Module data3

data Class

The data class provides tools to read, write, and manipulate LAMMPS data files, enabling seamless integration with the dump class for restart generation and simulation data management.


  • Input Handling:
  • Supports single or multiple data files, including gzipped files.
  • Create empty data objects or initialize from an existing dump object.

  • Headers and Sections:

  • Access and modify headers, including atom counts and box dimensions.
  • Define, reorder, append, and replace columns in data file sections.

  • Integration with dump:

  • Generate restart files from dump snapshots.
  • Replace atomic positions and velocities in Atoms and Velocities sections.

  • Visualization:

  • Extract atoms and bonds for visualization tools.
  • Iterate over single data file snapshots (compatible with dump).



  • From a File: python d = data("data.poly") # Read a LAMMPS data file

  • Create an Empty Object: python d = data() # Create an empty data object

  • From a dump Object: python d = data(dump_obj, timestep) # Generate data object from dump snapshot

Accessing Data

  • Headers: python d.headers["atoms"] = 1500 # Set atom count in header

  • Sections: python d.sections["Atoms"] = lines # Define the <code>Atoms</code> section


  • Column Mapping: python, "id", 3, "x") # Assign names to columns

  • Reorder Columns: python d.reorder("Atoms", 1, 3, 2, 4) # Reorder columns in a section

  • Replace or Append Data: python d.replace("Atoms", 5, vec) # Replace a column in <code>Atoms</code> d.append("Atoms", vec) # Append a new column to <code>Atoms</code>

  • Delete Headers or Sections: python d.delete("Bonds") # Remove the <code>Bonds</code> section


  • Write to a File: python d.write("") # Write the data object to a file


  • Extract Data for Visualization: python time, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines = d.viz(0)

Integration with dump

  • Replace Atomic Positions: python d.newxyz(dump_obj, timestep) # Replace atomic positions with <code><a title="data3.dump" href="#data3.dump">dump</a></code> data


Basic Usage

d = data("data.poly")             # Load a LAMMPS data file
d.headers["atoms"] = 2000         # Update atom count
d.reorder("Atoms", 1, 3, 2, 4)    # Reorder columns in `Atoms`
d.write("")               # Save to a new file

Restart Generation

dump_obj = dump("dump.poly")
d = data(dump_obj, 1000)          # Create data object from dump
d.write("data.restart")           # Write restart file


time, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines = d.viz(0)


  • Headers:
  • atoms: Number of atoms in the data file.
  • atom types: Number of atom types.
  • xlo xhi, ylo yhi, zlo zhi: Box dimensions.

  • Sections:

  • Atoms: Atomic data (e.g., ID, type, coordinates).
  • Velocities: Atomic velocities (optional).
  • Additional sections for bonds, angles, etc.


  • Compatibility: Fully compatible with dump for restart and visualization tasks.
  • Error Handling: Automatically validates headers and sections for consistency.
  • Extensibility: Easily add or modify headers, sections, and attributes.

Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# `data` Class

The `data` class provides tools to read, write, and manipulate LAMMPS data files, enabling seamless integration with the `dump` class for restart generation and simulation data management.


## Features

- **Input Handling**:
  - Supports single or multiple data files, including gzipped files.
  - Create empty data objects or initialize from an existing `dump` object.

- **Headers and Sections**:
  - Access and modify headers, including atom counts and box dimensions.
  - Define, reorder, append, and replace columns in data file sections.

- **Integration with `dump`**:
  - Generate restart files from `dump` snapshots.
  - Replace atomic positions and velocities in `Atoms` and `Velocities` sections.

- **Visualization**:
  - Extract atoms and bonds for visualization tools.
  - Iterate over single data file snapshots (compatible with `dump`).


## Usage

### Initialization
- **From a File**:
  d = data("data.poly")          # Read a LAMMPS data file

- **Create an Empty Object**:
  d = data()                     # Create an empty data object

- **From a `dump` Object**:
  d = data(dump_obj, timestep)   # Generate data object from dump snapshot

