Module SPHtools
Expand source code
import numpy as np
# %% packSPH
def packSPH(siz=5, r=0.5, typ='HCP'):
PACKSPH returns the HCP or FCC packing of siz spheres of radius r
siz: array_like, [5, 5, 5] number of spheres along x,y,z
if siz is a scalar, the same siz is applied to all dimensions [siz, siz, siz]
r: float, bead radius
typ: str, optional, 'HCP' (default, period 2) or 'FCC' (period 3)
X: array_like, [size(1) x size(2) x size(3)] x 3 centers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utils.SPHtools import packSPH
X = packSPH(5)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], s=10, c='b', alpha=0.5)
# 2023-02-20 | INRAE\Olivier Vitrac, Han Chen | rev. 2023-02-21
# arg check
rdefault = 0.5
typdefault = 'HCP'
sizedefault = 5
if siz is None: siz = sizedefault
if r is None: r = rdefault
if typ == '':typ = typdefault
if np.size(siz) == 1:siz = np.array([siz, siz, siz])
if len(siz) != 3: raise ValueError('siz must be 1x3 or 3x1 vector')
if not isinstance(typ, str):raise TypeError('typ must be a char array')
# flag
forceFCC = 0 if typ.upper() == 'HCP' else 1
# Lattice
i, j, k = np.mgrid[0:siz[0], 0:siz[1], 0:siz[2]]
i, j, k = i.flatten(), j.flatten(), k.flatten()
X = np.zeros((np.size(i), 3))
X[:, 0] = 2 * i + np.mod(j + k, 2)
X[:, 1] = np.sqrt(3) * (j + np.mod(k, 2) / 3) + (np.mod(k, 3) == 2) * forceFCC
X[:, 2] = 2 * np.sqrt(6) * k / 3
return r * X
# %% kernelSPH
def kernelSPH(h=None, typ='lucy', d=3):
KERNELSPH return a SPH kernel
W = kernelSPH(h,typ,d)
h : cutoff
typ : kernel name (default = Lucy)
d : dimension
W : kernel function lambda r: ...
from utils.SPHtools import kernelSPH
W = kernelSPH(1,'lucy',3)
See also: interp3SPH, interp2SPH, packSPH
# 2023-02-20 | INRAE\Olivier Vitrac, Han Chen | rev. 2023-02-21
# arg check
if h is None:
raise ValueError('Supply a value for h')
if typ is None:
typ = 'lucy'
if not isinstance(typ, str):
raise ValueError('typ must be a string')
if d is None:
d = 3
if d < 2 or d > 3:
raise ValueError('d must be equal to 1, 2 or 3')
# main
if typ.lower() == 'lucy':
if d == 3:
# W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^3.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*(-1.05e+2./1.6e+1))./pi;
W = lambda r, h=h: np.double(r < h) * \
(1.0/h**3 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (-1.05e+2/1.6e+1) / np.pi)
elif d == 2:
# W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^2.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*-5.0)./pi;
W = lambda r, h=h: np.double(r < h) * \
(1.0/h**2 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (-5.0) / np.pi)
elif typ.lower() == 'lucyder':
if d == 3:
# W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^4.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*(-3.15e+2./1.6e+1))./pi-(1.0./h.^4.*(r./h-1.0).^2.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*(3.15e+2./1.6e+1))./pi;
W = lambda r,h=h: np.double(r < h) * \
1.0/h**4 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * (-3.15e+2/1.6e+1) / np.pi \
- 1.0/h**4 * (r/h - 1.0)**2 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (3.15e+2/1.6e+1) / np.pi \
elif d == 2:
# W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^3.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*-1.5e+1)./pi-(1.0./h.^3.*(r./h-1.0).^2.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*1.5e+1)./pi;
W = lambda r,h=h: np.double(r < h) * \
( \
1.0/h**3 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * (-1.5e+1) / np.pi
