integrate_ulsph adjust_radius ${adjust_radius}
fix integration_fix_solid solid smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
fix integration_fix_moving1 moving1 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
fix integration_fix_moving2 moving2 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
# thermo
thermo ${thermo}
thermo_modify ${thermo_modify}
# balancing
fix balance_fix all balance ${balance}
class equilibration(integrationsection):
Equilibrate the simulation with various limit_velocities
equilsteps = equilibration(mode="init",run=[1000,2000]) & \
equilibration(mode="fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) & \
equilibration(mode="slow",limit_velocity=0.01,run=1000) & \
Heuristic, please update the flavor to your case
Previous step/class: thermo()
Next step/class: smddump()
description = 'equilibration(mode="init",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000)'
userid = "equilibration()"
version = 1.0
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
velocity = [0,0,0],
limit_velocity = 0.01,
run = [1000,1000]
def __init__(self,mode="init",**args):
if mode=="init":
self.TEMPLATE = f"# Equilibration {mode}" + """
fix movement1 moving1 smd/setvel ${velocity}
fix movement2 moving2 smd/setvel ${velocity}
run ${run_0_}
fix integration_fix_solid solid smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
fix integration_fix_moving1 moving1 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
fix integration_fix_moving2 moving2 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
run ${run_1_}
self.TEMPLATE = f"# Equilibration {mode}" + """
fix integration_fix_solid solid smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
fix integration_fix_moving1 moving1 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
fix integration_fix_moving2 moving2 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity}
run ${run_0_}
# populate run values and create run_0_,run_1_
self.USER = scriptdata(**args)
tmp = self.DEFINITIONS + self.USER
if 'run' in tmp:
if isinstance(,(int,float)): = []
for irun in range(len(
class smddump(dumpsection):
Dump file format for SMD
dump = smddump(outstep=5000,outputfile="$ dump.workshop0")
outstep = dump every outstep
outputfile = dump filename
Previous step/class: equilibration()
Next step/class: translation()
description = 'smddump(outstep=1000,outputfile="$myfile")'
userid = "smddump()"
version = 1.0
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
outstep = 7000,
outputfile = "$ dump.file"
# Computes
compute eint all smd/internal/energy
compute contact_radius all smd/contact/radius
compute S solid smd/tlsph/stress
compute nn fluid smd/ulsph/num/neighs
compute epl solid smd/plastic/strain
compute vol all smd/vol
compute rho all smd/rho
# Dump file
dump dump_id all custom ${outstep} ${outputfile} id type x y z &
fx fy fz vx vy vz c_eint c_contact_radius mol &
c_S[1] c_S[2] c_S[3] c_S[4] mass c_epl c_vol c_rho c_nn proc
dump_modify dump_id first yes
# %% DISPLACEMENTS and integration
class translation(runsection):
Translates top and bottom according to set velocities or forces
moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & \
translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & \
translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & \
rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000)
Refer to TEMPLATE for details
Previous step/class: smddump()
Next step/class: rampforce()
description = 'translation(velocity1=[],velocity2=[],force=[],run=5000)'
userid = "smddump()"
version = 1.0
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
velocity1 = [0,-1,0],
velocity2 = [0,1,0],
force = [0,0,0],
run = 5000
# Translation
fix movement1 moving1 smd/setvel ${velocity1}
fix movement2 moving2 smd/setvel ${velocity2}
fix force1 moving1 setforce ${force}
run ${run}
class rampforce(runsection):
Applies a force ramp
moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & \
translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & \
translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & \
rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000)
Refer to TEMPLATE for details
The ramp must be defined with a Tuple (mandatory)
Previous step/class: translation()
Next step/class: none
description = "rampforec(ramp=(-1,10),run=5000)"
userid = "smddump()"
version = 1.0
DEFINITIONS = scriptdata(
ramp = (-1,10),
run = 5000
# Force ramp
variable ramp equal ramp(${ramp})
fix movement1 moving1 smd/setvel 0 NULL 0
fix movement2 moving2 smd/setvel 0 0 0
fix force1 moving1 setforce 0 v_ramp 0
run ${run}
# %% DEBUG
# ===================================================
# main()
# ===================================================
# for debugging purposes (code called as a script)
# the code is called from here
# ===================================================
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initizalization of the scheme (note that c0 is note used in DEFINITIONS)
bead_kernel_radius = 1.5
init = initialization(neighbor =[bead_kernel_radius,"bin"]) # shows the script
# read input data
# help with load.description
wdir = "$ ../datafile"
geom = load(local=wdir,file="$ 2_Top_mod.lmp",mode="") & \