### Accessing Data
- **Headers**:
  d.headers["atoms"] = 1500       # Set atom count in header

- **Sections**:
  d.sections["Atoms"] = lines     # Define the `Atoms` section

### Manipulation
- **Column Mapping**:
  ```python, "id", 3, "x")          # Assign names to columns

- **Reorder Columns**:
  d.reorder("Atoms", 1, 3, 2, 4)  # Reorder columns in a section

- **Replace or Append Data**:
  d.replace("Atoms", 5, vec)      # Replace a column in `Atoms`
  d.append("Atoms", vec)          # Append a new column to `Atoms`

- **Delete Headers or Sections**:
  d.delete("Bonds")               # Remove the `Bonds` section

### Output
- **Write to a File**:
  d.write("")             # Write the data object to a file

### Visualization
- **Extract Data for Visualization**:
  time, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines = d.viz(0)

### Integration with `dump`
- **Replace Atomic Positions**:
  d.newxyz(dump_obj, timestep)    # Replace atomic positions with `dump` data


## Examples

### Basic Usage
d = data("data.poly")             # Load a LAMMPS data file
d.headers["atoms"] = 2000         # Update atom count
d.reorder("Atoms", 1, 3, 2, 4)    # Reorder columns in `Atoms`
d.write("")               # Save to a new file

### Restart Generation
dump_obj = dump("dump.poly")
d = data(dump_obj, 1000)          # Create data object from dump
d.write("data.restart")           # Write restart file

### Visualization
time, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines = d.viz(0)


## Properties
- **Headers**:
  - `atoms`: Number of atoms in the data file.
  - `atom types`: Number of atom types.
  - `xlo xhi`, `ylo yhi`, `zlo zhi`: Box dimensions.

- **Sections**:
  - `Atoms`: Atomic data (e.g., ID, type, coordinates).
  - `Velocities`: Atomic velocities (optional).
  - Additional sections for bonds, angles, etc.


## Notes
- **Compatibility**: Fully compatible with `dump` for restart and visualization tasks.
- **Error Handling**: Automatically validates headers and sections for consistency.
- **Extensibility**: Easily add or modify headers, sections, and attributes.


__project__ = "Pizza3"
__author__ = "Olivier Vitrac"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022"
__credits__ = ["Steve Plimpton", "Olivier Vitrac"]
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__maintainer__ = "Olivier Vitrac"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.99991"

# toolkit,
# Steve Plimpton,, Sandia National Laboratories
# Copyright (2005) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
# certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
# the GNU General Public License.

# data tool

# Code converted to pyton 3.x
# last release
# 2022-02-03 - add flist, __repr__
# 2022-02-04 - add append and start to add comments
# 2022-02-10 - first implementation of a full restart object from a dump object
# 2022-02-12 - revised append method, more robust, more verbose
# 2024-12-08 - updated help

oneline = "Read, write, manipulate LAMMPS data files"

docstr = """
d = data("data.poly")            read a LAMMPS data file, can be gzipped
d = data()                       create an empty data file,"id",3,"x")              assign names to atom columns (1-N)

coeffs = d.get("Pair Coeffs")    extract info from data file section
q = d.get("Atoms",4)

  1 arg = all columns returned as 2d array of floats
  2 args = Nth column returned as vector of floats

d.reorder("Atoms",1,3,2,4,5)     reorder columns (1-N) in a data file section

  1,3,2,4,5 = new order of previous columns, can delete columns this way

d.title = "My LAMMPS data file"  set title of the data file
d.headers["atoms"] = 1500        set a header value
d.sections["Bonds"] = lines      set a section to list of lines (with newlines)
d.delete("bonds")                delete a keyword or section of data file
d.replace("Atoms",5,vec)         replace Nth column of section with vector
d.newxyz(dmp,1000)               replace xyz in Atoms with xyz of snapshot N

  newxyz assumes id,x,y,z are defined in both data and dump files
    also replaces ix,iy,iz if they are defined

index,time,flag = d.iterator(0/1)          loop over single data file snapshot
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines = d.viz(index)   return list of viz objects

  iterator() and viz() are compatible with equivalent dump calls
  iterator() called with arg = 0 first time, with arg = 1 on subsequent calls
    index = timestep index within dump object (only 0 for data file)
    time = timestep value (only 0 for data file)
    flag = -1 when iteration is done, 1 otherwise
  viz() returns info for specified timestep index (must be 0)
    time = 0
    box = [xlo,ylo,zlo,xhi,yhi,zhi]
    atoms = id,type,x,y,z for each atom as 2d array
    bonds = id,type,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,t1,t2 for each bond as 2d array
      NULL if bonds do not exist
    tris = NULL
    lines = NULL

d.write("")             write a LAMMPS data file

# History
#   8/05, Steve Plimpton (SNL): original version
#   11/07, added triclinic box support

# ToDo list

# Variables
#   title = 1st line of data file
#   names = dictionary with atom attributes as keys, col #s as values
#   headers = dictionary with header name as key, value or tuple as values
#   sections = dictionary with section name as key, array of lines as values
#   nselect = 1 = # of snapshots

# Imports and external programs

# External dependency
from os import popen
import numpy as np

# Dependecy for the creation of DATA restart object from a DUMP object
from pizza.dump3 import dump

__all__ = ['data', 'dump']

#    tmp = PIZZA_GUNZIP
PIZZA_GUNZIP = "gunzip"

# Class definition

class data:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, *list):
        self.nselect = 1

        if len(list) == 0:

        # ========================================
        # Default Constructor (empty object)
        # ========================================

            self.title = "LAMMPS data file"
            self.names = {}
            self.headers = {}
            self.sections = {}
            self.flist = []
            self.restart = False

        elif isinstance(list[0],dump):

        # ========================================
        # Constructor from an existing DUMP object
        # ========================================

            X = list[0]     # supplied dump object
            t = X.time()
            nt = len(t)
            if len(list)>1:
                tselect = list[1]
                if tselect not in t:
                    raise ValueError("the input time is not available in the dump object")
                tselect = t[-1]
            itselect = next(i for i in range(nt) if t[i]==tselect)
            # set object title
            self.title = 'LAMMPS data file (restart from "%s" t = %0.5g (frame %d of %d))' %  \
            # set default names                       ------------- HEADERS SECTION -------------
            self.names = {}
            snap = X.snaps[itselect]
            # set headers
            self.headers = {    'atoms': snap.natoms,
                                'atom types': X.minmax("type")[1],
                                'xlo xhi': (snap.xlo, snap.xhi),
                                'ylo yhi': (snap.ylo, snap.yhi),
                                'zlo zhi': (snap.zlo, snap.zhi)}
            # Default sections
            self.sections = {}
            # set atoms (specific to your style/kind) ------------- ATOMS SUBSECTION -------------
            template_atoms = {"smd": ["id","type","mol","c_vol", "mass", "radius",
                                      "c_contact_radius", "x", "y", "z", "f_1[1]", "f_1[2]", "f_1[3]"] }
            if X.kind(template_atoms["smd"]):
                for col in template_atoms["smd"]:
                    self.append("Atoms", X.vecs(tselect, col), col in ["id","type","mol"],col)
                raise ValueError("Please add your ATOMS section in the constructor")
            # set velocities (if required)           ------------- VELOCITIES SUBSECTION -------------
            template_velocities = {"smd": ["id","vx","vy","vz"]}
            if X.kind(template_atoms["smd"]):
                if X.kind(template_velocities["smd"]):
                    for col in template_velocities["smd"]:
                        self.append("Velocities", X.vecs(tselect, col), col == "id",col)
                    raise ValueError("the velocities are missing for the style SMD")
            # store filename
            self.flist = list[0].flist
            self.restart = True

        # ===========================================================
        # Regular constructor from DATA file (supplied as filename)
        # ===========================================================

        flist = list
        file = list[0]
        if file[-3:] == ".gz":
            f = popen("%s -c %s" % (PIZZA_GUNZIP, file), "r")
            f = open(file)

        self.title = f.readline()
        self.names = {}

        headers = {}
        while 1:
            line = f.readline()
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
            found = 0
            for keyword in hkeywords:
                if line.find(keyword) >= 0:
                    found = 1
                    words = line.split()
                    if (
                        keyword == "xlo xhi"
                        or keyword == "ylo yhi"
                        or keyword == "zlo zhi"
                        headers[keyword] = (float(words[0]), float(words[1]))
                    elif keyword == "xy xz yz":
                        headers[keyword] = (
                        headers[keyword] = int(words[0])
            if not found:

        sections = {}
        while 1:
            found = 0
            for pair in skeywords:
                keyword, length = pair[0], pair[1]
                if keyword == line:
                    found = 1
                    if length not in headers: #if not headers.has_key(length):
                        raise ValueError("data section %s has no matching header value" % line)
                    list = []
                    for i in range(headers[length]):
                    sections[keyword] = list
            if not found:
                raise ValueError("invalid section %s in data file" % line)
            line = f.readline()
            if not line:
            line = line.strip()

        self.headers = headers
        self.sections = sections
        self.flist = flist
        self.restart = False

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Display method (added OV - 2022-02-03)
    def __repr__(self):
        if self.sections == {} or self.headers == {}:
            ret = "empty %s" % self.title
            return ret
        if self.restart:
            kind = "restart"
            kind = "source"
        print("Data file: %s\n\tcontains %d atoms from %d atom types\n\twith box = [%0.4g %0.4g %0.4g %0.4g %0.4g %0.4g]"
              % (self.flist[0],
                 self.headers['atom types'],
                 self.headers['xlo xhi'][0],
                 self.headers['xlo xhi'][1],
                 self.headers['ylo yhi'][0],
                 self.headers['ylo yhi'][1],
                 self.headers['zlo zhi'][0],
                 self.headers['zlo zhi'][1],
                 ) )
        print("\twith the following sections:")
        for sectionname in self.sections.keys():
            print("\t\t" +self.dispsection(sectionname,False))
        ret = 'LAMMPS data object including %d atoms (%d types, %s="%s")' \
            % (self.headers['atoms'],self.maxtype(),kind,self.flist[0])
        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # assign names to atom columns

    def map(self, *pairs):
        if len(pairs) % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError ("data map() requires pairs of mappings")
        for i in range(0, len(pairs), 2):
            j = i + 1
            self.names[pairs[j]] = pairs[i] - 1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # extract info from data file fields

    def get(self, *list):
        if len(list) == 1:
            field = list[0]
            array = []
            lines = self.sections[field]
            for line in lines:
                words = line.split()
                values = map(float, words)
            return array
        elif len(list) == 2:
            field = list[0]
            n = list[1] - 1
            vec = []
            lines = self.sections[field]
            for line in lines:
                words = line.split()
            return vec
            raise ValueError("invalid arguments for data.get()")

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # reorder columns in a data file field

    def reorder(self, name, *order):
        """ reorder columns: reorder("section",colidxfirst,colidxsecond,colidxthird,...)  """
        if name not in self.sections:
            raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid section name' % name)
        n = len(order)
        print(">> reorder for %d columns" % n)
        natoms = len(self.sections[name])
        oldlines = self.sections[name]
        newlines = natoms * [""]
        for index in order:
            for i in range(len(newlines)):
                words = oldlines[i].split()
                newlines[i] += words[index - 1] + " "
        for i in range(len(newlines)):
            newlines[i] += "\n"
        self.sections[name] = newlines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # replace a column of named section with vector of values
    # the number of data is checked and repeated for scalars (added 2022-02-04)

    def replace(self, name, icol, vector):
        """ replace column values: replace("section",columnindex,vectorofvalues) with columnindex=1..ncolumns """
        lines = self.sections[name]
        nlines = len(lines)
        if name not in self.sections:
            raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid section name' % name)
        if not isinstance(vector,list): vector = [vector]
        if len(vector)==1: vector = vector * nlines
        if len(vector) != nlines:
            raise ValueError('the length of new data (%d) in section "%s" does not match the number of rows %d' % \
        newlines = []
        j = icol - 1
        for i in range(nlines):
            line = lines[i]
            words = line.split()
            words[j] = str(vector[i])
            newline = " ".join(words) + "\n"
        self.sections[name] = newlines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # append a column of named section with vector of values (added 2022-02-04)

    def append(self, name, vector, forceinteger = False, propertyname=None):
        """ append a new column: X.append("section",vectorofvalues,forceinteger=False,propertyname=None) """
        if name not in self.sections:
            self.sections[name] = []
            print('Add section [%s] - file="%s"' % (name,self.title) )
        lines = self.sections[name]
        nlines = len(lines)
        if not isinstance(vector,list) and not isinstance(vector,np.ndarray):
            vector = [vector]
        if propertyname != None:
            print('\t> Add "%s" (%d values) to [%s]' % (propertyname,len(vector),name))
            print('\t> Add %d values (no name) to [%s]' % (len(vector),name))
        newlines = []
        if nlines == 0:           # empty atoms section, create first column
            nlines = len(vector)  # new column length = input column length
            for i in range(nlines):
                if forceinteger:
                    line = str(int(vector[i]))
                    line = str(vector[i])
            if len(vector)==1: vector = vector * nlines
            if len(vector) != nlines:
                raise ValueError('the length of new data (%d) in section "%s" does not match the number of rows %d' % \
            for i in range(nlines):
                line = lines[i]
                words = line.split()
                if forceinteger:
                newline = " ".join(words) + "\n"
        self.sections[name] = newlines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # disp section info (added 2022-02-04)

    def dispsection(self, name,flaghead=True):
        """ display section info: X.dispsection("sectionname") """
        lines = self.sections[name]
        nlines = len(lines)
        line = lines[0]
        words = line.split()
        ret = '"%s": %d x %d values' % (name,nlines,len(words))

        if flaghead: ret = "LAMMPS data section "+ret
        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # replace x,y,z in Atoms with x,y,z values from snapshot ntime of dump object
    # assumes id,x,y,z are defined in both data and dump files
    # also replaces ix,iy,iz if they are defined

    def newxyz(self, dm, ntime):
        nsnap = dm.findtime(ntime)