- 1.0/h**3 * (r/h - 1.0)**2 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (1.5e+1) / np.pi \
raise NotImplementedError(f"the kernel '{typ}' is not implemented")
return W
# %%interp3SPH
def interp3SPH(centers = packSPH(5),
y = np.array([]),
Xq =None,
Yq =None,
Zq =None,
W = kernelSPH(1,'lucy',3),
V = np.array([])):
INTERP3SPH interpolates y at Xq,Yq,Zq using the 3D kernel W centered on centers
Vq = interp3SPH(X,y,Xq,Yq,Zq [,W,V])
centers : kx3 coordinates of the kernel centers
y : kxny values at X (m is the number of values associated with the same center)
[] (empty matrix) forces a uniform density calculatoin
Xq : array or matrix coordinates along X
Yq : array or matrix coordinates along Y
Zq : array or matrix coordinates along Z
W : kernel function @(r) <-- use kernelSPH() to supply a vectorized kernel
V : kx1 volume of the kernels (default=1)
[] (empty matrix) or scalar value forces uniform volumes (default =1)
Vq : same size as Xq, with an additional dimension if y was an array
Example: arbitrary field to be interpolated x+2*y-3*z
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from utils.SPHtools import interp3SPH
r = 0.5
h = 2*r
XYZ = packSPH(5,r)
W = kernelSPH(h,'lucy',3)
y = XYZ @ np.array([1,2,-3]).transpose()
nresolution = 50
xg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,0])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,0])+h,num=nresolution)
yg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,1])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,1])+h,num=nresolution)
zg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,2])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,2])+h,num=nresolution)
Xg,Yg,Zg = np.meshgrid(xg,yg,zg)
Vg = interp3SPH(XYZ,y,Xg,Yg,Zg,W)
# projection along y,z
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# unvalidated code for voxels
fig = plt.figure()
cmap ="RdPu_r", 64)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_box_aspect([1,1,1]) # set aspect ratio of the 3D plot
hs = ax.contour(Xg, Yg, Zg, Vg, 10, cmap=cmap) # not working
fig.colorbar(hs, ax=ax)
See also: interp2SPH, kernelSPH, packSPH
# 2023-02-20 | INRAE\Olivier Vitrac, Han Chen | rev. 2023-02-21
# arg check
if isinstance(centers,list): centers = np.array(centers)
k,d = centers.shape
ky,ny = np.shape(y) if np.ndim(y)>1 else (np.size(y),1)
kv = np.size(V)
if k==0: raise ValueError('please supply some centers')
if d != 3: raise ValueError('3 dimensions (columns) are required')
if ky*ny==0: y = np.ones(k,1); ky=k; ny=1;
if ky != k: raise ValueError(f'the number of y values ({ky}) does not match the number of kernels ({k})')
if Xq.shape != Yq.shape or Yq.shape != Zq.shape: raise ValueError('Xq,Yq and Zq do not have compatible sizes')
if kv==0: V=1; kv=1;
if kv==1: V = np.ones([k,1])*V; kv=k;
if kv!=k: raise ValueError(f'the number of V values ({kv}) does not match the number of kernels ({k})')
# main
sumW = [];
verbosity = np.size(Xq)>1e4;
for i in range(k):
# initialization if needed
if i==0:
for iy in range(ny):
# interpolation
if verbosity:print(f'interpolate respectively to kernel {i} of {k}')
R = np.sqrt( (Xq-centers[i,0])**2 + \
(Yq-centers[i,1])**2 + \
(Zq-centers[i,2])**2 )
if np.ndim(y)==1:
sumW[0] = sumW[0] + y[i] * V[i] * W(R);
for iy in range(ny):
sumW[iy] = sumW[iy] + y[i,iy] * V[i] * W(R);
# output (data unfolding)
if ny==1:
return sumW[0];
return np.stack(sumW,axis=Xq.ndim)