load(local=wdir,file="$ 1_Bottom_mod.lmp") & \
load(local=wdir,file="$ 3_thin_shell_outer_mod.lmp") & \
load(local=wdir,file="$ 4_thin_shell_inner_mod.lmp")
# create groups
# help with groups.description
groups = group(name="$ solid",type=[1,2,3]) & \
group(name="$ tlsph",type=[1,2,3]) & \
group(name="$ fluid",type=4) & \
group(name="$ ulsph",type=4) & \
group(name="$ moving1",type=1) & \
group(name="$ moving2",type=2)
# add gravity
# help with physgravity.description
physgravity = gravity(g=0)
# interactions (do not forget to refresh)
forcefield = interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4)
forcefield.FLUID.rho = 951
forcefield.refresh() # mandatory after a value modification
# equilibration
initthermo = thermo()
equilsteps = equilibration(mode="init",run=[1000,2000]) & \
equilibration(mode="fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) & \
equilibration(mode="slow",limit_velocity=0.01,run=1000) & \
# dump
dump = smddump(outstep=5000,outputfile="$ dump.workshop0")
# displacements
moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & \
translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & \
translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & \
rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000)
# full script
fullscript = init+geom+groups+physgravity+forcefield+\
class equilibration (mode='init', **args)
Equilibrate the simulation with various limit_velocities Example ------- equilsteps = equilibration(mode="init",run=[1000,2000]) & equilibration(mode="fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) & equilibration(mode="slow",limit_velocity=0.01,run=1000) & equilibration(mode="fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) Comments: Heuristic, please update the flavor to your case Previous step/class: thermo() Next step/class: smddump()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
Expand source code
class equilibration(integrationsection): """ workshop0.equilibration(mode="init|slow|fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) Equilibrate the simulation with various limit_velocities Example ------- equilsteps = equilibration(mode="init",run=[1000,2000]) & \ equilibration(mode="fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) & \ equilibration(mode="slow",limit_velocity=0.01,run=1000) & \ equilibration(mode="fast",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000) Comments: Heuristic, please update the flavor to your case Previous step/class: thermo() Next step/class: smddump() """ description = 'equilibration(mode="init",limit_velocity=1000,run=1000)' userid = "equilibration()" version = 1.0 DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( velocity = [0,0,0], limit_velocity = 0.01, run = [1000,1000] ) def __init__(self,mode="init",**args): if mode=="init": self.TEMPLATE = f"# Equilibration {mode}" + """ fix movement1 moving1 smd/setvel ${velocity} fix movement2 moving2 smd/setvel ${velocity} run ${run_0_} fix integration_fix_solid solid smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} fix integration_fix_moving1 moving1 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} fix integration_fix_moving2 moving2 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} run ${run_1_} """ else: self.TEMPLATE = f"# Equilibration {mode}" + """ fix integration_fix_solid solid smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} fix integration_fix_moving1 moving1 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} fix integration_fix_moving2 moving2 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} run ${run_0_} """ # populate run values and create run_0_,run_1_ self.USER = scriptdata(**args) tmp = self.DEFINITIONS + self.USER if 'run' in tmp: if isinstance(,(int,float)): = [] for irun in range(len( self.USER.setattr(f"run_{irun}_",[irun])
- pizza.script.integrationsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class gravity (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
Set gravity for simulation (intensity and orientation) Example ------- physgravity = gravity(g=0) Comments: In 2D, gravity should be along y (i.e., [0,1,0]) Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values) type can be either int or list Previous step/class: group() Next step/class: interactions()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
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class gravity(initializesection): """ workshop0.gravity(g=9.81,vector=[0,1,0]) Set gravity for simulation (intensity and orientation) Example ------- physgravity = gravity(g=0) Comments: In 2D, gravity should be along y (i.e., [0,1,0]) Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values) type can be either int or list Previous step/class: group() Next step/class: interactions() """ description = 'gravity(g=9.81,vector=[0,1,0])' userid = "gravity()" version = 1.0 # group definition DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( g = 9.81, vector = [0,1,0] ) #template TEMPLATE = """fix gfix all gravity ${g} vector ${vector}"""
- pizza.script.initializesection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class group (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
-"$groupname",beadtype=1 or [1,2,3..])