        print(">> newxyz for %d snaps" % nsnap)

        x, y, z = dm.vecs(ntime, "x", "y", "z")

        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["x"] + 1, x)
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["y"] + 1, y)
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["z"] + 1, z)

        if "ix" in dm.names and "ix" in self.names: #if dm.names.has_key("ix") and self.names.has_key("ix"):
            ix, iy, iz = dm.vecs(ntime, "ix", "iy", "iz")
            self.replace("Atoms", self.names["ix"] + 1, ix)
            self.replace("Atoms", self.names["iy"] + 1, iy)
            self.replace("Atoms", self.names["iz"] + 1, iz)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # delete header value or section from data file

    def delete(self, keyword):

        if keyword in self.headers: # if self.headers.has_key(keyword):
            del self.headers[keyword]
        elif keyword in self.sections: # elif self.sections.has_key(keyword):
            del self.sections[keyword]
            raise ValueError("keyword not found in data object")

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # write out a LAMMPS data file

    def write(self, file):
        f = open(file, "w")
        for keyword in hkeywords:
            if keyword in self.headers: # self.headers.has_key(keyword):
                if keyword == "xlo xhi" or keyword == "ylo yhi" or keyword == "zlo zhi":
                    pair = self.headers[keyword]
                    print(pair[0], pair[1], keyword,file=f)
                elif keyword == "xy xz yz":
                    triple = self.headers[keyword]
                    print(triple[0], triple[1], triple[2], keyword,file=f)
                    print(self.headers[keyword], keyword,file=f)
        for pair in skeywords:
            keyword = pair[0]
            if keyword in self.sections: #self.sections.has_key(keyword):
                print("\n%s\n" % keyword,file=f)
                for line in self.sections[keyword]:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # iterator called from other tools

    def iterator(self, flag):
        if flag == 0:
            return 0, 0, 1
        return 0, 0, -1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # time query from other tools

    def findtime(self, n):
        if n == 0:
            return 0
        raise ValueError("no step %d exists" % n)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return list of atoms and bonds to viz for data object

    def viz(self, isnap):
        if isnap:
            raise ValueError("cannot call data.viz() with isnap != 0")

        id = self.names["id"]
        type = self.names["type"]
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]

        xlohi = self.headers["xlo xhi"]
        ylohi = self.headers["ylo yhi"]
        zlohi = self.headers["zlo zhi"]
        box = [xlohi[0], ylohi[0], zlohi[0], xlohi[1], ylohi[1], zlohi[1]]

        # create atom list needed by viz from id,type,x,y,z

        atoms = []
        atomlines = self.sections["Atoms"]
        for line in atomlines:
            words = line.split()

        # create list of current bond coords from list of bonds
        # assumes atoms are sorted so can lookup up the 2 atoms in each bond

        bonds = []
        if self.sections.has_key("Bonds"):
            bondlines = self.sections["Bonds"]
            for line in bondlines:
                words = line.split()
                bid, btype = int(words[0]), int(words[1])
                atom1, atom2 = int(words[2]), int(words[3])
                atom1words = atomlines[atom1 - 1].split()
                atom2words = atomlines[atom2 - 1].split()

        tris = []
        lines = []
        return 0, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return box size

    def maxbox(self):
        xlohi = self.headers["xlo xhi"]
        ylohi = self.headers["ylo yhi"]
        zlohi = self.headers["zlo zhi"]
        return [xlohi[0], ylohi[0], zlohi[0], xlohi[1], ylohi[1], zlohi[1]]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return number of atom types

    def maxtype(self):
        return self.headers["atom types"]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# data file keywords, both header and main sections

hkeywords = [
    "atom types",
    "bond types",
    "angle types",
    "dihedral types",
    "improper types",
    "xlo xhi",
    "ylo yhi",
    "zlo zhi",
    "xy xz yz",

skeywords = [
    ["Masses", "atom types"],
    ["Atoms", "atoms"],
    ["Ellipsoids", "ellipsoids"],
    ["Lines", "lines"],
    ["Triangles", "triangles"],
    ["Bodies", "bodies"],
    ["Bonds", "bonds"],
    ["Angles", "angles"],
    ["Dihedrals", "dihedrals"],
    ["Impropers", "impropers"],
    ["Velocities", "atoms"],
    ["Pair Coeffs", "atom types"],
    ["Bond Coeffs", "bond types"],
    ["Angle Coeffs", "angle types"],
    ["Dihedral Coeffs", "dihedral types"],
    ["Improper Coeffs", "improper types"],
    ["BondBond Coeffs", "angle types"],
    ["BondAngle Coeffs", "angle types"],
    ["MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs", "dihedral types"],
    ["EndBondTorsion Coeffs", "dihedral types"],
    ["AngleTorsion Coeffs", "dihedral types"],
    ["AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs", "dihedral types"],
    ["BondBond13 Coeffs", "dihedral types"],
    ["AngleAngle Coeffs", "improper types"],
    ["Molecules", "atoms"],
    ["Tinker Types", "atoms"],

# %%
# ===================================================
# main()
# ===================================================
# for debugging purposes (code called as a script)
# the code is called from here
# ===================================================
if __name__ == '__main__':
    datafile = "../data/play_data/"
    X = data(datafile)
    Y = dump("../data/play_data/")
    t = Y.time()
    step = 2000
    R = data(Y,step)


class data (*list)
Expand source code
class data:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, *list):
        self.nselect = 1

        if len(list) == 0:

        # ========================================
        # Default Constructor (empty object)
        # ========================================

            self.title = "LAMMPS data file"
            self.names = {}
            self.headers = {}
            self.sections = {}
            self.flist = []
            self.restart = False

        elif isinstance(list[0],dump):

        # ========================================
        # Constructor from an existing DUMP object
        # ========================================

            X = list[0]     # supplied dump object
            t = X.time()
            nt = len(t)
            if len(list)>1:
                tselect = list[1]
                if tselect not in t:
                    raise ValueError("the input time is not available in the dump object")
                tselect = t[-1]
            itselect = next(i for i in range(nt) if t[i]==tselect)
            # set object title
            self.title = 'LAMMPS data file (restart from "%s" t = %0.5g (frame %d of %d))' %  \
            # set default names                       ------------- HEADERS SECTION -------------
            self.names = {}
            snap = X.snaps[itselect]
            # set headers
            self.headers = {    'atoms': snap.natoms,
                                'atom types': X.minmax("type")[1],
                                'xlo xhi': (snap.xlo, snap.xhi),
                                'ylo yhi': (snap.ylo, snap.yhi),
                                'zlo zhi': (snap.zlo, snap.zhi)}
            # Default sections
            self.sections = {}
            # set atoms (specific to your style/kind) ------------- ATOMS SUBSECTION -------------
            template_atoms = {"smd": ["id","type","mol","c_vol", "mass", "radius",
                                      "c_contact_radius", "x", "y", "z", "f_1[1]", "f_1[2]", "f_1[3]"] }
            if X.kind(template_atoms["smd"]):
                for col in template_atoms["smd"]:
                    self.append("Atoms", X.vecs(tselect, col), col in ["id","type","mol"],col)
                raise ValueError("Please add your ATOMS section in the constructor")
            # set velocities (if required)           ------------- VELOCITIES SUBSECTION -------------
            template_velocities = {"smd": ["id","vx","vy","vz"]}
            if X.kind(template_atoms["smd"]):
                if X.kind(template_velocities["smd"]):
                    for col in template_velocities["smd"]:
                        self.append("Velocities", X.vecs(tselect, col), col == "id",col)
                    raise ValueError("the velocities are missing for the style SMD")
            # store filename
            self.flist = list[0].flist
            self.restart = True

        # ===========================================================
        # Regular constructor from DATA file (supplied as filename)
        # ===========================================================

        flist = list
        file = list[0]
        if file[-3:] == ".gz":
            f = popen("%s -c %s" % (PIZZA_GUNZIP, file), "r")
            f = open(file)

        self.title = f.readline()
        self.names = {}

        headers = {}
        while 1:
            line = f.readline()
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
            found = 0
            for keyword in hkeywords:
                if line.find(keyword) >= 0:
                    found = 1
                    words = line.split()
                    if (
                        keyword == "xlo xhi"
                        or keyword == "ylo yhi"
                        or keyword == "zlo zhi"
                        headers[keyword] = (float(words[0]), float(words[1]))
                    elif keyword == "xy xz yz":
                        headers[keyword] = (
                        headers[keyword] = int(words[0])
            if not found:

        sections = {}
        while 1:
            found = 0
            for pair in skeywords:
                keyword, length = pair[0], pair[1]
                if keyword == line:
                    found = 1
                    if length not in headers: #if not headers.has_key(length):
                        raise ValueError("data section %s has no matching header value" % line)
                    list = []
                    for i in range(headers[length]):
                    sections[keyword] = list
            if not found:
                raise ValueError("invalid section %s in data file" % line)
            line = f.readline()
            if not line:
            line = line.strip()

        self.headers = headers
        self.sections = sections
        self.flist = flist
        self.restart = False

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Display method (added OV - 2022-02-03)
    def __repr__(self):
        if self.sections == {} or self.headers == {}:
            ret = "empty %s" % self.title
            return ret
        if self.restart:
            kind = "restart"
            kind = "source"
        print("Data file: %s\n\tcontains %d atoms from %d atom types\n\twith box = [%0.4g %0.4g %0.4g %0.4g %0.4g %0.4g]"
              % (self.flist[0],
                 self.headers['atom types'],
                 self.headers['xlo xhi'][0],
                 self.headers['xlo xhi'][1],
                 self.headers['ylo yhi'][0],
                 self.headers['ylo yhi'][1],
                 self.headers['zlo zhi'][0],
                 self.headers['zlo zhi'][1],
                 ) )
        print("\twith the following sections:")
        for sectionname in self.sections.keys():
            print("\t\t" +self.dispsection(sectionname,False))
        ret = 'LAMMPS data object including %d atoms (%d types, %s="%s")' \
            % (self.headers['atoms'],self.maxtype(),kind,self.flist[0])
        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # assign names to atom columns

    def map(self, *pairs):
        if len(pairs) % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError ("data map() requires pairs of mappings")
        for i in range(0, len(pairs), 2):
            j = i + 1
            self.names[pairs[j]] = pairs[i] - 1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # extract info from data file fields

    def get(self, *list):
        if len(list) == 1:
            field = list[0]
            array = []
            lines = self.sections[field]
            for line in lines:
                words = line.split()
                values = map(float, words)
            return array
        elif len(list) == 2:
            field = list[0]
            n = list[1] - 1
            vec = []
            lines = self.sections[field]
            for line in lines:
                words = line.split()
            return vec
            raise ValueError("invalid arguments for data.get()")

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # reorder columns in a data file field

    def reorder(self, name, *order):
        """ reorder columns: reorder("section",colidxfirst,colidxsecond,colidxthird,...)  """
        if name not in self.sections:
            raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid section name' % name)
        n = len(order)
        print(">> reorder for %d columns" % n)
        natoms = len(self.sections[name])
        oldlines = self.sections[name]
        newlines = natoms * [""]
        for index in order:
            for i in range(len(newlines)):
                words = oldlines[i].split()
                newlines[i] += words[index - 1] + " "
        for i in range(len(newlines)):
            newlines[i] += "\n"
        self.sections[name] = newlines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # replace a column of named section with vector of values
    # the number of data is checked and repeated for scalars (added 2022-02-04)

    def replace(self, name, icol, vector):
        """ replace column values: replace("section",columnindex,vectorofvalues) with columnindex=1..ncolumns """
        lines = self.sections[name]
        nlines = len(lines)
        if name not in self.sections:
            raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid section name' % name)
        if not isinstance(vector,list): vector = [vector]
        if len(vector)==1: vector = vector * nlines
        if len(vector) != nlines:
            raise ValueError('the length of new data (%d) in section "%s" does not match the number of rows %d' % \
        newlines = []
        j = icol - 1
        for i in range(nlines):
            line = lines[i]
            words = line.split()
            words[j] = str(vector[i])
            newline = " ".join(words) + "\n"
        self.sections[name] = newlines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # append a column of named section with vector of values (added 2022-02-04)

    def append(self, name, vector, forceinteger = False, propertyname=None):
        """ append a new column: X.append("section",vectorofvalues,forceinteger=False,propertyname=None) """
        if name not in self.sections:
            self.sections[name] = []
            print('Add section [%s] - file="%s"' % (name,self.title) )
        lines = self.sections[name]
        nlines = len(lines)
        if not isinstance(vector,list) and not isinstance(vector,np.ndarray):
            vector = [vector]
        if propertyname != None:
            print('\t> Add "%s" (%d values) to [%s]' % (propertyname,len(vector),name))
            print('\t> Add %d values (no name) to [%s]' % (len(vector),name))
        newlines = []
        if nlines == 0:           # empty atoms section, create first column
            nlines = len(vector)  # new column length = input column length
            for i in range(nlines):
                if forceinteger:
                    line = str(int(vector[i]))
                    line = str(vector[i])
            if len(vector)==1: vector = vector * nlines
            if len(vector) != nlines:
                raise ValueError('the length of new data (%d) in section "%s" does not match the number of rows %d' % \
            for i in range(nlines):
                line = lines[i]
                words = line.split()
                if forceinteger:
                newline = " ".join(words) + "\n"
        self.sections[name] = newlines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # disp section info (added 2022-02-04)

    def dispsection(self, name,flaghead=True):
        """ display section info: X.dispsection("sectionname") """
        lines = self.sections[name]
        nlines = len(lines)
        line = lines[0]
        words = line.split()
        ret = '"%s": %d x %d values' % (name,nlines,len(words))

        if flaghead: ret = "LAMMPS data section "+ret
        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # replace x,y,z in Atoms with x,y,z values from snapshot ntime of dump object