def interp3SPH(centers=array([[0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.5 , 0.28867513, 0.81649658], [0. , 0. , 1.63299316], [0.5 , 0.28867513, 2.44948974], [0. , 0. , 3.26598632], [0.5 , 0.8660254 , 0. ], [0. , 1.15470054, 0.81649658], [0.5 , 0.8660254 , 1.63299316], [0. , 1.15470054, 2.44948974], [0.5 , 0.8660254 , 3.26598632], [0. , 1.73205081, 0. ], [0.5 , 2.02072594, 0.81649658], [0. , 1.73205081, 1.63299316], [0.5 , 2.02072594, 2.44948974], [0. , 1.73205081, 3.26598632], [0.5 , 2.59807621, 0. ], [0. , 2.88675135, 0.81649658], [0.5 , 2.59807621, 1.63299316], [0. , 2.88675135, 2.44948974], [0.5 , 2.59807621, 3.26598632], [0. , 3.46410162, 0. ], [0.5 , 3.75277675, 0.81649658], [0. , 3.46410162, 1.63299316], [0.5 , 3.75277675, 2.44948974], [0. , 3.46410162, 3.26598632], [1. , 0. , 0. ], [1.5 , 0.28867513, 0.81649658], [1. , 0. , 1.63299316], [1.5 , 0.28867513, 2.44948974], [1. , 0. , 3.26598632], [1.5 , 0.8660254 , 0. ], [1. , 1.15470054, 0.81649658], [1.5 , 0.8660254 , 1.63299316], [1. , 1.15470054, 2.44948974], [1.5 , 0.8660254 , 3.26598632], [1. , 1.73205081, 0. ], [1.5 , 2.02072594, 0.81649658], [1. , 1.73205081, 1.63299316], [1.5 , 2.02072594, 2.44948974], [1. , 1.73205081, 3.26598632], [1.5 , 2.59807621, 0. ], [1. , 2.88675135, 0.81649658], [1.5 , 2.59807621, 1.63299316], [1. , 2.88675135, 2.44948974], [1.5 , 2.59807621, 3.26598632], [1. , 3.46410162, 0. ], [1.5 , 3.75277675, 0.81649658], [1. , 3.46410162, 1.63299316], [1.5 , 3.75277675, 2.44948974], [1. , 3.46410162, 3.26598632], [2. , 0. , 0. ], [2.5 , 0.28867513, 0.81649658], [2. , 0. , 1.63299316], [2.5 , 0.28867513, 2.44948974], [2. , 0. , 3.26598632], [2.5 , 0.8660254 , 0. ], [2. , 1.15470054, 0.81649658], [2.5 , 0.8660254 , 1.63299316], [2. , 1.15470054, 2.44948974], [2.5 , 0.8660254 , 3.26598632], [2. , 1.73205081, 0. ], [2.5 , 2.02072594, 0.81649658], [2. , 1.73205081, 1.63299316], [2.5 , 2.02072594, 2.44948974], [2. , 1.73205081, 3.26598632], [2.5 , 2.59807621, 0. ], [2. , 2.88675135, 0.81649658], [2.5 , 2.59807621, 1.63299316], [2. , 2.88675135, 2.44948974], [2.5 , 2.59807621, 3.26598632], [2. , 3.46410162, 0. ], [2.5 , 3.75277675, 0.81649658], [2. , 3.46410162, 1.63299316], [2.5 , 3.75277675, 2.44948974], [2. , 3.46410162, 3.26598632], [3. , 0. , 0. ], [3.5 , 0.28867513, 0.81649658], [3. , 0. , 1.63299316], [3.5 , 0.28867513, 2.44948974], [3. , 0. , 3.26598632], [3.5 , 0.8660254 , 0. ], [3. , 1.15470054, 0.81649658], [3.5 , 0.8660254 , 1.63299316], [3. , 1.15470054, 2.44948974], [3.5 , 0.8660254 , 3.26598632], [3. , 1.73205081, 0. ], [3.5 , 2.02072594, 0.81649658], [3. , 1.73205081, 1.63299316], [3.5 , 2.02072594, 2.44948974], [3. , 1.73205081, 3.26598632], [3.5 , 2.59807621, 0. ], [3. , 2.88675135, 0.81649658], [3.5 , 2.59807621, 1.63299316], [3. , 2.88675135, 2.44948974], [3.5 , 2.59807621, 3.26598632], [3. , 3.46410162, 0. ], [3.5 , 3.75277675, 0.81649658], [3. , 3.46410162, 1.63299316], [3.5 , 3.75277675, 2.44948974], [3. , 3.46410162, 3.26598632], [4. , 0. , 0. ], [4.5 , 0.28867513, 0.81649658], [4. , 0. , 1.63299316], [4.5 , 0.28867513, 2.44948974], [4. , 0. , 3.26598632], [4.5 , 0.8660254 , 0. ], [4. , 1.15470054, 0.81649658], [4.5 , 0.8660254 , 1.63299316], [4. , 1.15470054, 2.44948974], [4.5 , 0.8660254 , 3.26598632], [4. , 1.73205081, 0. ], [4.5 , 2.02072594, 0.81649658], [4. , 1.73205081, 1.63299316], [4.5 , 2.02072594, 2.44948974], [4. , 1.73205081, 3.26598632], [4.5 , 2.59807621, 0. ], [4. , 2.88675135, 0.81649658], [4.5 , 2.59807621, 1.63299316], [4. , 2.88675135, 2.44948974], [4.5 , 2.59807621, 3.26598632], [4. , 3.46410162, 0. ], [4.5 , 3.75277675, 0.81649658], [4. , 3.46410162, 1.63299316], [4.5 , 3.75277675, 2.44948974], [4. , 3.46410162, 3.26598632]]), y=array([], dtype=float64), Xq=None, Yq=None, Zq=None, W=<function kernelSPH.<locals>.<lambda>>, V=array([], dtype=float64))