Set group of beads based on their types Example ------- groups = group(name="$ solid",beadtype=[1,2,3]) & group(name="$ tlsph",beadtype=[1,2,3]) & group(name="$ fluid",beadtype=4) & group(name="$ ulsph",beadtype=4) & group(name="$ moving1",beadtype=1) & group(name="$ moving2",beadtype=2) Comments: Use "$" to define a chain without evaluation Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values) type can be either int or list Previous step/class: load() Next step/class: gravity()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
Expand source code
class group(geometrysection): """"$groupname",beadtype=1 or [1,2,3..]) Set group of beads based on their types Example ------- groups = group(name="$ solid",beadtype=[1,2,3]) & \ group(name="$ tlsph",beadtype=[1,2,3]) & \ group(name="$ fluid",beadtype=4) & \ group(name="$ ulsph",beadtype=4) & \ group(name="$ moving1",beadtype=1) & \ group(name="$ moving2",beadtype=2) Comments: Use "$" to define a chain without evaluation Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values) type can be either int or list Previous step/class: load() Next step/class: gravity() """ description = 'group(name="$mygroup",beadtype=[1,2,3])' userid = "group()" version = 1.0 # group definition DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( name = "$ solid", beadtype = [1,2,3] ) #template TEMPLATE = """group ${name} ${beadtype}"""
- pizza.script.geometrysection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class initialization (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
workshop0.initialization() workshop0.initialization(param1=value1,param2=value2)
Initialize LAMMPS core-shell model of workshop0 Example ------- init = initialization(boundary=["p","f","p"],dimension=2) init.USER.boundary=["p","f","p"] # works also # shows the script bead_kernel_radius = put the value of the kernel radius of the bead init.USER.neighbor = [bead_kernel_radius,"bin"] Comments: Set parameters at during the first call or use the USER atrribute to do it The method do() shows the content of the script type init +ENTER to see all accessible DEFINITIONS and TEMPLATE How to generate a complex script --------------------------------- fullscript = init+geom+groups+physgravity+forcefield+ initthermo+equilsteps+dump+moves fullscript.write("tmp/myscript.inp") Comments: Several scripts can be combined with the operator + As a result, values set in DEFINITIONS are shared between all scripts Use: fullscript.write("tmp/myscript.inp") to generate a LAMMPS file Use: to show the script type fullscript +ENTER to see all details Previous step/class: none Next step/class: load()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
Expand source code
class initialization(globalsection): """ workshop0.initialization() workshop0.initialization(param1=value1,param2=value2) Initialize LAMMPS core-shell model of workshop0 Example ------- init = initialization(boundary=["p","f","p"],dimension=2) init.USER.boundary=["p","f","p"] # works also # shows the script bead_kernel_radius = put the value of the kernel radius of the bead init.USER.neighbor = [bead_kernel_radius,"bin"] Comments: Set parameters at during the first call or use the USER atrribute to do it The method do() shows the content of the script type init +ENTER to see all accessible DEFINITIONS and TEMPLATE How to generate a complex script --------------------------------- fullscript = init+geom+groups+physgravity+forcefield+\ initthermo+equilsteps+dump+moves fullscript.write("tmp/myscript.inp") Comments: Several scripts can be combined with the operator + As a result, values set in DEFINITIONS are shared between all scripts Use: fullscript.write("tmp/myscript.inp") to generate a LAMMPS file Use: to show the script type fullscript +ENTER to see all details Previous step/class: none Next step/class: load() """ description = "initialization(var1=val1,var2=val2,...)" userid = "initialization" # user name version = 1.0 # version # SMD Scheme (these variables are available everywhere) DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( units= "$ si", dimension= 2, boundary= ["p","f","p"], # simulation box boundaries comm_modify= ["vel","yes"], comm_style= "$ tiled", atom_modify= ["map","array"], newton= "$ off", neighbor= [1,"bin"], neigh_modify_every= 5, neigh_modify_delay= 0, neigh_modify_check= "$ yes", atom_style= "$ smd" ) # header HEADER = f"# Automatic LAMMPS script (version {script.version})\n" + \ f"# {getpass.getuser()}@{socket.gethostname()}:{os.getcwd()}\n" + \ f'# {"%c")}' # Template TEMPLATE = HEADER + "\n\n# " + "\n# ".join(script._contact) + "\n"*3 + """ # SCHEME INITIALIZATION units ${units} dimension ${dimension} boundary ${boundary} comm_modify ${comm_modify} comm_style ${comm_style} atom_modify ${atom_modify} newton ${newton} neighbor ${neighbor} neigh_modify every ${neigh_modify_every} delay ${neigh_modify_delay} check ${neigh_modify_check} atom_style ${atom_style} """
- pizza.script.globalsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class interactions (top=1, bottom=2, solid=3, fluid=4)
Set forcefields for workshop Example ------- forcefield = interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4) forcefield.FLUID.rho = 951 forcefield.refresh() # mandatory after a value modification Comments: Assign bead types to the four labels "top","bottom","solid","fluid" Use forcefield.FLUID to set a fluid properties Idem with forcefield.SOLID, forcefield.WALL Note1: update the all definitions with forcefield.refresh() Note2: forcefields have complex defitions, please refer to the code and the class forcefield() Previous step/class: gravity() Next step/class: thermo()
set bead id with interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4)
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class interactions(initialization,interactionsection): """ workshop0.interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4) Set forcefields for workshop Example ------- forcefield = interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4) forcefield.FLUID.rho = 951 forcefield.refresh() # mandatory after a value modification Comments: Assign bead types to the four labels "top","bottom","solid","fluid" Use forcefield.FLUID to set a fluid properties Idem with forcefield.SOLID, forcefield.WALL Note1: update the all definitions with forcefield.refresh() Note2: forcefields have complex defitions, please refer to the code and the class forcefield() Previous step/class: gravity() Next step/class: thermo() """ description = 'interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4)' userid = "interactions()" version = 1.0 # Properties (used in LAMMPS) - they are interpreted by the proper forcefield FLUID = scriptdata( rho = 950, c0 = 10.0, q1 = 1.0, Cp = 1.0, # hertz contacts contact_scale = 1.5, contact_stiffness = '10*${c0}^2*${rho}' ) SOLID = scriptdata( rho = 1100, c0 = 10.0, E = '50*${c0}^2*${rho}', nu = 0.3, # Poisson ratio for solid objects q1 = 1.0, q2 = 0.0, Hg = 10, Cp = 1.0, sigma_yield = '0.1*${E}', hardening = 0, # hertz contacts contact_scale = 1.5, contact_stiffness = '50*${c0}^2*${rho}' ) WALL = scriptdata( rho = 3000, c0 = 10.0, contact_stiffness = '50*${c0}^2*${rho}', contact_scale = 1.5 ) # Bead id set at construction def __init__(self,top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4): """ set bead id with interactions(top=1,bottom=2,solid=3,fluid=4) """ super().__init__() # required to initialize interactions self.beadid = scriptdata(top=top,bottom=bottom,solid=solid,fluid=fluid) self.forcefield = struct( fluid = water(beadtype=fluid, userid="fluid", USER=self.FLUID), solid = solidfood(beadtype=solid, userid="solid",USER=self.SOLID), top = rigidwall(beadtype=top, userid="top", USER=self.WALL), bottom = rigidwall(beadtype=bottom, userid="bottom", USER=self.WALL) ) self.TEMPLATE = "\n# ===== [ BEGIN FORCEFIELD SECTION ] "+"="*80 +\ self.forcefield[0].pair_style() + \ self.forcefield.fluid.pair_diagcoeff() + \ self.forcefield.solid.pair_diagcoeff() + \ + \ self.forcefield.bottom.pair_diagcoeff() + \ self.forcefield.bottom.pair_offdiagcoeff( + \ self.forcefield.bottom.pair_offdiagcoeff(self.forcefield.fluid) + \ self.forcefield.bottom.pair_offdiagcoeff(self.forcefield.solid) + \ + \ + \ self.forcefield.solid.pair_offdiagcoeff(self.forcefield.fluid) + \ "\n# ===== [ END FORCEFIELD SECTION ] "+"="*82+"\n" self.DEFINTIONS = scriptdata() # no definitions # Refresh data def refresh(self): """ refresh values """ self.__init__(, bottom=self.beadid.bottom, solid=self.beadid.solid, fluid=self.beadid.fluid)