    # assumes id,x,y,z are defined in both data and dump files
    # also replaces ix,iy,iz if they are defined

    def newxyz(self, dm, ntime):
        nsnap = dm.findtime(ntime)
        print(">> newxyz for %d snaps" % nsnap)

        x, y, z = dm.vecs(ntime, "x", "y", "z")

        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["x"] + 1, x)
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["y"] + 1, y)
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["z"] + 1, z)

        if "ix" in dm.names and "ix" in self.names: #if dm.names.has_key("ix") and self.names.has_key("ix"):
            ix, iy, iz = dm.vecs(ntime, "ix", "iy", "iz")
            self.replace("Atoms", self.names["ix"] + 1, ix)
            self.replace("Atoms", self.names["iy"] + 1, iy)
            self.replace("Atoms", self.names["iz"] + 1, iz)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # delete header value or section from data file

    def delete(self, keyword):

        if keyword in self.headers: # if self.headers.has_key(keyword):
            del self.headers[keyword]
        elif keyword in self.sections: # elif self.sections.has_key(keyword):
            del self.sections[keyword]
            raise ValueError("keyword not found in data object")

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # write out a LAMMPS data file

    def write(self, file):
        f = open(file, "w")
        for keyword in hkeywords:
            if keyword in self.headers: # self.headers.has_key(keyword):
                if keyword == "xlo xhi" or keyword == "ylo yhi" or keyword == "zlo zhi":
                    pair = self.headers[keyword]
                    print(pair[0], pair[1], keyword,file=f)
                elif keyword == "xy xz yz":
                    triple = self.headers[keyword]
                    print(triple[0], triple[1], triple[2], keyword,file=f)
                    print(self.headers[keyword], keyword,file=f)
        for pair in skeywords:
            keyword = pair[0]
            if keyword in self.sections: #self.sections.has_key(keyword):
                print("\n%s\n" % keyword,file=f)
                for line in self.sections[keyword]:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # iterator called from other tools

    def iterator(self, flag):
        if flag == 0:
            return 0, 0, 1
        return 0, 0, -1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # time query from other tools

    def findtime(self, n):
        if n == 0:
            return 0
        raise ValueError("no step %d exists" % n)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return list of atoms and bonds to viz for data object

    def viz(self, isnap):
        if isnap:
            raise ValueError("cannot call data.viz() with isnap != 0")

        id = self.names["id"]
        type = self.names["type"]
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]

        xlohi = self.headers["xlo xhi"]
        ylohi = self.headers["ylo yhi"]
        zlohi = self.headers["zlo zhi"]
        box = [xlohi[0], ylohi[0], zlohi[0], xlohi[1], ylohi[1], zlohi[1]]

        # create atom list needed by viz from id,type,x,y,z

        atoms = []
        atomlines = self.sections["Atoms"]
        for line in atomlines:
            words = line.split()

        # create list of current bond coords from list of bonds
        # assumes atoms are sorted so can lookup up the 2 atoms in each bond

        bonds = []
        if self.sections.has_key("Bonds"):
            bondlines = self.sections["Bonds"]
            for line in bondlines:
                words = line.split()
                bid, btype = int(words[0]), int(words[1])
                atom1, atom2 = int(words[2]), int(words[3])
                atom1words = atomlines[atom1 - 1].split()
                atom2words = atomlines[atom2 - 1].split()

        tris = []
        lines = []
        return 0, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return box size

    def maxbox(self):
        xlohi = self.headers["xlo xhi"]
        ylohi = self.headers["ylo yhi"]
        zlohi = self.headers["zlo zhi"]
        return [xlohi[0], ylohi[0], zlohi[0], xlohi[1], ylohi[1], zlohi[1]]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return number of atom types

    def maxtype(self):
        return self.headers["atom types"]


def append(self, name, vector, forceinteger=False, propertyname=None)

append a new column: X.append("section",vectorofvalues,forceinteger=False,propertyname=None)

Expand source code
def append(self, name, vector, forceinteger = False, propertyname=None):
    """ append a new column: X.append("section",vectorofvalues,forceinteger=False,propertyname=None) """
    if name not in self.sections:
        self.sections[name] = []
        print('Add section [%s] - file="%s"' % (name,self.title) )
    lines = self.sections[name]
    nlines = len(lines)
    if not isinstance(vector,list) and not isinstance(vector,np.ndarray):
        vector = [vector]
    if propertyname != None:
        print('\t> Add "%s" (%d values) to [%s]' % (propertyname,len(vector),name))
        print('\t> Add %d values (no name) to [%s]' % (len(vector),name))
    newlines = []
    if nlines == 0:           # empty atoms section, create first column
        nlines = len(vector)  # new column length = input column length
        for i in range(nlines):
            if forceinteger:
                line = str(int(vector[i]))
                line = str(vector[i])
        if len(vector)==1: vector = vector * nlines
        if len(vector) != nlines:
            raise ValueError('the length of new data (%d) in section "%s" does not match the number of rows %d' % \
        for i in range(nlines):
            line = lines[i]
            words = line.split()
            if forceinteger:
            newline = " ".join(words) + "\n"
    self.sections[name] = newlines
def delete(self, keyword)
Expand source code
def delete(self, keyword):

    if keyword in self.headers: # if self.headers.has_key(keyword):
        del self.headers[keyword]
    elif keyword in self.sections: # elif self.sections.has_key(keyword):
        del self.sections[keyword]
        raise ValueError("keyword not found in data object")
def dispsection(self, name, flaghead=True)

display section info: X.dispsection("sectionname")

Expand source code
def dispsection(self, name,flaghead=True):
    """ display section info: X.dispsection("sectionname") """
    lines = self.sections[name]
    nlines = len(lines)
    line = lines[0]
    words = line.split()
    ret = '"%s": %d x %d values' % (name,nlines,len(words))

    if flaghead: ret = "LAMMPS data section "+ret
    return ret
def findtime(self, n)
Expand source code
def findtime(self, n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    raise ValueError("no step %d exists" % n)
def get(self, *list)
Expand source code
def get(self, *list):
    if len(list) == 1:
        field = list[0]
        array = []
        lines = self.sections[field]
        for line in lines:
            words = line.split()
            values = map(float, words)
        return array
    elif len(list) == 2:
        field = list[0]
        n = list[1] - 1
        vec = []
        lines = self.sections[field]
        for line in lines:
            words = line.split()
        return vec
        raise ValueError("invalid arguments for data.get()")
def iterator(self, flag)
Expand source code
def iterator(self, flag):
    if flag == 0:
        return 0, 0, 1
    return 0, 0, -1
def map(self, *pairs)
Expand source code
def map(self, *pairs):
    if len(pairs) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError ("data map() requires pairs of mappings")
    for i in range(0, len(pairs), 2):
        j = i + 1
        self.names[pairs[j]] = pairs[i] - 1
def maxbox(self)
Expand source code
def maxbox(self):
    xlohi = self.headers["xlo xhi"]
    ylohi = self.headers["ylo yhi"]
    zlohi = self.headers["zlo zhi"]
    return [xlohi[0], ylohi[0], zlohi[0], xlohi[1], ylohi[1], zlohi[1]]
def maxtype(self)
Expand source code
def maxtype(self):
    return self.headers["atom types"]
def newxyz(self, dm, ntime)
Expand source code
def newxyz(self, dm, ntime):
    nsnap = dm.findtime(ntime)
    print(">> newxyz for %d snaps" % nsnap)

    x, y, z = dm.vecs(ntime, "x", "y", "z")

    self.replace("Atoms", self.names["x"] + 1, x)
    self.replace("Atoms", self.names["y"] + 1, y)
    self.replace("Atoms", self.names["z"] + 1, z)

    if "ix" in dm.names and "ix" in self.names: #if dm.names.has_key("ix") and self.names.has_key("ix"):
        ix, iy, iz = dm.vecs(ntime, "ix", "iy", "iz")
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["ix"] + 1, ix)
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["iy"] + 1, iy)
        self.replace("Atoms", self.names["iz"] + 1, iz)
def reorder(self, name, *order)

reorder columns: reorder("section",colidxfirst,colidxsecond,colidxthird,…)

Expand source code
def reorder(self, name, *order):
    """ reorder columns: reorder("section",colidxfirst,colidxsecond,colidxthird,...)  """
    if name not in self.sections:
        raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid section name' % name)
    n = len(order)
    print(">> reorder for %d columns" % n)
    natoms = len(self.sections[name])
    oldlines = self.sections[name]
    newlines = natoms * [""]
    for index in order:
        for i in range(len(newlines)):
            words = oldlines[i].split()
            newlines[i] += words[index - 1] + " "
    for i in range(len(newlines)):
        newlines[i] += "\n"
    self.sections[name] = newlines
def replace(self, name, icol, vector)

replace column values: replace("section",columnindex,vectorofvalues) with columnindex=1..ncolumns

Expand source code
def replace(self, name, icol, vector):
    """ replace column values: replace("section",columnindex,vectorofvalues) with columnindex=1..ncolumns """
    lines = self.sections[name]
    nlines = len(lines)
    if name not in self.sections:
        raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid section name' % name)
    if not isinstance(vector,list): vector = [vector]
    if len(vector)==1: vector = vector * nlines
    if len(vector) != nlines:
        raise ValueError('the length of new data (%d) in section "%s" does not match the number of rows %d' % \
    newlines = []
    j = icol - 1
    for i in range(nlines):
        line = lines[i]
        words = line.split()
        words[j] = str(vector[i])
        newline = " ".join(words) + "\n"
    self.sections[name] = newlines
def viz(self, isnap)
Expand source code
def viz(self, isnap):
    if isnap:
        raise ValueError("cannot call data.viz() with isnap != 0")

    id = self.names["id"]
    type = self.names["type"]
    x = self.names["x"]
    y = self.names["y"]
    z = self.names["z"]

    xlohi = self.headers["xlo xhi"]
    ylohi = self.headers["ylo yhi"]
    zlohi = self.headers["zlo zhi"]
    box = [xlohi[0], ylohi[0], zlohi[0], xlohi[1], ylohi[1], zlohi[1]]

    # create atom list needed by viz from id,type,x,y,z

    atoms = []
    atomlines = self.sections["Atoms"]
    for line in atomlines:
        words = line.split()

    # create list of current bond coords from list of bonds
    # assumes atoms are sorted so can lookup up the 2 atoms in each bond

    bonds = []
    if self.sections.has_key("Bonds"):
        bondlines = self.sections["Bonds"]
        for line in bondlines:
            words = line.split()
            bid, btype = int(words[0]), int(words[1])
            atom1, atom2 = int(words[2]), int(words[3])
            atom1words = atomlines[atom1 - 1].split()
            atom2words = atomlines[atom2 - 1].split()

    tris = []
    lines = []
    return 0, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines
def write(self, file)
Expand source code
def write(self, file):
    f = open(file, "w")
    for keyword in hkeywords:
        if keyword in self.headers: # self.headers.has_key(keyword):
            if keyword == "xlo xhi" or keyword == "ylo yhi" or keyword == "zlo zhi":
                pair = self.headers[keyword]
                print(pair[0], pair[1], keyword,file=f)
            elif keyword == "xy xz yz":
                triple = self.headers[keyword]
                print(triple[0], triple[1], triple[2], keyword,file=f)
                print(self.headers[keyword], keyword,file=f)
    for pair in skeywords:
        keyword = pair[0]
        if keyword in self.sections: #self.sections.has_key(keyword):
            print("\n%s\n" % keyword,file=f)
            for line in self.sections[keyword]:
class dump (*list)
Expand source code
class dump:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, *list):
        self.snaps = []
        self.nsnaps = self.nselect = 0
        self.names = {}
        self.tselect = tselect(self)
        self.aselect = aselect(self)
        self.atype = "type"
        self.bondflag = 0
        self.bondlist = []
        self.triflag = 0
        self.trilist = []
        self.lineflag = 0
        self.linelist = []
        self.objextra = None

        # flist = list of all dump file names

        words = list[0].split()
        self.flist = []
        for word in words:
            self.flist += glob.glob(word)
        if len(self.flist) == 0 and len(list) == 1:
            raise ValueError("no dump file specified")

        if len(list) == 1:
            self.increment = 0
            self.increment = 1
            self.nextfile = 0
            self.eof = 0

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __repr__(self):
        times = self.time();
        ntimes = len(times)
        lastime = times[-1];
        fields = self.names;
        print("Dump file: %s\ncontains %d frames (tend=%0.4g)\nwith fields" % \
              (self.flist[0],ntimes,lastime) )
        for k  in sorted(fields,key=fields.get,reverse=False):
            print("\t%02d: %s" % (fields[k],k) )
        ret = 'LAMMPS dump object with %d properties and %d frames (tend=%0.4g, - source="%s"' % \
        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def read_all(self):

        # read all snapshots from each file
        # test for gzipped files

        for file in self.flist:
            if file[-3:] == ".gz":
                f = popen("%s -c %s" % (PIZZA_GUNZIP, file), "r")
                f = open(file)

            snap = self.read_snapshot(f)
            while snap:
                print(snap.time, file=sys.stdout, flush=True, end=" ")
                snap = self.read_snapshot(f)


        # sort entries by timestep, cull duplicates

        self.snaps.sort()  # self.snaps.sort(self.compare_time)  #%% to be fixed in the future (OV)
        self.nsnaps = len(self.snaps)
        print("read %d snapshots" % (self.nsnaps))

        # select all timesteps and atoms


        # print column assignments

        if len(self.names):
            print("assigned columns:", ",".join(list(self.names.keys())))
            print("no column assignments made")

        # if snapshots are scaled, unscale them

        if (
            (not "x" in self.names)
            or (not "y" in self.names)
            or (not "z" in self.names)
            print("dump scaling status is unknown")
        elif self.nsnaps > 0:
            if self.scale_original == 1:
            elif self.scale_original == 0:
                print("dump is already unscaled")
                print("dump scaling status is unknown")

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # read next snapshot from list of files

    def next(self):

        if not self.increment:
            raise ValueError("cannot read incrementally")

        # read next snapshot in current file using eof as pointer
        # if fail, try next file
        # if new snapshot time stamp already exists, read next snapshot

        while 1:
            f = open(self.flist[self.nextfile], "rb")
            snap = self.read_snapshot(f)
            if not snap:
                self.nextfile += 1
                if self.nextfile == len(self.flist):
                    return -1
                self.eof = 0
            self.eof = f.tell()

        # select the new snapshot with all its atoms

        snap = self.snaps[self.nsnaps]
        snap.tselect = 1
        snap.nselect = snap.natoms
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            snap.aselect[i] = True
        self.nsnaps += 1
        self.nselect += 1

        return snap.time

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # read a single snapshot from file f
    # return snapshot or 0 if failed
    # for first snapshot only:
    #   assign column names (file must be self-describing)
    #   set scale_original to 0/1/-1 for unscaled/scaled/unknown
    #   convert xs,xu to x in names

    def read_snapshot(self, f):
        """ low-level method to read a snapshot from a file identifier """