INTERP3SPH interpolates y at Xq,Yq,Zq using the 3D kernel W centered on centers
Vq = interp3SPH(X,y,Xq,Yq,Zq [,W,V])
centers : kx3 coordinates of the kernel centers y : kxny values at X (m is the number of values associated with the same center) [] (empty matrix) forces a uniform density calculatoin Xq : array or matrix coordinates along X Yq : array or matrix coordinates along Y Zq : array or matrix coordinates along Z W : kernel function @(r) <– use kernelSPH() to supply a vectorized kernel V : kx1 volume of the kernels (default=1) [] (empty matrix) or scalar value forces uniform volumes (default =1)
Vq : same size as Xq, with an additional dimension if y was an array
Example: arbitrary field to be interpolated x+2y-3z
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from scipy.interpolate import griddata from utils.SPHtools import interp3SPH r = 0.5 h = 2*r XYZ = packSPH(5,r) W = kernelSPH(h,'lucy',3) y = XYZ @ np.array([1,2,-3]).transpose() nresolution = 50 xg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,0])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,0])+h,num=nresolution) yg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,1])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,1])+h,num=nresolution) zg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,2])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,2])+h,num=nresolution) Xg,Yg,Zg = np.meshgrid(xg,yg,zg) Vg = interp3SPH(XYZ,y,Xg,Yg,Zg,W) # projection along y,z fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(Xg[1,:,1],np.mean(Vg,axis=(0,2),keepdims=False),color='red',marker='o') # unvalidated code for voxels fig = plt.figure() cmap ="RdPu_r", 64) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_box_aspect([1,1,1]) # set aspect ratio of the 3D plot hs = ax.contour(Xg, Yg, Zg, Vg, 10, cmap=cmap) # not working fig.colorbar(hs, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z')
See also: interp2SPH, kernelSPH, packSPH
Expand source code
def interp3SPH(centers = packSPH(5), y = np.array([]), Xq =None, Yq =None, Zq =None, W = kernelSPH(1,'lucy',3), V = np.array([])): """ INTERP3SPH interpolates y at Xq,Yq,Zq using the 3D kernel W centered on centers Syntax: Vq = interp3SPH(X,y,Xq,Yq,Zq [,W,V]) Inputs: centers : kx3 coordinates of the kernel centers y : kxny values at X (m is the number of values associated with the same center) [] (empty matrix) forces a uniform density calculatoin Xq : array or matrix coordinates along X Yq : array or matrix coordinates along Y Zq : array or matrix coordinates along Z W : kernel function @(r) <-- use kernelSPH() to supply a vectorized kernel V : kx1 volume of the kernels (default=1) [] (empty matrix) or scalar value forces uniform volumes (default =1) Output: Vq : same size as Xq, with an additional dimension if y was an array Example: arbitrary field to be interpolated x+2*y-3*z import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from scipy.interpolate import griddata from utils.SPHtools import interp3SPH r = 0.5 h = 2*r XYZ = packSPH(5,r) W = kernelSPH(h,'lucy',3) y = XYZ @ np.array([1,2,-3]).transpose() nresolution = 50 xg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,0])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,0])+h,num=nresolution) yg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,1])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,1])+h,num=nresolution) zg = np.linspace(np.min(XYZ[:,2])-h,np.max(XYZ[:,2])+h,num=nresolution) Xg,Yg,Zg = np.meshgrid(xg,yg,zg) Vg = interp3SPH(XYZ,y,Xg,Yg,Zg,W) # projection along y,z fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(Xg[1,:,1],np.mean(Vg,axis=(0,2),keepdims=False),color='red',marker='o') # unvalidated code for voxels fig = plt.figure() cmap ="RdPu_r", 64) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_box_aspect([1,1,1]) # set aspect ratio of the 3D plot hs = ax.contour(Xg, Yg, Zg, Vg, 10, cmap=cmap) # not working fig.colorbar(hs, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') See also: interp2SPH, kernelSPH, packSPH """ # 2023-02-20 | INRAE\Olivier Vitrac, Han Chen | rev. 2023-02-21 # arg check if isinstance(centers,list): centers = np.array(centers) k,d = centers.shape ky,ny = np.shape(y) if np.ndim(y)>1 else (np.size(y),1) kv = np.size(V) if k==0: raise ValueError('please supply some centers') if d != 3: raise ValueError('3 dimensions (columns) are required') if ky*ny==0: y = np.ones(k,1); ky=k; ny=1; if ky != k: raise ValueError(f'the number of y values ({ky}) does not match the number of kernels ({k})') if Xq.shape != Yq.shape or Yq.shape != Zq.shape: raise ValueError('Xq,Yq and Zq do not have compatible sizes') if kv==0: V=1; kv=1; if kv==1: V = np.ones([k,1])*V; kv=k; if kv!=k: raise ValueError(f'the number of V values ({kv}) does not match the number of kernels ({k})') # main sumW = []; verbosity = np.size(Xq)>1e4; for i in range(k): # initialization if needed if i==0: for iy in range(ny): sumW.append(np.zeros(np.shape(Xq),dtype=Xq.dtype)) # interpolation if verbosity:print(f'interpolate respectively to kernel {i} of {k}') R = np.sqrt( (Xq-centers[i,0])**2 + \ (Yq-centers[i,1])**2 + \ (Zq-centers[i,2])**2 ) if np.ndim(y)==1: sumW[0] = sumW[0] + y[i] * V[i] * W(R); else: for iy in range(ny): sumW[iy] = sumW[iy] + y[i,iy] * V[i] * W(R); # output (data unfolding) if ny==1: return sumW[0]; else: return np.stack(sumW,axis=Xq.ndim)
def kernelSPH(h=None, typ='lucy', d=3)
KERNELSPH return a SPH kernel
W = kernelSPH(h,typ,d)
h : cutoff typ : kernel name (default = Lucy) d : dimension
W : kernel function lambda r: …
from utils.SPHtools import kernelSPH W = kernelSPH(1,'lucy',3)
See also: interp3SPH, interp2SPH, packSPH
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def kernelSPH(h=None, typ='lucy', d=3): """ KERNELSPH return a SPH kernel Syntax: W = kernelSPH(h,typ,d) Inputs: h : cutoff typ : kernel name (default = Lucy) d : dimension Output: W : kernel function lambda r: ... Example: from utils.SPHtools import kernelSPH W = kernelSPH(1,'lucy',3) See also: interp3SPH, interp2SPH, packSPH """ # 2023-02-20 | INRAE\Olivier Vitrac, Han Chen | rev. 2023-02-21 # arg check if h is None: raise ValueError('Supply a value for h') if typ is None: typ = 'lucy' if not isinstance(typ, str): raise ValueError('typ must be a string') if d is None: d = 3 if d < 2 or d > 3: raise ValueError('d must be equal to 1, 2 or 3') # main if typ.lower() == 'lucy': if d == 3: # W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^3.