- initialization
- pizza.script.globalsection
- pizza.script.interactionsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var WALL
var description
var userid
var version
def refresh(self)
refresh values
Expand source code
def refresh(self): """ refresh values """ self.__init__(, bottom=self.beadid.bottom, solid=self.beadid.solid, fluid=self.beadid.fluid)
class load (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
Load geometry models and assign bead indices (first digits) Example ------- wdir = "$ ../datafile" geom = load(local=wdir,file="$ 2_Top_mod.lmp",mode="") & load(local=wdir,file="$ 1_Bottom_mod.lmp") & load(local=wdir,file="$ 3_thin_shell_outer_mod.lmp") & load(local=wdir,file="$ 4_thin_shell_inner_mod.lmp") Comments: Use "$" to define a chain without evaluation Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values) mode = "" is used to avoid "add append" Previous step/class: initialization() Next step/class: group()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
Expand source code
class load(geometrysection): """ workshop0.load(local="$workingdir",file="$filename") Load geometry models and assign bead indices (first digits) Example ------- wdir = "$ ../datafile" geom = load(local=wdir,file="$ 2_Top_mod.lmp",mode="") & \ load(local=wdir,file="$ 1_Bottom_mod.lmp") & \ load(local=wdir,file="$ 3_thin_shell_outer_mod.lmp") & \ load(local=wdir,file="$ 4_thin_shell_inner_mod.lmp") Comments: Use "$" to define a chain without evaluation Use "&" (and) to link several actions (same script with different values) mode = "" is used to avoid "add append" Previous step/class: initialization() Next step/class: group() """ description = 'syntax: load(local="$ /my/folder/",file="$ my file")' userid = "load()" version = 1.0 # file to load DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( local = "$ ../datafiles", # remove the trailing / file = "$ 2_Top_mod.lmp", mode = "$ add append" ) # Template TEMPLATE = \ """read_data ${local}/${file} ${mode}"""
- pizza.script.geometrysection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class rampforce (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
Applies a force ramp Example ------- moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) Comments: Refer to TEMPLATE for details The ramp must be defined with a Tuple (mandatory) Previous step/class: translation() Next step/class: none
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
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class rampforce(runsection): """ workshop0.rampforec(ramp=(-1,10),run=5000) Applies a force ramp Example ------- moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & \ translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & \ translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & \ rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) Comments: Refer to TEMPLATE for details The ramp must be defined with a Tuple (mandatory) Previous step/class: translation() Next step/class: none """ description = "rampforec(ramp=(-1,10),run=5000)" userid = "smddump()" version = 1.0 DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( ramp = (-1,10), run = 5000 ) TEMPLATE = """ # Force ramp variable ramp equal ramp(${ramp}) fix movement1 moving1 smd/setvel 0 NULL 0 fix movement2 moving2 smd/setvel 0 0 0 fix force1 moving1 setforce 0 v_ramp 0 run ${run} """
- pizza.script.runsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class smddump (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
Dump file format for SMD Example ------- dump = smddump(outstep=5000,outputfile="$ dump.workshop0") Comments: outstep = dump every outstep outputfile = dump filename Previous step/class: equilibration() Next step/class: translation()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