        # expand the list of keywords if needed (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac)
        # "keyname": ["name in snap","type"]
        itemkeywords = {"TIME": ["realtime","float"],
                        "TIMESTEP": ["time","int"],
                        "NUMBER OF ATOMS": ["natoms","int"]}
            snap = Snap()

            # read and guess the first keywords based on itemkeywords
            found = True
            while found:
                item = f.readline()
                varitem = item.split("ITEM:")[1].strip()
                found = varitem in itemkeywords
                if found:
                    tmp = f.readline().split()[0]  # just grab 1st field
                    if itemkeywords[varitem][1]=="int":
                        valitem = int(tmp)
                        valitem = float(tmp)

            # prefetch
            snap.aselect = np.zeros(snap.natoms,dtype=bool)

            # we assume that the next item is BOX BOUNDS (pp ff pp)
            words = item.split("BOUNDS ")
            if len(words) == 1:
                snap.boxstr = ""
                snap.boxstr = words[1].strip()
            if "xy" in snap.boxstr:
                snap.triclinic = 1
                snap.triclinic = 0

            words = f.readline().split()
            if len(words) == 2:
                snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy = float(words[0]), float(words[1]), 0.0
                snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy = (

            words = f.readline().split()
            if len(words) == 2:
                snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz = float(words[0]), float(words[1]), 0.0
                snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz = (

            words = f.readline().split()
            if len(words) == 2:
                snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz = float(words[0]), float(words[1]), 0.0
                snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz = (

            item = f.readline()
            if len(self.names) == 0:
                self.scale_original = -1
                xflag = yflag = zflag = -1
                words = item.split()[2:]
                if len(words):
                    for i in range(len(words)):
                        if words[i] == "x" or words[i] == "xu":
                            xflag = 0
                            self.names["x"] = i
                        elif words[i] == "xs" or words[i] == "xsu":
                            xflag = 1
                            self.names["x"] = i
                        elif words[i] == "y" or words[i] == "yu":
                            yflag = 0
                            self.names["y"] = i
                        elif words[i] == "ys" or words[i] == "ysu":
                            yflag = 1
                            self.names["y"] = i
                        elif words[i] == "z" or words[i] == "zu":
                            zflag = 0
                            self.names["z"] = i
                        elif words[i] == "zs" or words[i] == "zsu":
                            zflag = 1
                            self.names["z"] = i
                            self.names[words[i]] = i
                    if xflag == 0 and yflag == 0 and zflag == 0:
                        self.scale_original = 0
                    if xflag == 1 and yflag == 1 and zflag == 1:
                        self.scale_original = 1

            if snap.natoms:
                words = f.readline().split()
                ncol = len(words)
                for i in range(1, snap.natoms):
                    words += f.readline().split()
                floats = list(map(float, words))
                if oldnumeric:
                    atoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol), np.float64)
                    atoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol), np.float64)
                start = 0
                stop = ncol
                for i in range(snap.natoms):
                    atoms[i] = floats[start:stop]
                    start = stop
                    stop += ncol
                atoms = None
            snap.atoms = atoms
            return snap
            return 0

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # map atom column names

    def map(self, *pairs):
        if len(pairs) % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError("dump map() requires pairs of mappings")
        for i in range(0, len(pairs), 2):
            j = i + 1
            self.names[pairs[j]] = pairs[i] - 1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # delete unselected snapshots

    def delete(self):
        ndel = i = 0
        while i < self.nsnaps:
            if not self.snaps[i].tselect:
                del self.snaps[i]
                self.nsnaps -= 1
                ndel += 1
                i += 1
        print("%d snapshots deleted" % ndel)
        print("%d snapshots remaining" % self.nsnaps)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # scale coords to 0-1 for all snapshots or just one
    # use 6 params as h-matrix to treat orthongonal or triclinic boxes

    def scale(self, *list):
        if len(list) == 0:
            print("Scaling dump ...")
            x = self.names["x"]
            y = self.names["y"]
            z = self.names["z"]
            for snap in self.snaps:
                self.scale_one(snap, x, y, z)
            i = self.findtime(list[0])
            x = self.names["x"]
            y = self.names["y"]
            z = self.names["z"]
            self.scale_one(self.snaps[i], x, y, z)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def scale_one(self, snap, x, y, z):
        if snap.xy == 0.0 and snap.xz == 0.0 and snap.yz == 0.0:
            xprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.xhi - snap.xlo)
            yprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.yhi - snap.ylo)
            zprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.zhi - snap.zlo)
            atoms = snap.atoms
            if atoms != None:
                atoms[:, x] = (atoms[:, x] - snap.xlo) * xprdinv
                atoms[:, y] = (atoms[:, y] - snap.ylo) * yprdinv
                atoms[:, z] = (atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo) * zprdinv
            xlo_bound = snap.xlo
            xhi_bound = snap.xhi
            ylo_bound = snap.ylo
            yhi_bound = snap.yhi
            zlo_bound = snap.zlo
            zhi_bound = snap.zhi
            xy = snap.xy
            xz = snap.xz
            yz = snap.yz
            xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
            xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
            ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0, yz))
            yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0, yz))
            zlo = zlo_bound
            zhi = zhi_bound
            h0 = xhi - xlo
            h1 = yhi - ylo
            h2 = zhi - zlo
            h3 = yz
            h4 = xz
            h5 = xy
            h0inv = 1.0 / h0
            h1inv = 1.0 / h1
            h2inv = 1.0 / h2
            h3inv = yz / (h1 * h2)
            h4inv = (h3 * h5 - h1 * h4) / (h0 * h1 * h2)
            h5inv = xy / (h0 * h1)
            atoms = snap.atoms
            if atoms != None:
                atoms[:, x] = (
                    (atoms[:, x] - snap.xlo) * h0inv
                    + (atoms[:, y] - snap.ylo) * h5inv
                    + (atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo) * h4inv
                atoms[:, y] = (atoms[:, y] - snap.ylo) * h1inv + (
                    atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo
                ) * h3inv
                atoms[:, z] = (atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo) * h2inv

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # unscale coords from 0-1 to box size for all snapshots or just one
    # use 6 params as h-matrix to treat orthongonal or triclinic boxes

    def unscale(self, *list):
        if len(list) == 0:
            print("Unscaling dump ...")
            x = self.names["x"]
            y = self.names["y"]
            z = self.names["z"]
            for snap in self.snaps:
                self.unscale_one(snap, x, y, z)
            i = self.findtime(list[0])
            x = self.names["x"]
            y = self.names["y"]
            z = self.names["z"]
            self.unscale_one(self.snaps[i], x, y, z)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def unscale_one(self, snap, x, y, z):
        if snap.xy == 0.0 and snap.xz == 0.0 and snap.yz == 0.0:
            xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
            yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
            zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
            atoms = snap.atoms
            if atoms != None:
                atoms[:, x] = snap.xlo + atoms[:, x] * xprd
                atoms[:, y] = snap.ylo + atoms[:, y] * yprd
                atoms[:, z] = snap.zlo + atoms[:, z] * zprd
            xlo_bound = snap.xlo
            xhi_bound = snap.xhi
            ylo_bound = snap.ylo
            yhi_bound = snap.yhi
            zlo_bound = snap.zlo
            zhi_bound = snap.zhi
            xy = snap.xy
            xz = snap.xz
            yz = snap.yz
            xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
            xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
            ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0, yz))
            yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0, yz))
            zlo = zlo_bound
            zhi = zhi_bound
            h0 = xhi - xlo
            h1 = yhi - ylo
            h2 = zhi - zlo
            h3 = yz
            h4 = xz
            h5 = xy
            atoms = snap.atoms
            if atoms != None:
                atoms[:, x] = (
                    snap.xlo + atoms[:, x] * h0 + atoms[:, y] * h5 + atoms[:, z] * h4
                atoms[:, y] = snap.ylo + atoms[:, y] * h1 + atoms[:, z] * h3
                atoms[:, z] = snap.zlo + atoms[:, z] * h2

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # wrap coords from outside box to inside

    def wrap(self):
        print("Wrapping dump ...")

        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        ix = self.names["ix"]
        iy = self.names["iy"]
        iz = self.names["iz"]

        for snap in self.snaps:
            xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
            yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
            zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
            atoms = snap.atoms
            atoms[:, x] -= atoms[:, ix] * xprd
            atoms[:, y] -= atoms[:, iy] * yprd
            atoms[:, z] -= atoms[:, iz] * zprd

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # unwrap coords from inside box to outside

    def unwrap(self):
        print("Unwrapping dump ...")

        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        ix = self.names["ix"]
        iy = self.names["iy"]
        iz = self.names["iz"]

        for snap in self.snaps:
            xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
            yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
            zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
            atoms = snap.atoms
            atoms[:, x] += atoms[:, ix] * xprd
            atoms[:, y] += atoms[:, iy] * yprd
            atoms[:, z] += atoms[:, iz] * zprd

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # wrap coords to same image as atom ID stored in "other" column
    # if dynamic extra lines or triangles defined, owrap them as well

    def owrap(self, other):
        print("Wrapping to other ...")

        id = self.names["id"]
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        ix = self.names["ix"]
        iy = self.names["iy"]
        iz = self.names["iz"]
        iother = self.names[other]

        for snap in self.snaps:
            xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
            yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
            zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
            atoms = snap.atoms
            ids = {}
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                ids[atoms[i][id]] = i
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                j = ids[atoms[i][iother]]
                atoms[i][x] += (atoms[i][ix] - atoms[j][ix]) * xprd
                atoms[i][y] += (atoms[i][iy] - atoms[j][iy]) * yprd
                atoms[i][z] += (atoms[i][iz] - atoms[j][iz]) * zprd
            # should bonds also be owrapped ?
            if self.lineflag == 2 or self.triflag == 2:
                    snap.time, xprd, yprd, zprd, ids, atoms, iother, ix, iy, iz

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # convert column names assignment to a string, in column order

    def names2str(self):
        # <--  Python 2.x  -->
        # pairs = self.names.items()
        # values = self.names.values()
        # ncol = len(pairs)
        # str = ""
        # for i in range(ncol):
        #   if i in values: str += pairs[values.index(i)][0] + ' '
        # <--  Python 3.x  -->
        str = ""
        for k in sorted(self.names, key=self.names.get, reverse=False):
            str += k + " "
        return str

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # sort atoms by atom ID in all selected timesteps by default
    # if arg = string, sort all steps by that column
    # if arg = numeric, sort atoms in single step

    def sort(self, *listarg):
        if len(listarg) == 0:
            print("Sorting selected snapshots ...")
            id = self.names["id"]
            for snap in self.snaps:
                if snap.tselect:
                    self.sort_one(snap, id)
        elif type(listarg[0]) is types.StringType:
            print("Sorting selected snapshots by %s ..." % listarg[0])
            id = self.names[listarg[0]]
            for snap in self.snaps:
                if snap.tselect:
                    self.sort_one(snap, id)
            i = self.findtime(listarg[0])
            id = self.names["id"]
            self.sort_one(self.snaps[i], id)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # sort a single snapshot by ID column

    def sort_one(self, snap, id):
        atoms = snap.atoms
        ids = atoms[:, id]
        ordering = np.argsort(ids)
        for i in range(len(atoms[0])):
            atoms[:, i] = np.take(atoms[:, i], ordering)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # write a single dump file from current selection

    def write(self, file, header=1, append=0):
        if len(self.snaps):
            namestr = self.names2str()
        if not append:
            f = open(file, "w")
            f = open(file, "a")

        if "id" in self.names:
            id = self.names["id"]
            id = -1
        if "type" in self.names:
            type = self.names["type"]
            type = -1

        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            print(snap.time, file=sys.stdout, flush=True)

            if header:
                print("ITEM: TIMESTEP", file=f)
                print(snap.time, file=f)
                print("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS", file=f)
                print(snap.nselect, file=f)
                if snap.boxstr:
                    print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", snap.boxstr, file=f)
                    print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", file=f)
                if snap.triclinic:
                    print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy, file=f)
                    print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz, file=f)
                    print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz, file=f)
                    print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, file=f)
                    print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, file=f)
                    print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, file=f)
                print("ITEM: ATOMS", namestr, file=f)

            atoms = snap.atoms
            nvalues = len(atoms[0])
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if not snap.aselect[i]:
                line = ""
                for j in range(nvalues):
                    if j == id or j == type:
                        line += str(int(atoms[i][j])) + " "
                        line += str(atoms[i][j]) + " "
                print(line, file=f)
        print("\n%d snapshots" % self.nselect)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # write one dump file per snapshot from current selection

    def scatter(self, root):