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*(-1.05e+2./1.6e+1))./pi; W = lambda r, h=h: np.double(r < h) * \ (1.0/h**3 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (-1.05e+2/1.6e+1) / np.pi) elif d == 2: # W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^2.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*-5.0)./pi; W = lambda r, h=h: np.double(r < h) * \ (1.0/h**2 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (-5.0) / np.pi) elif typ.lower() == 'lucyder': if d == 3: # W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^4.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*(-3.15e+2./1.6e+1))./pi-(1.0./h.^4.*(r./h-1.0).^2.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*(3.15e+2./1.6e+1))./pi; W = lambda r,h=h: np.double(r < h) * \ (\ 1.0/h**4 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * (-3.15e+2/1.6e+1) / np.pi \ - 1.0/h**4 * (r/h - 1.0)**2 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (3.15e+2/1.6e+1) / np.pi \ ) elif d == 2: # W = @(r) (r<h) .* (1.0./h.^3.*(r./h-1.0).^3.*-1.5e+1)./pi-(1.0./h.^3.*(r./h-1.0).^2.*((r.*3.0)./h+1.0).*1.5e+1)./pi; W = lambda r,h=h: np.double(r < h) * \ ( \ 1.0/h**3 * (r/h - 1.0)**3 * (-1.5e+1) / np.pi - 1.0/h**3 * (r/h - 1.0)**2 * ((r*3.0)/h + 1.0) * (1.5e+1) / np.pi \ ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"the kernel '{typ}' is not implemented") return W
def packSPH(siz=5, r=0.5, typ='HCP')
PACKSPH returns the HCP or FCC packing of siz spheres of radius r
Args: siz: array_like, [5, 5, 5] number of spheres along x,y,z if siz is a scalar, the same siz is applied to all dimensions [siz, siz, siz] r: float, bead radius typ: str, optional, 'HCP' (default, period 2) or 'FCC' (period 3)
Returns: X: array_like, [size(1) x size(2) x size(3)] x 3 centers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.SPHtools import packSPH
X = packSPH(5)
fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], s=10, c='b', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z')
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def packSPH(siz=5, r=0.5, typ='HCP'): """ PACKSPH returns the HCP or FCC packing of siz spheres of radius r Args: siz: array_like, [5, 5, 5] number of spheres along x,y,z if siz is a scalar, the same siz is applied to all dimensions [siz, siz, siz] r: float, bead radius typ: str, optional, 'HCP' (default, period 2) or 'FCC' (period 3) Returns: X: array_like, [size(1) x size(2) x size(3)] x 3 centers Example: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.SPHtools import packSPH X = packSPH(5) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], s=10, c='b', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') """ # 2023-02-20 | INRAE\Olivier Vitrac, Han Chen | rev. 2023-02-21 # arg check rdefault = 0.5 typdefault = 'HCP' sizedefault = 5 if siz is None: siz = sizedefault if r is None: r = rdefault if typ == '':typ = typdefault if np.size(siz) == 1:siz = np.array([siz, siz, siz]) if len(siz) != 3: raise ValueError('siz must be 1x3 or 3x1 vector') if not isinstance(typ, str):raise TypeError('typ must be a char array') # flag forceFCC = 0 if typ.upper() == 'HCP' else 1 # Lattice i, j, k = np.mgrid[0:siz[0], 0:siz[1], 0:siz[2]] i, j, k = i.flatten(), j.flatten(), k.flatten() X = np.zeros((np.size(i), 3)) X[:, 0] = 2 * i + np.mod(j + k, 2) X[:, 1] = np.sqrt(3) * (j + np.mod(k, 2) / 3) + (np.mod(k, 3) == 2) * forceFCC X[:, 2] = 2 * np.sqrt(6) * k / 3 return r * X