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class smddump(dumpsection): """ workshop0.smddump(outstep=1000,outputfile="$myfile") Dump file format for SMD Example ------- dump = smddump(outstep=5000,outputfile="$ dump.workshop0") Comments: outstep = dump every outstep outputfile = dump filename Previous step/class: equilibration() Next step/class: translation() """ description = 'smddump(outstep=1000,outputfile="$myfile")' userid = "smddump()" version = 1.0 DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( outstep = 7000, outputfile = "$ dump.file" ) TEMPLATE = """ # Computes compute eint all smd/internal/energy compute contact_radius all smd/contact/radius compute S solid smd/tlsph/stress compute nn fluid smd/ulsph/num/neighs compute epl solid smd/plastic/strain compute vol all smd/vol compute rho all smd/rho # Dump file dump dump_id all custom ${outstep} ${outputfile} id type x y z & fx fy fz vx vy vz c_eint c_contact_radius mol & c_S[1] c_S[2] c_S[3] c_S[4] mass c_epl c_vol c_rho c_nn proc dump_modify dump_id first yes """
- pizza.script.dumpsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class thermo (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
workshop0.thermo(adjust_radius = [1.01,10,15],limit_velocity=1000)
Set default parameters for time integration Example ------- initthermo = thermo() Comments: Do not change the parameters without reading the "style" manual Previous step/class: interactions() Next step/class: equilibration()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
Expand source code
class thermo(integrationsection): """ workshop0.thermo(adjust_radius = [1.01,10,15],limit_velocity=1000) Set default parameters for time integration Example ------- initthermo = thermo() Comments: Do not change the parameters without reading the "style" manual Previous step/class: interactions() Next step/class: equilibration() """ description = 'thermo(param=value...)' userid = "thermo()" version = 1.0 DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( dt = 0.1, adjust_radius = [1.01,10,15], limit_velocity = 1000, thermo = 50, thermo_modify = ["lost","ignore"], balance = [500, 0.9, "rcb"] # load balancing for MPI ) TEMPLATE = """ # Time integration conditions fix dtfix fluid smd/adjust_dt ${dt} # dynamically adjust time increment every step fix integration_fix fluid smd/integrate_ulsph adjust_radius ${adjust_radius} fix integration_fix_solid solid smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} fix integration_fix_moving1 moving1 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} fix integration_fix_moving2 moving2 smd/integrate_tlsph limit_velocity ${limit_velocity} # thermo thermo ${thermo} thermo_modify ${thermo_modify} # balancing fix balance_fix all balance ${balance} """
- pizza.script.integrationsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version
class translation (persistentfile=True, persistentfolder=None, printflag=False, verbose=False, verbosity=None, **userdefinitions)
Translates top and bottom according to set velocities or forces Example ------- moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) Comments: Refer to TEMPLATE for details Previous step/class: smddump() Next step/class: rampforce()
constructor adding instance definitions stored in USER
Expand source code
class translation(runsection): """ workshop0.translation(velocity1=[],velocity2=[],force=[],run=5000) Translates top and bottom according to set velocities or forces Example ------- moves = translation(velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0],run=5000) & \ translation(velocity1 = [0,-0.1,0], velocity2 = [0,0.1,0],run=2000) & \ translation(force=[0,-1,0], velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) & \ rampforce(ramp=(-1,-10), velocity1 = [0,0,0], velocity2 = [0,0,0],run=21000) Comments: Refer to TEMPLATE for details Previous step/class: smddump() Next step/class: rampforce() """ description = 'translation(velocity1=[],velocity2=[],force=[],run=5000)' userid = "smddump()" version = 1.0 DEFINITIONS = scriptdata( velocity1 = [0,-1,0], velocity2 = [0,1,0], force = [0,0,0], run = 5000 ) TEMPLATE = """ # Translation fix movement1 moving1 smd/setvel ${velocity1} fix movement2 moving2 smd/setvel ${velocity2} fix force1 moving1 setforce ${force} run ${run} """
- pizza.script.runsection
- pizza.script.script
Class variables
var description
var userid
var version