        if len(self.snaps):
            namestr = self.names2str()
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            print(snap.time, file=sys.stdout, flush=True)

            file = root + "." + str(snap.time)
            f = open(file, "w")
            print("ITEM: TIMESTEP", file=f)
            print(snap.time, file=f)
            print("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS", file=f)
            print(snap.nselect, file=f)
            if snap.boxstr:
                print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", snap.boxstr, file=f)
                print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", file=f)
            if snap.triclinic:
                print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy, file=f)
                print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz, file=f)
                print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz, file=f)
                print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, file=f)
                print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, file=f)
                print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, file=f)
            print("ITEM: ATOMS", namestr, file=f)

            atoms = snap.atoms
            nvalues = len(atoms[0])
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if not snap.aselect[i]:
                line = ""
                for j in range(nvalues):
                    if j < 2:
                        line += str(int(atoms[i][j])) + " "
                        line += str(atoms[i][j]) + " "
                print(line, file=f)
        print("\n%d snapshots" % self.nselect)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # find min/max across all selected snapshots/atoms for a particular column

    def minmax(self, colname):
        icol = self.names[colname]
        min = 1.0e20
        max = -min
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            atoms = snap.atoms
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if not snap.aselect[i]:
                if atoms[i][icol] < min:
                    min = atoms[i][icol]
                if atoms[i][icol] > max:
                    max = atoms[i][icol]
        return (min, max)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # set a column value via an equation for all selected snapshots

    def set(self, eq):
        print("Setting ...")
        pattern = "\$\w*"
        list = re.findall(pattern, eq)

        lhs = list[0][1:]
        if not self.names.has_key(lhs):

        for item in list:
            name = item[1:]
            column = self.names[name]
            insert = "snap.atoms[i][%d]" % (column)
            eq = eq.replace(item, insert)
        ceq = compile(eq, "", "single")

        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if snap.aselect[i]:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # set a column value via an input vec for all selected snapshots/atoms

    def setv(self, colname, vec):
        print("Setting ...")
        if not self.names.has_key(colname):
        icol = self.names[colname]

        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            if snap.nselect != len(vec):
                raise ValueError("vec length does not match # of selected atoms")
            atoms = snap.atoms
            m = 0
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if snap.aselect[i]:
                    atoms[i][icol] = vec[m]
                    m += 1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # clone value in col across selected timesteps for atoms with same ID

    def clone(self, nstep, col):
        istep = self.findtime(nstep)
        icol = self.names[col]
        id = self.names["id"]
        ids = {}
        for i in range(self.snaps[istep].natoms):
            ids[self.snaps[istep].atoms[i][id]] = i
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            atoms = snap.atoms
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if not snap.aselect[i]:
                j = ids[atoms[i][id]]
                atoms[i][icol] = self.snaps[istep].atoms[j][icol]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # values in old column are spread as ints from 1-N and assigned to new column

    def spread(self, old, n, new):
        iold = self.names[old]
        if not self.names.has_key(new):
        inew = self.names[new]

        min, max = self.minmax(old)
        print("min/max = ", min, max)

        gap = max - min
        invdelta = n / gap
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            atoms = snap.atoms
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if not snap.aselect[i]:
                ivalue = int((atoms[i][iold] - min) * invdelta) + 1
                if ivalue > n:
                    ivalue = n
                if ivalue < 1:
                    ivalue = 1
                atoms[i][inew] = ivalue

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return vector of selected snapshot time stamps
    #   time is based on TIMESTEP item
    #   realtime is based on TIME item

    def time(self):
        """ timestep as stored: time()"""
        vec = self.nselect * [0]
        i = 0
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            vec[i] = snap.time
            i += 1
        return vec

    def realtime(self):
        """ time as simulated: realtime() """
        vec = self.nselect * [0.0]
        i = 0
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect or not hasattr(snap,"realtime"):
            vec[i] = snap.realtime
            i += 1
        return vec

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # extract vector(s) of values for atom ID n at each selected timestep

    def atom(self, n, *list):
        if len(list) == 0:
            raise ValueError("no columns specified")
        columns = []
        values = []
        for name in list:
            values.append(self.nselect * [0])
        ncol = len(columns)

        id = self.names["id"]
        m = 0
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            atoms = snap.atoms
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if atoms[i][id] == n:
            if atoms[i][id] != n:
                raise ValueError("could not find atom ID in snapshot")
            for j in range(ncol):
                values[j][m] = atoms[i][columns[j]]
            m += 1

        if len(list) == 1:
            return values[0]
            return values

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # extract vector(s) of values for selected atoms at chosen timestep

    def vecs(self, n, *colname):
                tab = vecs(timestep,"id","x","y")
                tab = vecs(timestep,["id","x","y"],"z")
        snap = self.snaps[self.findtime(n)]

        if len(colname) == 0:
            raise ValueError("no columns specified")
        if isinstance(colname[0],tuple):
            colname = list(colname[0]) + list(colname[1:])
        if isinstance(colname[0],list):
            colname = colname[0] + list(colname[1:])
        columns = []
        values = []
        for name in colname:
            values.append(snap.nselect * [0])
        ncol = len(columns)

        m = 0
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            for j in range(ncol):
                values[j][m] = snap.atoms[i][columns[j]]
            m += 1

        if len(colname) == 1:
            return values[0]
            return values

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # add a new column to every snapshot and set value to 0
    # set the name of the column to str

    def newcolumn(self, str):
        ncol = len(self.snaps[0].atoms[0]) + 1, str)
        for snap in self.snaps:
            # commented because not used
            # atoms = snap.atoms
            if oldnumeric:
                newatoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol + 1), np.Float)
                newatoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol + 1), np.float)
            newatoms[:, 0:ncol] = snap.atoms
            snap.atoms = newatoms

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # sort snapshots on time stamp

    def compare_time(self, a, b):
        if a.time < b.time:
            return -1
        elif a.time > b.time:
            return 1
            return 0

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # delete successive snapshots with duplicate time stamp

    def cull(self):
        i = 1
        while i < len(self.snaps):
            if self.snaps[i].time == self.snaps[i - 1].time:
                del self.snaps[i]
                i += 1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # iterate over selected snapshots

    def iterator(self, flag):
        start = 0
        if flag:
            start = self.iterate + 1
        for i in range(start, self.nsnaps):
            if self.snaps[i].tselect:
                self.iterate = i
                return i, self.snaps[i].time, 1
        return 0, 0, -1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return list of atoms to viz for snapshot isnap
    # if called with flag, then index is timestep, so convert to snapshot index
    # augment with bonds, tris, lines if extra() was invoked

    def viz(self, index, flag=0):
        if not flag:
            isnap = index
            times = self.time()
            n = len(times)
            i = 0
            while i < n:
                if times[i] > index:
                i += 1
            isnap = i - 1

        snap = self.snaps[isnap]

        time = snap.time
        box = [snap.xlo, snap.ylo, snap.zlo, snap.xhi, snap.yhi, snap.zhi]
        id = self.names["id"]
        type = self.names[self.atype]
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]

        # create atom list needed by viz from id,type,x,y,z
        # need Numeric/Numpy mode here

        atoms = []
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            atom = snap.atoms[i]
            atoms.append([atom[id], atom[type], atom[x], atom[y], atom[z]])

        # create list of bonds from static or dynamic bond list
        # then generate bond coords from bondlist
        # alist = dictionary of atom IDs for atoms list
        # lookup bond atom IDs in alist and grab their coords
        # try is used since some atoms may be unselected
        #   any bond with unselected atom is not added to bonds
        # need Numeric/Numpy mode here

        bonds = []
        if self.bondflag:
            if self.bondflag == 1:
                bondlist = self.bondlist
            elif self.bondflag == 2:
                tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, bondlist, tmp4, tmp5 = self.objextra.viz(time, 1)
            alist = {}
            for i in range(len(atoms)):
                alist[int(atoms[i][0])] = i
            for bond in bondlist:
                    i = alist[bond[2]]
                    j = alist[bond[3]]
                    atom1 = atoms[i]
                    atom2 = atoms[j]

        # create list of tris from static or dynamic tri list
        # if dynamic, could eliminate tris for unselected atoms

        tris = []
        if self.triflag:
            if self.triflag == 1:
                tris = self.trilist
            elif self.triflag == 2:
                tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tris, tmp5 = self.objextra.viz(time, 1)

        # create list of lines from static or dynamic tri list
        # if dynamic, could eliminate lines for unselected atoms

        lines = []
        if self.lineflag:
            if self.lineflag == 1:
                lines = self.linelist
            elif self.lineflag == 2:
                tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, lines = self.objextra.viz(time, 1)

        return time, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def findtime(self, n):
        for i in range(self.nsnaps):
            if self.snaps[i].time == n:
                return i
        raise ValueError("no step %d exists" % n)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return maximum box size across all selected snapshots

    def maxbox(self):
        xlo = ylo = zlo = None
        xhi = yhi = zhi = None
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            if xlo == None or snap.xlo < xlo:
                xlo = snap.xlo
            if xhi == None or snap.xhi > xhi:
                xhi = snap.xhi
            if ylo == None or snap.ylo < ylo:
                ylo = snap.ylo
            if yhi == None or snap.yhi > yhi:
                yhi = snap.yhi
            if zlo == None or snap.zlo < zlo:
                zlo = snap.zlo
            if zhi == None or snap.zhi > zhi:
                zhi = snap.zhi
        return [xlo, ylo, zlo, xhi, yhi, zhi]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return maximum atom type across all selected snapshots and atoms

    def maxtype(self):
        icol = self.names["type"]
        max = 0
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if not snap.tselect:
            atoms = snap.atoms
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                if not snap.aselect[i]:
                if atoms[i][icol] > max:
                    max = atoms[i][icol]
        return int(max)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # grab bonds/tris/lines from another object
    # if static, grab once, else store obj to grab dynamically

    def extra(self, arg):

        # data object, grab bonds statically

        if type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".data" in str(arg.__class__):
            self.bondflag = 0
                bondlist = []
                bondlines = arg.sections["Bonds"]
                for line in bondlines:
                    words = line.split()
                        [int(words[0]), int(words[1]), int(words[2]), int(words[3])]
                if bondlist:
                    self.bondflag = 1
                    self.bondlist = bondlist
                raise ValueError("could not extract bonds from data object")

        # cdata object, grab tris and lines statically

        elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".cdata" in str(arg.__class__):
            self.triflag = self.lineflag = 0
                tmp, tmp, tmp, tmp, tris, lines = arg.viz(0)
                if tris:
                    self.triflag = 1
                    self.trilist = tris
                if lines:
                    self.lineflag = 1
                    self.linelist = lines
                raise ValueError("could not extract tris/lines from cdata object")

        # mdump object, grab tris dynamically

        elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".mdump" in str(arg.__class__):
            self.triflag = 2
            self.objextra = arg

        # bdump object, grab bonds dynamically

        elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".bdump" in str(arg.__class__):
            self.bondflag = 2
            self.objextra = arg

        # ldump object, grab lines dynamically

        elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".ldump" in str(arg.__class__):
            self.lineflag = 2
            self.objextra = arg

        # tdump object, grab tris dynamically

        elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".tdump" in str(arg.__class__):
            self.triflag = 2
            self.objextra = arg

            raise ValueError("unrecognized argument to dump.extra()")

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compare_atom(self, a, b):
        if a[0] < b[0]:
            return -1
        elif a[0] > b[0]:
            return 1
            return 0

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def frame(self,iframe):
        """ simplified class to access properties of a snapshot
        (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac) """
        nframes= len(self.time());
        if iframe>=nframes:
            raise ValueError("the frame index should be ranged between 0 and %d" % nframes)
        elif iframe<0:
            iframe = iframe % nframes
        times = self.time()
        fields = self.names
        snap = self.snaps[iframe]
        frame = Frame()
        frame.dumpfile = self.flist[0]
        frame.time = times[iframe]
        frame.description = {"dumpfile": "dumpobject.flist[0]", "time": "dumpobject.times()[]"}
        for k in sorted(fields,key=fields.get,reverse=False):
            kvalid = k # valid key name
            for rep in ["[","]","#","~","-","_","(",")",",",".",";"]:
                kvalid = kvalid.replace(rep,"")
            frame.description[kvalid] = k
            frame.__dict__[kvalid] = snap.atoms[:,fields[k]]
        return frame

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def kind(self,listtypes=None):
        """ guessed kind of dump file based on column names
        (possibility to supply a personnalized list)
        (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac) """
        if listtypes==None:
            listtypes = {
                'vxyz': ["id","type","x","y","z","vx","vy","vz"],
                'xyz': ["id","type","x","y","z"]
            internaltypes = True
            listtypes = {"usertype":listtypes}
            internaltypes = False
        for t in listtypes:
            if len(listtypes[t])==0:
                ismatching = False
                ismatching = True
                for field in listtypes[t]:
                    ismatching = ismatching and field in self.names
                if ismatching: break
        if ismatching:
            if internaltypes:
                return t
                return True
            if internaltypes:
                return None
                return False

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def type(self):
        """ type of dump file defined as a hash of column names """
        return hash(self.names2str())

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __add__(self,o):
        """ merge dump objects of the same kind/type """
        if not isinstance(o,dump):
            raise ValueError("the second operand is not a dump object")
        elif self.type != o.type:
            raise ValueError("the dumps are not of the same type")
        twofiles = self.flist[0] + " " + o.flist[0]
        return dump(twofiles)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

Instance variables

var type

type of dump file defined as a hash of column names

Expand source code
def type(self):
    """ type of dump file defined as a hash of column names """
    return hash(self.names2str())


def atom(self, n, *list)
Expand source code
def atom(self, n, *list):
    if len(list) == 0:
        raise ValueError("no columns specified")
    columns = []
    values = []
    for name in list:
        values.append(self.nselect * [0])
    ncol = len(columns)

    id = self.names["id"]
    m = 0
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        atoms = snap.atoms
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if atoms[i][id] == n:
        if atoms[i][id] != n:
            raise ValueError("could not find atom ID in snapshot")
        for j in range(ncol):
            values[j][m] = atoms[i][columns[j]]
        m += 1

    if len(list) == 1:
        return values[0]
        return values
def clone(self, nstep, col)
Expand source code
def clone(self, nstep, col):
    istep = self.findtime(nstep)
    icol = self.names[col]
    id = self.names["id"]
    ids = {}
    for i in range(self.snaps[istep].natoms):
        ids[self.snaps[istep].atoms[i][id]] = i
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        atoms = snap.atoms
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            j = ids[atoms[i][id]]
            atoms[i][icol] = self.snaps[istep].atoms[j][icol]
def compare_atom(self, a, b)
Expand source code
def compare_atom(self, a, b):
    if a[0] < b[0]:
        return -1
    elif a[0] > b[0]:
        return 1
        return 0
def compare_time(self, a, b)
Expand source code
def compare_time(self, a, b):
    if a.time < b.time:
        return -1
    elif a.time > b.time:
        return 1
        return 0
def cull(self)
Expand source code
def cull(self):
    i = 1
    while i < len(self.snaps):
        if self.snaps[i].time == self.snaps[i - 1].time:
            del self.snaps[i]
            i += 1
def delete(self)
Expand source code
def delete(self):
    ndel = i = 0
    while i < self.nsnaps:
        if not self.snaps[i].tselect:
            del self.snaps[i]
            self.nsnaps -= 1
            ndel += 1
            i += 1
    print("%d snapshots deleted" % ndel)
    print("%d snapshots remaining" % self.nsnaps)
def extra(self, arg)
Expand source code
def extra(self, arg):

    # data object, grab bonds statically

    if type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".data" in str(arg.__class__):
        self.bondflag = 0
            bondlist = []
            bondlines = arg.sections["Bonds"]
            for line in bondlines:
                words = line.split()
                    [int(words[0]), int(words[1]), int(words[2]), int(words[3])]
            if bondlist:
                self.bondflag = 1
                self.bondlist = bondlist
            raise ValueError("could not extract bonds from data object")

    # cdata object, grab tris and lines statically

    elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".cdata" in str(arg.__class__):
        self.triflag = self.lineflag = 0
            tmp, tmp, tmp, tmp, tris, lines = arg.viz(0)
            if tris:
                self.triflag = 1
                self.trilist = tris
            if lines:
                self.lineflag = 1
                self.linelist = lines
            raise ValueError("could not extract tris/lines from cdata object")

    # mdump object, grab tris dynamically

    elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".mdump" in str(arg.__class__):
        self.triflag = 2
        self.objextra = arg

    # bdump object, grab bonds dynamically

    elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".bdump" in str(arg.__class__):
        self.bondflag = 2
        self.objextra = arg

    # ldump object, grab lines dynamically

    elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".ldump" in str(arg.__class__):
        self.lineflag = 2
        self.objextra = arg

    # tdump object, grab tris dynamically

    elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".tdump" in str(arg.__class__):
        self.triflag = 2
        self.objextra = arg

        raise ValueError("unrecognized argument to dump.extra()")
def findtime(self, n)
Expand source code
def findtime(self, n):
    for i in range(self.nsnaps):
        if self.snaps[i].time == n:
            return i
    raise ValueError("no step %d exists" % n)
def frame(self, iframe)

simplified class to access properties of a snapshot (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac)

Expand source code
def frame(self,iframe):
    """ simplified class to access properties of a snapshot
    (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac) """
    nframes= len(self.time());
    if iframe>=nframes:
        raise ValueError("the frame index should be ranged between 0 and %d" % nframes)
    elif iframe<0:
        iframe = iframe % nframes
    times = self.time()
    fields = self.names
    snap = self.snaps[iframe]
    frame = Frame()
    frame.dumpfile = self.flist[0]
    frame.time = times[iframe]
    frame.description = {"dumpfile": "dumpobject.flist[0]", "time": "dumpobject.times()[]"}
    for k in sorted(fields,key=fields.get,reverse=False):
        kvalid = k # valid key name
        for rep in ["[","]","#","~","-","_","(",")",",",".",";"]:
            kvalid = kvalid.replace(rep,"")
        frame.description[kvalid] = k
        frame.__dict__[kvalid] = snap.atoms[:,fields[k]]
    return frame
def iterator(self, flag)
Expand source code
def iterator(self, flag):
    start = 0
    if flag:
        start = self.iterate + 1
    for i in range(start, self.nsnaps):
        if self.snaps[i].tselect:
            self.iterate = i
            return i, self.snaps[i].time, 1
    return 0, 0, -1
def kind(self, listtypes=None)

guessed kind of dump file based on column names (possibility to supply a personnalized list) (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac)

Expand source code
def kind(self,listtypes=None):
    """ guessed kind of dump file based on column names
    (possibility to supply a personnalized list)
    (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac) """
    if listtypes==None:
        listtypes = {
            'vxyz': ["id","type","x","y","z","vx","vy","vz"],
            'xyz': ["id","type","x","y","z"]
        internaltypes = True
        listtypes = {"usertype":listtypes}
        internaltypes = False
    for t in listtypes:
        if len(listtypes[t])==0:
            ismatching = False
            ismatching = True
            for field in listtypes[t]:
                ismatching = ismatching and field in self.names
            if ismatching: break
    if ismatching:
        if internaltypes:
            return t
            return True
        if internaltypes:
            return None
            return False
def map(self, *pairs)
Expand source code
def map(self, *pairs):
    if len(pairs) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("dump map() requires pairs of mappings")
    for i in range(0, len(pairs), 2):
        j = i + 1
        self.names[pairs[j]] = pairs[i] - 1
def maxbox(self)
Expand source code
def maxbox(self):
    xlo = ylo = zlo = None
    xhi = yhi = zhi = None
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        if xlo == None or snap.xlo < xlo:
            xlo = snap.xlo
        if xhi == None or snap.xhi > xhi:
            xhi = snap.xhi
        if ylo == None or snap.ylo < ylo:
            ylo = snap.ylo
        if yhi == None or snap.yhi > yhi:
            yhi = snap.yhi
        if zlo == None or snap.zlo < zlo:
            zlo = snap.zlo
        if zhi == None or snap.zhi > zhi:
            zhi = snap.zhi
    return [xlo, ylo, zlo, xhi, yhi, zhi]
def maxtype(self)
Expand source code
def maxtype(self):
    icol = self.names["type"]
    max = 0
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        atoms = snap.atoms
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            if atoms[i][icol] > max:
                max = atoms[i][icol]
    return int(max)
def minmax(self, colname)
Expand source code
def minmax(self, colname):
    icol = self.names[colname]
    min = 1.0e20
    max = -min
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        atoms = snap.atoms
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            if atoms[i][icol] < min:
                min = atoms[i][icol]
            if atoms[i][icol] > max:
                max = atoms[i][icol]
    return (min, max)
def names2str(self)
Expand source code
def names2str(self):
    # <--  Python 2.x  -->
    # pairs = self.names.items()
    # values = self.names.values()
    # ncol = len(pairs)
    # str = ""
    # for i in range(ncol):
    #   if i in values: str += pairs[values.index(i)][0] + ' '
    # <--  Python 3.x  -->
    str = ""
    for k in sorted(self.names, key=self.names.get, reverse=False):
        str += k + " "
    return str
def newcolumn(self, str)
Expand source code
def newcolumn(self, str):
    ncol = len(self.snaps[0].atoms[0]) + 1, str)
    for snap in self.snaps:
        # commented because not used
        # atoms = snap.atoms
        if oldnumeric:
            newatoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol + 1), np.Float)
            newatoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol + 1), np.float)
        newatoms[:, 0:ncol] = snap.atoms
        snap.atoms = newatoms
def next(self)
Expand source code
def next(self):

    if not self.increment:
        raise ValueError("cannot read incrementally")

    # read next snapshot in current file using eof as pointer
    # if fail, try next file
    # if new snapshot time stamp already exists, read next snapshot

    while 1:
        f = open(self.flist[self.nextfile], "rb")
        snap = self.read_snapshot(f)
        if not snap:
            self.nextfile += 1
            if self.nextfile == len(self.flist):
                return -1
            self.eof = 0
        self.eof = f.tell()

    # select the new snapshot with all its atoms

    snap = self.snaps[self.nsnaps]
    snap.tselect = 1
    snap.nselect = snap.natoms
    for i in range(snap.natoms):
        snap.aselect[i] = True
    self.nsnaps += 1
    self.nselect += 1

    return snap.time
def owrap(self, other)
Expand source code
def owrap(self, other):
    print("Wrapping to other ...")

    id = self.names["id"]
    x = self.names["x"]
    y = self.names["y"]
    z = self.names["z"]
    ix = self.names["ix"]
    iy = self.names["iy"]
    iz = self.names["iz"]
    iother = self.names[other]

    for snap in self.snaps:
        xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
        yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
        zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
        atoms = snap.atoms
        ids = {}
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            ids[atoms[i][id]] = i
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            j = ids[atoms[i][iother]]
            atoms[i][x] += (atoms[i][ix] - atoms[j][ix]) * xprd
            atoms[i][y] += (atoms[i][iy] - atoms[j][iy]) * yprd
            atoms[i][z] += (atoms[i][iz] - atoms[j][iz]) * zprd
        # should bonds also be owrapped ?
        if self.lineflag == 2 or self.triflag == 2:
                snap.time, xprd, yprd, zprd, ids, atoms, iother, ix, iy, iz
def read_all(self)
Expand source code
def read_all(self):

    # read all snapshots from each file
    # test for gzipped files

    for file in self.flist:
        if file[-3:] == ".gz":
            f = popen("%s -c %s" % (PIZZA_GUNZIP, file), "r")
            f = open(file)

        snap = self.read_snapshot(f)
        while snap:
            print(snap.time, file=sys.stdout, flush=True, end=" ")
            snap = self.read_snapshot(f)


    # sort entries by timestep, cull duplicates

    self.snaps.sort()  # self.snaps.sort(self.compare_time)  #%% to be fixed in the future (OV)
    self.nsnaps = len(self.snaps)
    print("read %d snapshots" % (self.nsnaps))

    # select all timesteps and atoms


    # print column assignments

    if len(self.names):
        print("assigned columns:", ",".join(list(self.names.keys())))
        print("no column assignments made")

    # if snapshots are scaled, unscale them

    if (
        (not "x" in self.names)
        or (not "y" in self.names)
        or (not "z" in self.names)
        print("dump scaling status is unknown")
    elif self.nsnaps > 0:
        if self.scale_original == 1:
        elif self.scale_original == 0:
            print("dump is already unscaled")
            print("dump scaling status is unknown")
def read_snapshot(self, f)

low-level method to read a snapshot from a file identifier

Expand source code
def read_snapshot(self, f):
    """ low-level method to read a snapshot from a file identifier """

    # expand the list of keywords if needed (INRAE\Olivier Vitrac)
    # "keyname": ["name in snap","type"]
    itemkeywords = {"TIME": ["realtime","float"],
                    "TIMESTEP": ["time","int"],
                    "NUMBER OF ATOMS": ["natoms","int"]}
        snap = Snap()

        # read and guess the first keywords based on itemkeywords
        found = True
        while found:
            item = f.readline()
            varitem = item.split("ITEM:")[1].strip()
            found = varitem in itemkeywords
            if found:
                tmp = f.readline().split()[0]  # just grab 1st field
                if itemkeywords[varitem][1]=="int":
                    valitem = int(tmp)
                    valitem = float(tmp)

        # prefetch
        snap.aselect = np.zeros(snap.natoms,dtype=bool)

        # we assume that the next item is BOX BOUNDS (pp ff pp)
        words = item.split("BOUNDS ")
        if len(words) == 1:
            snap.boxstr = ""
            snap.boxstr = words[1].strip()
        if "xy" in snap.boxstr:
            snap.triclinic = 1
            snap.triclinic = 0

        words = f.readline().split()
        if len(words) == 2:
            snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy = float(words[0]), float(words[1]), 0.0
            snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy = (

        words = f.readline().split()
        if len(words) == 2:
            snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz = float(words[0]), float(words[1]), 0.0
            snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz = (

        words = f.readline().split()
        if len(words) == 2:
            snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz = float(words[0]), float(words[1]), 0.0
            snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz = (

        item = f.readline()
        if len(self.names) == 0:
            self.scale_original = -1
            xflag = yflag = zflag = -1
            words = item.split()[2:]
            if len(words):
                for i in range(len(words)):
                    if words[i] == "x" or words[i] == "xu":
                        xflag = 0
                        self.names["x"] = i
                    elif words[i] == "xs" or words[i] == "xsu":
                        xflag = 1
                        self.names["x"] = i
                    elif words[i] == "y" or words[i] == "yu":
                        yflag = 0
                        self.names["y"] = i
                    elif words[i] == "ys" or words[i] == "ysu":
                        yflag = 1
                        self.names["y"] = i
                    elif words[i] == "z" or words[i] == "zu":
                        zflag = 0
                        self.names["z"] = i
                    elif words[i] == "zs" or words[i] == "zsu":
                        zflag = 1
                        self.names["z"] = i
                        self.names[words[i]] = i
                if xflag == 0 and yflag == 0 and zflag == 0:
                    self.scale_original = 0
                if xflag == 1 and yflag == 1 and zflag == 1:
                    self.scale_original = 1

        if snap.natoms:
            words = f.readline().split()
            ncol = len(words)
            for i in range(1, snap.natoms):
                words += f.readline().split()
            floats = list(map(float, words))
            if oldnumeric:
                atoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol), np.float64)
                atoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms, ncol), np.float64)
            start = 0
            stop = ncol
            for i in range(snap.natoms):
                atoms[i] = floats[start:stop]
                start = stop
                stop += ncol
            atoms = None
        snap.atoms = atoms
        return snap
        return 0
def realtime(self)

time as simulated: realtime()

Expand source code
def realtime(self):
    """ time as simulated: realtime() """
    vec = self.nselect * [0.0]
    i = 0
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect or not hasattr(snap,"realtime"):
        vec[i] = snap.realtime
        i += 1
    return vec
def scale(self, *list)
Expand source code
def scale(self, *list):
    if len(list) == 0:
        print("Scaling dump ...")
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        for snap in self.snaps:
            self.scale_one(snap, x, y, z)
        i = self.findtime(list[0])
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        self.scale_one(self.snaps[i], x, y, z)
def scale_one(self, snap, x, y, z)
Expand source code
def scale_one(self, snap, x, y, z):
    if snap.xy == 0.0 and snap.xz == 0.0 and snap.yz == 0.0:
        xprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.xhi - snap.xlo)
        yprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.yhi - snap.ylo)
        zprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.zhi - snap.zlo)
        atoms = snap.atoms
        if atoms != None:
            atoms[:, x] = (atoms[:, x] - snap.xlo) * xprdinv
            atoms[:, y] = (atoms[:, y] - snap.ylo) * yprdinv
            atoms[:, z] = (atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo) * zprdinv
        xlo_bound = snap.xlo
        xhi_bound = snap.xhi
        ylo_bound = snap.ylo
        yhi_bound = snap.yhi
        zlo_bound = snap.zlo
        zhi_bound = snap.zhi
        xy = snap.xy
        xz = snap.xz
        yz = snap.yz
        xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
        xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
        ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0, yz))
        yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0, yz))
        zlo = zlo_bound
        zhi = zhi_bound
        h0 = xhi - xlo
        h1 = yhi - ylo
        h2 = zhi - zlo
        h3 = yz
        h4 = xz
        h5 = xy
        h0inv = 1.0 / h0
        h1inv = 1.0 / h1
        h2inv = 1.0 / h2
        h3inv = yz / (h1 * h2)
        h4inv = (h3 * h5 - h1 * h4) / (h0 * h1 * h2)
        h5inv = xy / (h0 * h1)
        atoms = snap.atoms
        if atoms != None:
            atoms[:, x] = (
                (atoms[:, x] - snap.xlo) * h0inv
                + (atoms[:, y] - snap.ylo) * h5inv
                + (atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo) * h4inv
            atoms[:, y] = (atoms[:, y] - snap.ylo) * h1inv + (
                atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo
            ) * h3inv
            atoms[:, z] = (atoms[:, z] - snap.zlo) * h2inv
def scatter(self, root)
Expand source code
def scatter(self, root):
    if len(self.snaps):
        namestr = self.names2str()
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        print(snap.time, file=sys.stdout, flush=True)

        file = root + "." + str(snap.time)
        f = open(file, "w")
        print("ITEM: TIMESTEP", file=f)
        print(snap.time, file=f)
        print("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS", file=f)
        print(snap.nselect, file=f)
        if snap.boxstr:
            print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", snap.boxstr, file=f)
            print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", file=f)
        if snap.triclinic:
            print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy, file=f)
            print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz, file=f)
            print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz, file=f)
            print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, file=f)
            print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, file=f)
            print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, file=f)
        print("ITEM: ATOMS", namestr, file=f)

        atoms = snap.atoms
        nvalues = len(atoms[0])
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            line = ""
            for j in range(nvalues):
                if j < 2:
                    line += str(int(atoms[i][j])) + " "
                    line += str(atoms[i][j]) + " "
            print(line, file=f)
    print("\n%d snapshots" % self.nselect)
def set(self, eq)
Expand source code
def set(self, eq):
    print("Setting ...")
    pattern = "\$\w*"
    list = re.findall(pattern, eq)

    lhs = list[0][1:]
    if not self.names.has_key(lhs):

    for item in list:
        name = item[1:]
        column = self.names[name]
        insert = "snap.atoms[i][%d]" % (column)
        eq = eq.replace(item, insert)
    ceq = compile(eq, "", "single")

    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if snap.aselect[i]:
def setv(self, colname, vec)
Expand source code
def setv(self, colname, vec):
    print("Setting ...")
    if not self.names.has_key(colname):
    icol = self.names[colname]

    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        if snap.nselect != len(vec):
            raise ValueError("vec length does not match # of selected atoms")
        atoms = snap.atoms
        m = 0
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if snap.aselect[i]:
                atoms[i][icol] = vec[m]
                m += 1
def sort(self, *listarg)
Expand source code
def sort(self, *listarg):
    if len(listarg) == 0:
        print("Sorting selected snapshots ...")
        id = self.names["id"]
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if snap.tselect:
                self.sort_one(snap, id)
    elif type(listarg[0]) is types.StringType:
        print("Sorting selected snapshots by %s ..." % listarg[0])
        id = self.names[listarg[0]]
        for snap in self.snaps:
            if snap.tselect:
                self.sort_one(snap, id)
        i = self.findtime(listarg[0])
        id = self.names["id"]
        self.sort_one(self.snaps[i], id)
def sort_one(self, snap, id)
Expand source code
def sort_one(self, snap, id):
    atoms = snap.atoms
    ids = atoms[:, id]
    ordering = np.argsort(ids)
    for i in range(len(atoms[0])):
        atoms[:, i] = np.take(atoms[:, i], ordering)
def spread(self, old, n, new)
Expand source code
def spread(self, old, n, new):
    iold = self.names[old]
    if not self.names.has_key(new):
    inew = self.names[new]

    min, max = self.minmax(old)
    print("min/max = ", min, max)

    gap = max - min
    invdelta = n / gap
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        atoms = snap.atoms
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            ivalue = int((atoms[i][iold] - min) * invdelta) + 1
            if ivalue > n:
                ivalue = n
            if ivalue < 1:
                ivalue = 1
            atoms[i][inew] = ivalue
def time(self)

timestep as stored: time()

Expand source code
def time(self):
    """ timestep as stored: time()"""
    vec = self.nselect * [0]
    i = 0
    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        vec[i] = snap.time
        i += 1
    return vec
def unscale(self, *list)
Expand source code
def unscale(self, *list):
    if len(list) == 0:
        print("Unscaling dump ...")
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        for snap in self.snaps:
            self.unscale_one(snap, x, y, z)
        i = self.findtime(list[0])
        x = self.names["x"]
        y = self.names["y"]
        z = self.names["z"]
        self.unscale_one(self.snaps[i], x, y, z)
def unscale_one(self, snap, x, y, z)
Expand source code
def unscale_one(self, snap, x, y, z):
    if snap.xy == 0.0 and snap.xz == 0.0 and snap.yz == 0.0:
        xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
        yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
        zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
        atoms = snap.atoms
        if atoms != None:
            atoms[:, x] = snap.xlo + atoms[:, x] * xprd
            atoms[:, y] = snap.ylo + atoms[:, y] * yprd
            atoms[:, z] = snap.zlo + atoms[:, z] * zprd
        xlo_bound = snap.xlo
        xhi_bound = snap.xhi
        ylo_bound = snap.ylo
        yhi_bound = snap.yhi
        zlo_bound = snap.zlo
        zhi_bound = snap.zhi
        xy = snap.xy
        xz = snap.xz
        yz = snap.yz
        xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
        xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz))
        ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0, yz))
        yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0, yz))
        zlo = zlo_bound
        zhi = zhi_bound
        h0 = xhi - xlo
        h1 = yhi - ylo
        h2 = zhi - zlo
        h3 = yz
        h4 = xz
        h5 = xy
        atoms = snap.atoms
        if atoms != None:
            atoms[:, x] = (
                snap.xlo + atoms[:, x] * h0 + atoms[:, y] * h5 + atoms[:, z] * h4
            atoms[:, y] = snap.ylo + atoms[:, y] * h1 + atoms[:, z] * h3
            atoms[:, z] = snap.zlo + atoms[:, z] * h2
def unwrap(self)
Expand source code
def unwrap(self):
    print("Unwrapping dump ...")

    x = self.names["x"]
    y = self.names["y"]
    z = self.names["z"]
    ix = self.names["ix"]
    iy = self.names["iy"]
    iz = self.names["iz"]

    for snap in self.snaps:
        xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
        yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
        zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
        atoms = snap.atoms
        atoms[:, x] += atoms[:, ix] * xprd
        atoms[:, y] += atoms[:, iy] * yprd
        atoms[:, z] += atoms[:, iz] * zprd
def vecs(self, n, *colname)



tab = vecs(timestep,"id","x","y") tab = vecs(timestep,["id","x","y"],"z") X.vecs(X.time()[50],"vx","vy")

Expand source code
def vecs(self, n, *colname):
            tab = vecs(timestep,"id","x","y")
            tab = vecs(timestep,["id","x","y"],"z")
    snap = self.snaps[self.findtime(n)]

    if len(colname) == 0:
        raise ValueError("no columns specified")
    if isinstance(colname[0],tuple):
        colname = list(colname[0]) + list(colname[1:])
    if isinstance(colname[0],list):
        colname = colname[0] + list(colname[1:])
    columns = []
    values = []
    for name in colname:
        values.append(snap.nselect * [0])
    ncol = len(columns)

    m = 0
    for i in range(snap.natoms):
        if not snap.aselect[i]:
        for j in range(ncol):
            values[j][m] = snap.atoms[i][columns[j]]
        m += 1

    if len(colname) == 1:
        return values[0]
        return values
def viz(self, index, flag=0)
Expand source code
def viz(self, index, flag=0):
    if not flag:
        isnap = index
        times = self.time()
        n = len(times)
        i = 0
        while i < n:
            if times[i] > index:
            i += 1
        isnap = i - 1

    snap = self.snaps[isnap]

    time = snap.time
    box = [snap.xlo, snap.ylo, snap.zlo, snap.xhi, snap.yhi, snap.zhi]
    id = self.names["id"]
    type = self.names[self.atype]
    x = self.names["x"]
    y = self.names["y"]
    z = self.names["z"]

    # create atom list needed by viz from id,type,x,y,z
    # need Numeric/Numpy mode here

    atoms = []
    for i in range(snap.natoms):
        if not snap.aselect[i]:
        atom = snap.atoms[i]
        atoms.append([atom[id], atom[type], atom[x], atom[y], atom[z]])

    # create list of bonds from static or dynamic bond list
    # then generate bond coords from bondlist
    # alist = dictionary of atom IDs for atoms list
    # lookup bond atom IDs in alist and grab their coords
    # try is used since some atoms may be unselected
    #   any bond with unselected atom is not added to bonds
    # need Numeric/Numpy mode here

    bonds = []
    if self.bondflag:
        if self.bondflag == 1:
            bondlist = self.bondlist
        elif self.bondflag == 2:
            tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, bondlist, tmp4, tmp5 = self.objextra.viz(time, 1)
        alist = {}
        for i in range(len(atoms)):
            alist[int(atoms[i][0])] = i
        for bond in bondlist:
                i = alist[bond[2]]
                j = alist[bond[3]]
                atom1 = atoms[i]
                atom2 = atoms[j]

    # create list of tris from static or dynamic tri list
    # if dynamic, could eliminate tris for unselected atoms

    tris = []
    if self.triflag:
        if self.triflag == 1:
            tris = self.trilist
        elif self.triflag == 2:
            tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tris, tmp5 = self.objextra.viz(time, 1)

    # create list of lines from static or dynamic tri list
    # if dynamic, could eliminate lines for unselected atoms

    lines = []
    if self.lineflag:
        if self.lineflag == 1:
            lines = self.linelist
        elif self.lineflag == 2:
            tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, lines = self.objextra.viz(time, 1)

    return time, box, atoms, bonds, tris, lines
def wrap(self)
Expand source code
def wrap(self):
    print("Wrapping dump ...")

    x = self.names["x"]
    y = self.names["y"]
    z = self.names["z"]
    ix = self.names["ix"]
    iy = self.names["iy"]
    iz = self.names["iz"]

    for snap in self.snaps:
        xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
        yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
        zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
        atoms = snap.atoms
        atoms[:, x] -= atoms[:, ix] * xprd
        atoms[:, y] -= atoms[:, iy] * yprd
        atoms[:, z] -= atoms[:, iz] * zprd
def write(self, file, header=1, append=0)
Expand source code
def write(self, file, header=1, append=0):
    if len(self.snaps):
        namestr = self.names2str()
    if not append:
        f = open(file, "w")
        f = open(file, "a")

    if "id" in self.names:
        id = self.names["id"]
        id = -1
    if "type" in self.names:
        type = self.names["type"]
        type = -1

    for snap in self.snaps:
        if not snap.tselect:
        print(snap.time, file=sys.stdout, flush=True)

        if header:
            print("ITEM: TIMESTEP", file=f)
            print(snap.time, file=f)
            print("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS", file=f)
            print(snap.nselect, file=f)
            if snap.boxstr:
                print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", snap.boxstr, file=f)
                print("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS", file=f)
            if snap.triclinic:
                print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, snap.xy, file=f)
                print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, snap.xz, file=f)
                print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, snap.yz, file=f)
                print(snap.xlo, snap.xhi, file=f)
                print(snap.ylo, snap.yhi, file=f)
                print(snap.zlo, snap.zhi, file=f)
            print("ITEM: ATOMS", namestr, file=f)

        atoms = snap.atoms
        nvalues = len(atoms[0])
        for i in range(snap.natoms):
            if not snap.aselect[i]:
            line = ""
            for j in range(nvalues):
                if j == id or j == type:
                    line += str(int(atoms[i][j])) + " "
                    line += str(atoms[i][j]) + " "
            print(line, file=f)
    print("\n%d snapshots" % self.nselect)